Player’s Choice Godfest Voting Advice and Predictions – October 2017

Player’s Choice Godfest in a Nutshell

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Player’s Choice Godfests (PCGF) are some of the most exciting events Puzzle and Dragons as it grants everyone to make their voice heard to create a special pool of monsters with increased rates.

Unfortunately, it also has the potential to turn into a disaster through the voting of 6-star Godfest Exclusives. Despite the fact that the top 25 cards will be featured at higher rates (or actually available for GFE), they are not weighted evenly.

Previous PCGF have had excessively high rates for GFE that resulted in terrible rates overall. This is because it is my understanding that all cards have a baseline value for rolling which is then augmented through each Godfest. Thus, if the majority of the top cards voted in are GFE, the overall rates for featured cards are significantly lower compared to having most of them being Pantheon monsters. This will result in a higher chance of rolling silver eggs and other forms of sadness.

With that being said, the introduction of 6-star Pantheon cards tends to result in rolling rates akin to 5-star GFE.

What to vote for

I am not going to tell you to vote for XYZ card because what you should be voting for should be what can benefit your monster box most. However, you should resist the urge to vote for 6-star GFE and instead put your choice behind a powerful Pantheon card.

Player’s Choice Godfests are meant to be for chasing Pantheon cards across different families. This is because like any family, there are some bad eggs (even gold eggs) and normal Godfests always feature the entire Pantheon at increased rates. Thus, voting for the strong select cards from each series will help create what could be arguably the strongest Godfest to date.

This has further relevance for Pantheons that do not have strong accompanying cards as you are able to “snipe” them for higher rates.

Vote for what is relevant now

Due to the rapid rate of Powercreep, you ideally want to have cards that are currently powerful. Voting for outdated cards can be wasteful as they may not make it in along with causing possible disappointment when rolled as they lose their value much faster.

Perhaps to better guide you, here is my current and updated tier list for Pantheon cards along with the tier list from the previous PCGF if you are interested in comparison/how cards have aged. Some cards on the list are unable to be voted for.

Pantheon Tier List – October 4, 2017
3385  3071 3449  3386 Carat Facet 
A Cao Cao 3110 Sheen 3387  3243   

     Raphael 3068 3069 3238 3101 Rozuel Ariel 3202 Dark Valk   3070 

3105 2920  3269  2985  3241 3242 GValk
3384 3271 3103  Cameo Avalon Drake Michael  Red Valk Blue Valk

3198   Awoken Ares     Famiel
3200 Muse Silk 2918 Leeza   Awoken Archdemon Lucifer 3273 3062

Uriel Gabriel   Set I&I 3270 3054 3056
3058 3060
 2982  2916 Nobunaga Valen Zeta Hydra Thor 
  Red Guan Yu Guan Yu  3272  
Cerebrus Rider Green wee jas Hamal Fire Dragon Knight Water Dragon Knight Earth Dragon Knight Shining Dragon Knight Shadow Dragon Knight   Genie

3239 3240 3450 3107 Thanatos  Wee Jas Laila Sharon Dark Chester
Light Zhuge Liang  Red Riding Hood Snow White Thumbelina  Sleeping Beauty
Thuban Sadalmelik Alnair Shedar Diadem  Green Zhuge Liang 2922 3204 3206

A Lu Bu Chiyome Hatsume Sasuke Fuma Hanzo arcline Shaitan Undine Sylph
 Dino Rider Merlin Rider Marine Rider Arthur Rider Gryps Rider
Nim Delgado Creuse Lucifer Griffan Rider
Kraken Rider Unicorn Rider
Pantheon Tier List – May 12, 2017

   3071 3449 Isis  3386 Carat Facet 


     Blue Valk

A Cao Cao 3110 Sheen 3387  3070  3243

Raphael 3068 3069 3238 3101 Rozuel Ariel 3202 Dark Valk

3269 3062 2985  3241 3242
3384 3271 3103 3198 Cameo Avalon Drake Michael  Red Valk
GValk 2920

Awoken Ares     3105 Famiel
3200 Muse Silk 2918 Leeza   Awoken Archdemon Lucifer 3273

Uriel Gabriel   Set I&I 3270 3054 3056
3058 3060
 2982  2916 Nobunaga Valen Zeta Hydra Thor 
  Red Guan Yu Guan Yu 

3272 Cerebrus Rider Green wee jas Fire Dragon Knight Hamal Water Dragon Knight Earth Dragon Knight Shining Dragon Knight Shadow Dragon Knight 
 Awoken Karin Genie

3239 3240 3450 3107 Thanatos  Wee Jas Laila Sharon Dark Chester
Light Zhuge Liang Red Riding Hood  Snow White Thumbelina  Sleeping Beauty
Thuban Sadalmelik Alnair Shedar Diadem  Green Zhuge Liang 2922

A Lu Bu Chiyome Hatsume Sasuke Fuma Hanzo arcline Shaitan Undine Sylph
 Dino Rider Merlin Rider Marine Rider Arthur Rider Gryps Rider
Nim Delgado Creuse Denebola 3204 3206 Lucifer Griffan Rider
Kraken Rider Unicorn Rider
Because people will still want to vote for GFE
GFE Tier List – October 4, 2017
3414    3235  


 3390 Eschamali Ryune Saria Gremory 3391 3260  
 3416  Sherias Roots Typhon Dark Kali


Sylvie Scheat  2997 Ult Sumire Australis 2991 Fenrir 3233
Fenrir Viz    3370 3268 Ult Kaede 3372 Ronove

 3392 Gadius 2993
Sherias Kali

This list mostly takes into consideration the current state in NA/EU as I have not had enough time to properly evaluate the new JP evolutions due to a lack of time as I am moving in 10 days.

Past PCGF Trends

The PCGF in May 2017 had much better voting overall compared to those in the past. Perhaps this was due to the fact that Pantheon cards were amazingly powerful (as the top tier leaders at the time had a much lower dependency on 6-star GFE). However, the meta has once again shifted to being heavily dominated by 6-star Godfest Exclusives and I do foresee this PCGF being much more heavily weighted towards GFE and 6-star Pantheon cards.

Player’s Choice Godfest May 2017
1-5  3414   
6-10 Indra Dark Kali 3385  3071
11-15 A Liu Bei 3386 3416 Bankai Andro Isis
16-20 Lumiel Eschamali 3233  
21-25 3236 3273 3202  

The trends before were to use Anubis 3385, Kushinadahime , and Dark Athena 3193 and the voting heavily reflected those team compositions. Unfortunately, only Anubis tends to see heavy usage in current end game content and the likes of Yog , Ameno , and Dark Metatron  have risen in popularity. Furthermore, Follow Up Attack  is mostly tied to GFE which will further skew voting results.

Predictions for top 25

These opinions are strictly my own and are who I feel will be voted into this Player’s Choice Godfest. Cards appear in no particular order:

3414   3235 
 Saria Ryune 3260 
 3385  3071 
3449  3386  

These predictions are based on the need for duplicates, the relative age of the card (release date), how well they fit in the current meta, and possible Waifu factor.

From my predictions, there will be:

  • Seven 6-star GFE 3414   3235   Ryune
  • Four 5-star GFE Saria  3260 
  • Five 6-star Pantheon     
  • Nine 5-star Pantheon 3385  3071  3449  3386  

By comparison to May, my predicted line up will feature significantly more rare cards.

if I had to predict a top 3, I would go with Yog , Ney , and Skuld .


Player’s Choice Godfest is an exciting time, but I strongly caution you against voting for Godfest Exclusives. Your vote is better spent on valuable Pantheon cards as those will have significantly higher rates compared to GFE. Unfortunately, the current meta heavily favours 6-star GFE and Pantheon cards so I feel the results will be high rarity-heavy.

You can cast your vote HERE.

Let me know who you plan on voting for and why in the comments below.

Happy Puzzling!

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43 thoughts on “Player’s Choice Godfest Voting Advice and Predictions – October 2017”

  1. I used all my stones for FF Collab, but oh well.

    Voted for Nohime because I want the fire coverage on my diablos team for those pesky all attribute dungeons.


    1. I also voted for Nohime! Only one out of that pantheon I don’t have, and I didn’t want to pad out the GFEs any. My collection is pretty much complete, as I finished some pantheons over the last couple godfests (still missing Lumiel, grr!) GFEs I’m still missing are Ryune, Ney, Yog, Dantalion, Paimon and Fenrir Viz.

      Which means….. I probably won’t be rolling unless we get the x10 rates for the top 3 or whatever. I’d be better off saving for the new dragony machine, or another collab or something.


  2. For my main account, unfortunately (if your predictions are correct) the only ones i want are 6*s. Ameno, Fujin, Ney. I wouldnt mind Diaochan and Tachibana…but again, 6*.

    For my alt, I desperately would like to get Anubis, Indra, Haku(not to mention the 6*s from above).

    In the end, I think an Anubis to pair with my main account would see the most use. So my 2 accounts will be voting for him.


    1. Yeah the problem is the newer pantheon are all 6* bases so their relative age and rarity are going have them voted in. However you can never go wrong with an extra Indra!


  3. Just give me my Meimeis and a Spica. F♡€♧ this $#¡♤.
    By the way. You need to explain your tier list. Most stuff is clear, but why is Perseus this high? Ok, I play him as a leader and as a sub at Balthier and he perform great. But is he really this good?


  4. Voted Ilm. At this stage my box is in severe need of 6* GFE as I can count the number of 5* pantheon/gfe I could use situationally on one hand where as I would need to grow extra fingers/toes to count the number of 6* pantheon and GFE I could use.

    I’ll probably continue to vote for 6* because even if the number of silver eggs I get tripple, if I get even one 6* I need, it’ll be worth it for my teams.


  5. Quick question: If Yog, Ameno and Dark Metatron are among the new hotness in popularity for end game content, why does Dark Metatron not make your list?


  6. What I would vote for would be Ney because I really need one more for a triple Ney team. However, I’m voting for I&I, Lumiel, Blonia, Typhon, Calamari, Scheat, Baldin, Paimon, or Raijin because I’m banking on the ones that I want a bit more being voted in by others. If there’s a monster you really think should be in there, besides suppose Tsubaki, Urd, or Inahime, then you should not vote for Ney, Fujin, or Skuld and just go for that because those will be voted in anyways


  7. Leilan may also gain popularity in preparation for Fireworks Athena/Revo Athena, because she’s DAthena, but farmable, and hits 81x and 4x RCV, practically the same activation


  8. I’m going with Indra cos the only shields i have are Dmeta and Halloween&NY Iza. But Tsubaki? Uhh what’s about her? tbh I want to use her as a lead but nobody uses her nowadays. Is it cos of the sub version w Killers?


  9. I don’t think isis, tsubaki and urd will make it in. I can see why you’d put them there, but tsubaki is horrifically undervalues by the player base, Urd doesn’t really provide any unique advantages over verdandi except being fire, but fire teams aren’t that great anymore. Isis is kinda niche at best, and ra dragon is almost completely wiped from the meta entirely. I do hope that we’ll get some older pantheon cards that still have some value thrown in, and less GFE.


  10. Fire got a beating in this fest… Kagutsuchi was the only red main… Am I missing something about its importance? I have several in my box collecting dust.

    I’m a little surprised by Paimon too; guess Yog sub? Or cute bear ears…


    1. People were noting that Kagutsuchi was the first option in the list, so he could be a false positive (i.e. whoever is first in the list -always- will get voted in). Paimon is an amazing sub for Ameno and other light teams, more so when the ults come (wish I had one).


      1. I also wondered if Gungho wanted to make sure each colour would get at least their top vote and Kagutsuchi was the only one


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