Xiu Min Ranking Dungeon Score Tracking

What is this?

I plan to pin the current daily NA Ranking Dungeon chart compiled by pandaa for the duration of the Ranking Tournament. Due to the fact that I am usually not awake at Midnight, it may take some time for the new current day to be added.

Generally speaking, NA tends to start significantly higher than JP on non-fixed teams as we are able to see the top strategies right away. This leads to much higher scores early on, but also a faster plateau as players hit their maximum potential. With that being said, NA should be able to score higher on non-fixed teams due to the fact that we have more time to prepare and have the winning strategies already made.

On the other hand, being 2-3 months behind JP provides little benefit for Fixed Teams as the strategy is to usually just puzzle your way through.

Use these charts as a rough guideline for your own scores and possible rewards.

Current day NA cutoff for Crown: 131,102
JP Crown: 131,152

Current day NA cutoff for Magic Stone & Xiu Min: 101,566
JP Xiu Min and Magic Stone: 95,022

Corresponding article detailing teams and strategies are coming soon.

Happy Puzzling!

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32 thoughts on “Xiu Min Ranking Dungeon Score Tracking”

    1. this is the hardest ranking dungeon we’ve gotten. I recommend coming to the PAD community discord server to get help teambuilding,


  1. i got to 21% with a dark devil row team. used Lubu to smack the last 2 floors with rows, and combos. 2 dark witches, pandora, and 2 Lucifers helped.


  2. 1 and 2 button with llimina. 3 combo. 4 button with Bu. 4 button with Bu. 6 and 7 combo . 8 use Bu and combo. Use llimina and make 3×3 square out of red hope for 6 combos. Super awaking 3×3 has to be on 3 llimina and two physical assist on the two llimina you button with on floor 1 and 2


  3. Heyo! Long time lurker but a pretty big fan. Super appreciate you consistently making content for this game ~

    Anyways my question is where do you get the source for the score tracker? I’m currently sitting at 132,002 and really want that crown since I threw away wayyy too many rainbow piis and snowglobes trying out different teams.


    1. The actual chart is made my pandaa (a friend) and various JP resources show their own score tracking

      As for your score, I strongly feel you should get a crown as you are above JP and NA is hitting a plateau 1.3k points below you =)


  4. 6 percent. 1 Y-Limina. 2 Combo. 3 Mega Metatron. 4 Combo. 5 Mega Metatron. 6 Combo 7Mega Metatron. 8 Pop Whaleor with Carat assist Before combo for max damage. 9 sheena and make 3×3 square dark. This team is easy every board is Bi coloured. If you dont have whaleror use Carot and change Y Llmina to red Llmina


  5. Had the JP template team (with lance instead of that light crows guy)… got to 3.2% pretty quickly, but couldn’t break it without stoning for stamina… once you get to those levels, it’s literally just retry and pray for skillfalls.

    Ended up with 132k, currently at 2% (saturday evening)… should hold I think.


              1. Cool, I moved him to slot 1 (don’t need brachy anymore), and I should have my base veroah up for the event as well if you want to give that a shot. I’ve been using dual veroah for 100% drop rates on medals, with triple 7c subs it’s not too bad (kyo, ideal, dcotton).


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