7×6 Combo Guide and Strategies


7×6 teams are the way of the future and even though I was first against them, I cannot deny the sheer power and potency they bring. Dungeons are designed with a 6×5 board in mind and having an additional 12 orbs (or 4 potential combos) to work with can trivialize various encounters.

This article will illustrate how I approach a 7×6 board along with the tips and strategies I utilize. I want to stress that this is not the only way to approach a given board and is simply the method I employ. Thus, you can use one or up to all the listed points and incorporate them as you deem fit.

Video commentary

This video may be of more help due to it showcasing combos in real time

6×5 strategies

I am well aware that this is a 7×6 board guide, but we still need to understand how a 6×5 board works, how it differs, and what strategies we can carry over. You can read more about it HERE.

Section 1, 2, 3 method

This is how I personally solve 6×5 boards and while your own experience may vary, I will be using this method for the purpose of this article.

The general gist is separating the board into three unique sections that can be solved in any order you wish. However, I highly recommend you solve section 3 last. In addition, you can invert or mirror the sections as you please, but try to keep the shapes the same.

Essentially, you wish to form section 1’s two horizontal rows on either the top or bottom and then create section 2 in a vertical manner. This is because it is far easier to manipulate orbs when you have at least 3 space in each direction. If section 2 was done horizontally, the first combo would be easy to match as you have 3 spaces, but the second and third will be come exceptionally challenging as you are no longer able to manipulate orbs in a vertical manner as easily.

For a more detailed explanation, please refer to the corresponding post HERE.

Can we apply the 1, 2, 3 method for 7×6 boards?

7×6 boards have a total of 42 orbs which can yield a maximum of 14 combos. However, the spacing is different as each row contains 7 orbs. 7 orbs is an unusual number as two sets of three do not fit nicely in and while you can incorporate a 4-match alongside a regular 3, it can often be challenging to manipulate the orbs in time.

However, if you examine the board vertically, we discover that it has 6 orbs. From here, we can then begin to apply the 1, 2, 3 sectional method. Just bear in mind I personally like to solve boards left to right and bottom to top.

Assigning sections

Due to the fact that 7×6 boards are significantly larger, it can be somewhat daunting to approach as you

For myself, i still want to use the 1, 2, 3 method, but instead will approach the board from a more vertical manner.

The 6×5 approach has you filling out section 1 first which results in a rectangle shape of orbs remaining. I personally find it easier to continue to solve boards that have a 4-sided shape remaining but this is again personal preference.

Section 1

Section 1 can be done on either the right or left hand side, but i personally prefer matching left to right so i tend to start there.

Once you quickly solve Section 1, you can then begin to plan how you wish to solve Section 2.

Section 2

Depending on how you solved Section 1, you will be either at the top or bottom of the board. In the above example, I would be in the lower half and can then proceed to match from bottom to top (you can easily invert Section 2 and 3).

You are effectively left with a 4×3 quadrant (or 4×6 if you blend Section 2 and 3).

This works well because you are left with a 4-sided shape and you have sufficient space to move in all directions. If you run into a situation with less than 3 space in any direction, you tend to have a much tougher time matching. As a result, I personally like to solve Section 2 in a horizontal manner.

By solving horizontally, you also open the chance to match TPA.

In the above example, I have successfully solved Section 2 as the heart orbs are going to cascade down in the bottom right corner. It now becomes a manner of solving the remaining available wood, fire, and heart combo in Section 3.

Section 3

Section 3 is what i like to call your leftover zone as you are now down to approximately a 4×3 board. It now becomes a game of tidying up your remaining orbs and if possible, trying to leave the leftover ones in such a way that you facilitate the chances of a Skyfall occuring.

In theory, you could have made an additional water combo, but if your team can utilize TPA, this may be a better scenario and illustrates how you squeeze in TPA in Section 2.

The above board yields 12 combos which is more than enough to satisfy any combo leader for their maximum multiplier. Remember, the goal with 7×6 is to consistently achieve your leader’s maximum multiplier and that caps out at 10 for meta teams.

Bi/Tri colour boards

Many combo-based teams will run a bi or tri colour board changer and while there are optimal boards available to copy for bi, tri colours have to be solved on your own.

Due to the fact that you have only a 2-3 elements, it becomes vital you match them in one direction to avoid clump-matching (matching blobs when you are aiming for sets of 3). On 6×5 boards, this tends to be horizontal as the spacing is just easier; however, you should switch to vertical when playing on a 7×6 board.

Conversely, if you will use the spare water in the below example to cut off the dark to yield an additional combo

When approaching bi colour boards, I try to only focus on a single colour when solving vertically. For example, if I focus on water, I only have to ensure there are no clumped combos and it can dramatically ease the matching. However, i do find myself switching between the elements as i progress through the board.

For tri colours, you follow a similar train of thought while doing your best to avoid clumped combos.

Utilizing cascades

Cascading is a strategy that has part of your board match and then additional combos afterwards due to planed movement of the remaining orbs. This differs from Skyfalls in that these are planned out ahead of time and are not reliant on luck.

Cascading will coincidentally increase the chances of a Skyfall occurring, but one of the main benefits of using Cascades is the ability to set up a board with fewer movements.

It can sometimes be tricky/impossible to manipulate orbs on the top and bottom and it may be more efficient to simply let them fall into place.

Due to the increased size of 7×6 boards, cascades may sometimes be necessary for success as it can allow you to match otherwise inaccessible orbs. For a more detailed guide on Cascading, please refer to my guide HERE.


Matching on 7×6 boards can be a daunting task, but if you break it down into sections, you are better able to focus on the task at hand. While these strategies are those that have proven effective for myself, you can always adjust to suit your needs or as the board dictates.

Let me know what strategies you use for approaching 7×6 boards.

Happy Puzzling!

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26 thoughts on “7×6 Combo Guide and Strategies”

  1. This doesn’t work well with rows 🙂 I like to play Tifa x Ameno/Xiu Min when I can, and it’s definitely a different beast. This strategy works great for Anubis x Diablos though. (Tachibana x Sakuya too, that’s a thing right?)


  2. Rows are pretty much out for now. 7×6 is fine, but you need to have a lot of skill or a device with a bigger screen to rock it. I don’t like the 7 combo absorb. I can hit seven consistently, but eight consistently is tough.


    1. I feel that rows are too awkward on 7×6 boards and really need to have an active used to help flood the board with their respective colour

      At least on a 7×6 board you can match 9-10 with relative ease


  3. I don’t see why you feel the need to divide a 6×7 board into sections. Why not just start on the left and keep building vertical 3-combos?


  4. Thank you for coming back to this. Anubis (me) + Diablos (friend) has made me practice this a lot more. Usually I try the “stacks of three” method and then run out of time, so I hope with this guide (and a bit more planning discipline) I’ll make more of this board type!


  5. I really like this 7×6 with Balthier and a Diabolos. But I was never thinking about a board this hard. 😀
    Just making 7+ combos, some TPA and everything is fine 😉


  6. No. Hard nyet.

    There is no earthly way it is optimal to make your columns be two clean matches, rather than often making them one match in the middle of the vertical column, and the other a fall-through vertical match. The six orbs just need to be in the column, they are completely indifferent to order beyond one of the colors initially matching. This isn’t even properly going cascade mode, it’s just making your column manipulation breezy faster even on the sections plan.

    Likewise, the diving into sections graphically explain nice so people follow the article, but it is much much easier in the TPA style to horozontal mix 4-3 3-4 layers back and forth without any respect to straying across sections. Whichever way the orbs more naturally lay when pulling things together.

    You’re a fine fellow, and the article is a great starting point and commendable. Imho, a lot of the starting points you evolve out of the deeper you sink into Diablos playstyle. Keep at it…


    1. You are correct in that this article can be used as a starting point because newer players technically have to relearn their spacial planning on a bigger board

      There is no one true way to solve a given board, but having a template in mind can make it more manageable. Even in 6×5 I don’t always follow the 1 2 3 perfectly as it may require cascades or other manipulations due to the starting position of the orbs and 7×6 also adheres to that

      Regardless, your way of matching is perfectly fine if it works for you as it all comes down to personal preference


  7. Same here, I divide the 7×6 board into three parts on my iPhone4 too, but it’s called section 1, section thumb, and section thumbnail, I cut my nails when I play with Anubis/diablo team no problem, the biggest issue is that I can’t always find my clippers 😦


  8. I try to use this same method to some degree. I star with stacked rows, but often feel I am running out of time so after the 3 stacked rows(6 combos) I find myself jumping to the easy wins for those final combos. Especially if i see TPA that would be useful.

    However, when it comes to a Bi-colour board, I think horizontal matching is better if you have the right numbers. 21 is obviously the magic number for a perfect board, but if you have 17-21 of one colour it means you still can get at least 10 combos with at least 2 TPA of each colour. Obviously this only matters if you have TPA in your team. But if you use Norn of Etched Water Skuld, Ney or Awoken Andromeda in your team then the damage increase from the TPA is worth it.


  9. How do you include a stacked column of hearts and a 3×3 block? These new features have me baffled in comboing. Inquiring minds want to know.


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