Monster Hunter Collab Review and Analysis – April 2019

**All pulls will cost 10 Magic Stones**
Review of the Hunters will be done separately


This coming Monday marks the exiting return of the Monster Hunter Collab which was last  seen in January of 2018. Amusingly, the Weapon Assists from Monster Hunter have become arguably more powerful with end game content heavily featuring problematic mechanics that are best dealt with by resisting them.

For the most part, the Monster Hunter Collab can be thought of as the Weapon Assist Collab as all of the cards are able to assume a Weapon Assist evolutions which grants the 5-star cards incredible value. As such, it is worth rolling in this event for just the 5-star cards as some are able to provide 60% resistance to Blind Blind Resist, Jammer Jammer Resist, or Poison Poison resist attacks.

Furthermore, all cards (new and returning) are able to be Limit Broken and receive Super Awakenings which pumps their weighted stats to amazingly high values.

Despite the fact that the top rarity cards are able to be acquired via the Monster Exchange system, the cost is far too high and would be difficult to justify for the majority of players.

This article will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of all the featured cards to give players a better understanding of whether or not Magic Stones should be spent. With that being said, the answer will often be yes if one should be rolling in this event as it holds so many valuable cards for pushing into the higher levels of Arena and end game content.

On a different note, I have hidden a special Easter Egg in this article =)

Video commentary

—You are beautiful and Happy Easter!—


Monster Hunter Pros & Cons – April 18, 2019
  • All cards can be Limit Broken/SA
    • Massive weighted stats
  • Some of the best Weapon Assists in the game
  • Huge value at the 5-star rarity
  • Introduces a new Leader Skill mechanics for row/blob teams
  • Puts the Dragons in Puzzle and Dragons
  • One of the prettier Orb Skins
  • All rolls cost 10 Magic Stones
  • Large rolling pool
    • Harder to roll specific card
  • No cards have Voice Awakening
    • GH missed out on ROARS
Monster Hunter Collab REM
7 Star base   
6 Star base      
5 Star base   
Monster Hunter REM Rankings – April 18, 2019

Order within each tier is random and not reflective of ranking

All icons show non-Weapon Assist form

Regardless of card’s ranking, you should always keep it if it is your very first time acquiring them.

Limit Breaking

Limit Breaking is the process of leveling a card beyond level 99. This will unlock more weighted stats along with the potential to receive Super Awakenings. These additional awakenings can add significant power but only function in solo mode.

Any card that can qualify for Limit Breaking will having their level displayed in blue and feeding a Super Snow Globe will push them beyond the level 99 cap.

You can read more about Super Awakenings HERE.

Monster Exchange

The Monster Exchange System has mostly eliminated the need to roll in most events as players can simply trade in for a card of their choice. This is often done during lackluster events to avoid spending Stones on poor bottom rarity cards or to snipe a specific card if luck is not on your side.

Weapon Assists

Weapon Assists are a special evolution for select cards that will be used exclusively as inherits. This form retains the same base stats as the original form but will also transfer over all awakenings on the Weapon Assist card and this occurs if the Awoken Assist  is present.

This type of evolution is permanent and cannot be reversed; however, during the card’s respective event, it is possible to Monster Exchange them to reverse them back to the original form. Doing this will forfeit all pluses, skill ups, and awakenings.

My approach to Collab rolling

Rolling and Rare Egg Machine is a gamble and it becomes a matter of maximizing your rate of returns in an event. For myself and non-IAP approach (only purchase Stones via gifts) I tend to be quite frugal and only roll during strong events.

This translates into rolling when the bottom rarity has high value as those will be the most common cards. Furthermore, I may utilize the Monster Exchange system to acquire the higher rarity cards if they will significantly advance my progress. As such, I tend to look most closely at the 5-star pool to determine if it is worth rolling in.

This is just my own personal approach and everyone has different goals/motivations so take this section with a grain of salt.

7 Star base

All 7* base cards can be used in the Monster Exchange for other 7* cards from the Monster Hunter Collab or rare Seasonal cards/7* GFE. Each trade will cost a total of 5 fodder making it quite expensive.

Amatsu – S

Active: Unlock all orbs; Change Dark orbs to Water orbs; Change Wood orbs to Heal orbs (8 turn CD)

Leader Skill: 2x ATK & RCV for Physical, Dragon type; 5x ATK when matching 2 Water combos, up to 7x at 3 Water combos [1/196/4]

Awakenings: Bind Immune Bind Immune Skill Boost Skill Lock Resist Time Extend 45 45 Bind Clear awakening
Super Awakenings: 45
Dragon / Physical
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1249 (1561)
HP 9046 (11308) / ATK 1622 (2028) / RCV 62 (78)
Weapon Assist:  Imp ATK

  • Gigantic HP
  • Powerful awakenings
    • High damage output
    • Brings utility
  • Active unlocks orbs
    • Creates Water & Hearts
  • Too orb hungry as a leader
    • Primarily a super sub
  • Average Weapon Assist
  • Tiny RCV

Amatsu has been transformed into an incredible HP-stick for virtually any team along with bringing valuable utility and damage. With 11,308 HP at level 110 (before Plus Eggs), Amatsu can greatly augment the survivability of any team he is present on. Thankfully, he can be used across a reasonably wide array of teams and including him is almost always beneficial.

In addition to his massive bulk, Amatsu fulfills the role of a damage stick, FUA and soft Bind Clear Bind Clear awakening. Furthermore, his active skill provides an Orb Unlock and Water/Heart generation while also being on a reasonable cooldown.

Taking all of these points into consideration, it is hard to not use Amatsu on a team where his typing/colours are accepted.

Weapon Assist  Imp ATK

Amatsu’s Weapon Assist is able to provide 2 Team HP awakenings which can add a significant amount of HP. While this can be reasonable, I am more inclined to use Resists (Blind Resist Jammer Resist Poison resist) for challenging content as those often directly save active skills. With that being said, the extra HP may be vital for surviving giant preemptives without a shield while the L can be used to overcome Locked Orbs/Skyalls.

In summary, I would only make this Weapon Assist if I had multiple Amatsus to spare.

Diablos – S

Active: Enhance all orbs; Deal damage equal to 25% of enemies’ max HP (24 turn CD)

Leader Skill: [Board becomes 7×6]; 8.5x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when 8 or more combos [1/72.25/1/43.75%]

Awakenings: Skill Lock Resist Time Extend Time Extend Skill Boost Skill Boost 45 Bind Immune Bind Immune
Super Awakenings: 45 Skill Boost
Dragon / Devil
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1250 (1562)
HP 4500 (5625) / ATK 3162 (3952) / RCV 503 (629)
Weapon Assist: TPA Dark Reduction Enhanced Wood Orb Dark Orb Enhance Imp ATK

  • Most flexible 7×6 leader
    • Provides ATK & Damage Reduction
  • Massive weighted stats
  • Can gain either damage or utility via SA
  • Do not have to own to pair with
  • Long base cooldown
    • Harder to inherit over
    • Low viability
  • Terrible Weapon Assist
  • More 7×6 options exist
  • No buffs to LS

Diablos was the undisputed king of 7×6 leaders upon his debut as he carried a significant multiplier along with Damage Reduction. Furthermore, quite a few leaders could benefit from the larger board so he was a common sight on friend’s lists.

Unfortunately GungHo has not been kind to Diablos as they failed to buff his Leader Skill and he only acquired Limit Break and Super Awakenings this time around. While this may feel like a slap in the face, Diablos is still one of the best, if not the best 7×6 leader. This is because he has no colour/typing restriction which translates into more flexible team building and VDP options. Furthermore, he does have some powerful pairing with Akuma and Roche who both greatly benefit from the larger board.

Generally speaking, 7×6 leaders pair best with high combo leaders or those who rely on colour crosses as the 12 additional orbs gives more room to work with. With this in mind, players do not actually need to own Diablos to take advantage of him as they can simply pair their leaders with a friend.

While there are more 7×6 leaders available today (eg. Gilgamesh and Sensui ) most tend to have various restrictions on either sub compositions or orbs/boards that can be used. Of course, Diablos is not without faults and his main weakness is a lackluster active skill.

Diablos’s 25% True Gravity is able to always deal exactly 1/4 of a spawn’s HP but this can be negated via Void mechanics and would only be truly viable in a cheesing scenario. As such, the 24 turn cooldown makes it challenging to inherit over which often relegates your team to 5 usable actives. With that being said, Weapon Assist on Diablos are a reasonable compromise.

Taking all of this it consideration, Diablos is still a powerful leader despite not receiving any buffs to his Leader Skill.

Weapon Assist TPA Dark Reduction Enhanced Wood Orb Dark Orb Enhance Imp ATK

While Diablos has amazing Leadership potential, his Weapon Assist form is almost laughable due to it only providing a single TPA which can be done via many other equips. As such, this form should only be considered if many dupes are owned but dupe Diablos may just be better off as Trade Fodder.

Nergigante – B

Active: Change far left column to Dark orbs and change far right column to Heal orbs; For 4 turns, Dark orbs are more likely to appear by 15% (10 turn CD)

Leader Skill: 4x ATK and reduce damage taken by 35% when above 50% HP; 4x ATK for matched Att. when matching 5 Orbs with 1+ enhanced [1/256/1/57.75%]

Awakenings: Bind Immune Bind Immune Skill Lock Resist Dark Orb Enhance Dark Orb Enhance Dark Orb Enhance Dark Orb Enhance
Super Awakenings: 45
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1250 (1562)
HP 5302 (6628) / ATK 2597 (3246) / RCV 602 (752)
Weapon Assist Skill Boost Dark Orb Enhance Imp ATK

  • Skill Boost Skill Boost Weapon Assist
  • Valuable active for Dark teams
  • 5o1e Leader
    • Inconsistent/risky
    • Match-5 leaders are superior
  • Less viable in today’s meta
  • Many Skill Boost Weapons exist

Nergigante has never been a desired 7-star card within the Monster Hunter Collab due to the fact that his kit revolves around the outdated 5 orb, 1 enhance (5o1e) mechanic. 5o1e leaders must math exactly 5 connected orbs with one of them being enhanced in order to deal damage with that specific colour.

This is problematic as a whole because players MUST have an enhanced orb which can be lost via enemy orb changers and using board changers can be risky as your primary colour may not come enhanced. Furthermore, it can give issues when using VDP will need 5 + 9 = 14 orbs to achieve while also diminishing combo count. At this point in time, Match-5 leaders are vastly superior as they do not have to have enhanced orbs and can connect more orbs for full activation. As such, Nergigante is just too awkward as a leader when compared to most available options.

Moving beyond his middling leadership potential, Nergigante owns an interesting active as he is able to produce a column of Dark and Heart orbs while also providing 4 turns of Dark Skyfalls. This is helpful for essentially any Dark team as the column translates into an instant FUA and the additional Dark orbs can help with activation. As such, he may be often used as an inherit but his Weapon Assist form has less merit for traditional content.

Weapon Assist Skill Boost Dark Orb Enhance Imp ATK

Nergigante’s Weapon Assist provides a single Skill Boost Skill Boost which can be invaluable for certain content and farming as it allows actives to be used one turn earlier. As such, players can modify their teams accordingly or utilize different compositions that would not have been possible. Unfortunately, the Skill Boost tends to have less merit in longer content as the bonus only applies at the beginning of the dungeon. Furthermore, quite a few other Weapon Assists provide Skill Boost which makes Nergigante less unique.

Zinogre – S

Active: For 1 turn, bypass damage absorb shield effects; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, and Dark orbs (24 turn CD)

Leader Skill: 7x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching 5 or more colors; 3x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when 7 or more combos [1/441/1/68.36%]

Awakenings: Bind Immune Bind Immune Time Extend Time Extend 45 Skill Lock Resist
Super Awakenings: 45
Dragon / Physical
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1349 (1686)
HP 6507 (8134) / ATK 3155 (3944) / RCV 204 (255)
Weapon Assist: Time Extend Skill Lock Resist Poison resist Poison resist Imp ATK

  • Powerful leader skill
  • Powerful Weapon Assist
  • Fujin -style active
    • CD offset by Skill Charge
  • Can pair with Sensui
  • Rainbow activation clause
    • Can be inconsistent
    • No damage without all 5 colours
    • Can make VDP challenging
    • Limits orb changers

Zinogre has received massive buffs this time around while also boasting one of the highest weighted stats in the game. As a leader, Zinogre relies on Rainbow activation to tap into a personal 21x ATK / 43.75% Damage Reduction (421x / 68.38% with dual) when matching all 5 colours and hitting 7 combos.

For the most part, this can run into consistency issues as it is unlikely to actually have all 5 colours present. As such, Zinogre will be demoted to 9x ATK / 43.75% Damage Reduction leader. While the Damage Reduction will often be sufficient, the tiny ATK will kill virtually nothing. To be honest, this is the main crux of Rainbow teams but thankfully, Zinogre still retains a hefty amount of Damage Reduction without full activation.

Utilizing double Zinogre gives way to massive damage potential, but requiring all 5 colours can make VDP quite difficult. As such, it may not be a terrible idea to pair with Sensui as the larger board can help mitigate orb troll along with Sensui also requiring rainbow activation to succeed.

Thankfully, Zinogre brings more to the table as he has both a powerful active and Weapon Assist form. Zinorgre’s active shares the same Damage Absorb negation as Fujin along with a rainbow board changer. Furthermore, their Skill Charge awakening helps bring their active skill up significantly faster. Amusingly, Zinogre’s base cooldown is not punished for owning Skill Charge as his 24 turns is on par with most other Fujin-style actives.

Weapon Assist: Time Extend Skill Lock Resist Poison resist Poison resist Imp ATK

Zinogre’s Weapon Assist has several key benefits: providing 40% Poison Resist Poison resist, Skill Bind Resist Skill Lock Resist, and Damage Absorption Void. The 40% Poison Resist synergizes well with other Resist Weapons and a Zinogre plus Raithian equals 100% resistance. Furthermore, the Damage Absorption Void is often a desired ability and the fact that it comes with useful awakenings makes it one of the best options for higher level content.

Fatalis (New) – S

Active: Unlock all orbs; Create L shape of Dark orbs with center at top row and far right column; Create L shape of Dark orbs with center at bottom row and far left column (10 turn CD)

Leader Skill: 5x ATK and 2x HP for Dark Att.; Increase orb movement time by 2 seconds; 3x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching 5 Dark orbs in L shape [4/225/1/43.75%]

Awakenings: Bind Immune Bind Immune  Skill Lock Resist
Super Awakenings: Skill Boost
Dragon / Attacker
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1250 (1562)
HP 4300 (5375) / ATK 4000 (5000) / RCV 60 (75)
Weapon Assist:  Poison resist Poison resist Jammer Resist Jammer Resist Imp ATK

  • Massive base ATK
    • High personal damage when L
  • Amazing Weapon Assist
  • Unique active
  • Potent Leader Skill
    • Flexible subs
    • High effective HP
  • Orb hungry
  • Combo count is stressed
  • Must match in an L
    • Damage tied to L’s
    • Less cards have this
  • Some issues with VDP

Fatalis is the first new card of the Monster Hunter Collab and is a sizable powerhouse as both a Leader and Weapon Assist. As a leader, Fatalis is able to form a 4x HP / 225x ATK / 43.75% Damage Reduction team which gives him the same multipliers as Dark Metatron . With this in mind, he is already a formidable leader and his activation clause only requires 5 Dark orbs.

Generally speaking, 5 Dark orbs is not always available from every given board so there will be some down time but thankfully, the 4x HP should make stalling doable. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to hit 7 combos and an L which may place some constraints on damage output as most cards feature 7 Combo 45 over L . With that being said, Fatalis will have huge personal output due to his massive ATK stat and triple L awakenings.

In terms of team building, Fatalis can use any Dark card which gives him a large degree of flexibility as he can customize his team to the dungeon/mechanics at hand.

For the most part, Fatalis does not have too many weaknesses, but one major issue could be combo shields that are paired with Void mechanics. This is because Fatalis only activates when matching his L, not any other shape/number of orbs. As such, making an L and VDP will result in a significantly lower combo count that becomes worse if FUA is required.

Moving beyond his leadership potential, Fatalis can be transformed into a powerful Weapon Assist that has tremendous value in end game content.

Weapon Assist:  Poison resist Poison resist Jammer Resist Jammer Resist Imp ATK

Fatalis’s Weapon Assist is able to provide 40% coverage against Poison and Jammer orbs which can open up inheritance options as fewer Weapon Assists are needed to counter two popular mechanics. Furthermore, the L included can be invaluable as teams often wish to run a single L unlock to counter Locked orbs and Locked Skyfalls.

Akantor (New) – B

Active: Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to Fire, Wood, Light, and Dark orbs (7 turn CD)

Leader Skill: 4x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching 6 or more connected Fire or Dark orbs; 4x ATK and increase combo by 1 when matching 4 or more colors [1/256/1/43.75%]

Awakenings: Bind Immune Bind Immune Skill Boost Skill Boost Time Extend Time Extend Skill Lock Resist 45 45
Super Awakenings: Skill Boost  
Dragon / Attacker
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1250 (1562)
HP 5410 (6762) / ATK 3137 (3921) / RCV 245 (306)
Weapon Assist: Blind Resist Blind Resist Blind Resist Imp ATK

  • Introduces +Combo LS
  • Fast charging board changer
  • Weapon Assist is almost same as 5* MH card
  • Requires Rows/blobs + Rainbow
    • Limits orb changers

Akantor is one of two cards that provide an additional combo count when matching specific orbs/patterns. This has the potential to revitalize the row/blob playstyle as Combo Shields were often a major stopping point for these leader skills. Essentially Akantor is able to gain +2 combos (one from each leader) when matching 6 or more connected Fire or Dark orbs. This will almost always jump up to 7 combos (for awakenings) and can stack with additional matches. Unfortunately, Akantor has quite a few drawbacks that prevents him from breaking the meta.

With this in mind, GungHo has at least done a good job of not overpowering this mechanic and kept Powercreep in check. Like any new mechanic, it has the potential to change/break the meta if too strong upon initial release and I feel GungHo is testing the waters to see how well it functions. As such, Akantor is not an exceptional leader as he requires both rows/blob along with Rainbow activation.

Both components can suffer from activation consistency as a given board may not always have those available. Furthermore, Rainbow activation can severely limit orb changers as many become unusable.

While this may feel like a let-down, I am glad GungHo did not overpower the new +Combo mechanic and look forward to future leaders who have this ability.

Weapon Assist: Blind Resist Blind Resist Blind Resist Imp ATK

Akantor’s Weapon Assist is an upgrade to Nargacuga’s Weapon Assist as it provides Team HP/RCV, but the fact that a 5-star card in the same Collab also has 60% Blind Resistance makes it hard to justify converting Akantor into his Weapon Assist form.

Yama Tsukami (New) – B

Active: For 1 turn, no skyfall; Change all orbs to Wood, and Light orbs (11 turn CD)

Leader Skill: 2x ATK and increase combo by 2 when matching 6 or more connected Wood and Light orbs at once; 6x ATK and 1.5x HP for Wood Att. [2.25/144/1]

Awakenings: Bind Immune Bind Immune  Skill Lock Resist Wood Row Wood Row Wood Row
Super Awakenings:
Dragon / Physical
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1250 (1562)
HP 8824 (11030) / ATK 1726 (2158) / RCV 68 (85)
Weapon Assist: Wood Row Wood Row Skill Boost Imp ATK

  • Features +Combo Leader Skill
    • Provides +2 per match
  • Low effective HP
  • Does not surpass current options
  • Requires 6 Wood AND Light

Yama Tsukami is the second card to feature the +Combo Leader Skill but like Akantor, does not excel as a leader and is average at best. Despite the fact that Yama Tsukami has an easier activation condition (only requires two blobs) and more added combos, their ATK multiplier is significantly lower while also only having 2.25x HP.

At this point in time, 2.25x HP is quite lacking from an Effective HP point of view and can make it difficult to survive troublesome mechanics. While it is possible to get by in some cases, being required to have both 6 Wood and Light to deal damage can lead to numerous activation inconsistencies.

With that being said, Yama Tsukami is quite unique as matching both 6 Wood and Light yields +4 combos (2 from each leader) and enables them to play with 7 Combo 45 subs quite easily. As such, team building can be modestly flexible and I do look forward to seeing how this mechanic evolves over time.

Weapon Assist: Wood Row Wood Row Skill Boost Imp ATK

Yama Tsukami’s Weapon Assist provides a single Skill Boost Skill Boost which can be invaluable for certain content and farming as it allows actives to be used one turn earlier. As such, players can modify their teams accordingly or utilize different compositions that would not have been possible. Unfortunately, the Skill Boost tends to have less merit in longer content as the bonus only applies at the beginning of the dungeon. Furthermore, quite a few other Weapon Assists provide Skill Boost which makes Yama Tsukami’s less unique (there are two in Monster Hunter plus Amen for 750,000 MP).

6 star base

Kirin – C

Active: For 1 turn, increase combo count by 1; Change top row to Light orbs (9 turn CD)

Leader Skill: [No Skyfall]; 2.5x ATK & RCV for Light Att.; 3x ATK when matching 6 or more connected Light orbs up to 4.5x at 9 orbs [1/126.25/6.25]

Awakenings: Bind Immune Bind Immune Light Row Skill Boost Time Extend Light Row Light Row Light Row
Super Awakenings: Light Row Skill Boost
Typing: Dragon / Balance
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1100 (1375)
HP 3520 (4400) / ATK 2650 (3312) / RCV 655 (819)
Weapon Assist: Light Row Light Row Light Row Blind Resist Poison resist Imp ATK

  • Weapon Assist provides 20% Resistance
  • Potential Light, No Skyfall lead
  • Card feels outdated
  • Might as well use Trojan Horse

Kirin is one of the original Monster Hunter cards and will be largely looked down upon by the majority of players. With that being said, they do have the potential to be a fast farming leader due to their No Skyfall clause and easy activation for 126x ATK. Unfortunately, many other options exist and not all players are GungHo on minimizing time spent due to No Skyfalls.

Weapon Assist: Light Row Light Row Light Row Blind Resist Poison resist Imp ATK

Kirin’s Weapon Assist will often feel like an inferior Trojan Horse as they only provide 20% Resistance against Blinds and Poison whereas the “farmable” Trojan Horse also has 20% Jammers. Perhaps this can save a purchase of a Trojan Horse and the Light rows can add some damage but it is a stretch overall.

Rathalos – C

Active: Create 6 Fire orbs; Enhance all Fire orbs (7 turn CD)

Leader Skill: 2.5x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching 2+ Fire combos; 6x ATK for matched Att. when matching 5 Orbs with 1+ enhanced [1/225/1/43.75%]

Awakenings: Skill Lock Resist Time Extend Time Extend Skill Boost 45  Enhnaced Fire Orb Enhnaced Fire Orb 45
Super Awakenings: 45
Typing: Dragon / Attacker
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1201 (1501)
HP 4853 (6068) / ATK 2908 (3635) / RCV 403 (504)
Weapon Assist:  Enhnaced Fire Orb Enhnaced Fire Orb Enhnaced Fire Orb Enhnaced Fire Orb  Imp ATK

  • Becomes a triple 7c 45 card via SA
  • Merits on mono-Fire teams
  • Provides little utility
    • Mostly a damage stick
  • No Bind Immunity unless SA
    • Cannot gain triple 7c

Rathalos becomes a high stat, triple 7 Combo 45 via Super Awakenings but the main problem is they somewhat become blurred into the myriad of high damage cards and do not have any truly stand out features.

Rathalos is reliant on their Super Awakenings for the additional damage but that also means they cannot become Bind Immune along with them providing little-to-no utility overall. As such, they do not stand out from the crowd and I feel they would mostly be used if lacking other options are playing a mono-fire leader.

Weapon Assist:  Enhnaced Fire Orb Enhnaced Fire Orb Enhnaced Fire Orb Enhnaced Fire Orb  Imp ATK

Rathalos’s Weapon Assist is able to provide Enhanced Fire Orbs which provides a significant amount of additional damage for mono-Fire teams as 80% of those orbs fall down enhanced. With that being said, we tend to have sufficient damage for most teams and it would be hard to justify an active/inherit slot over Resists.

Glavenus – B

Active: For 1 turn, 2x ATK for Dragon, Attacker types; Change 2nd column from right to Fire orbs (9 turn CD)

Leader Skill: 2x ATK & RCV for Dragon, Attacker type; 3x ATK for each cross of 5 Fire, Dark orbs [1/2916/4]

Awakenings: Time Extend Time Extend Skill Boost Skill Lock Resist Time Extend Skill Boost
Super Awakenings: 45
Typing: Dragon / Attacker
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1201 (1501)
HP 4853 (6068) / ATK 2908 (3635) / RCV 403 (504)
Weapon Assist: 42 42 Imp ATK

  • Powerful Weapon Assist
    • Tape Resist
    • Double Enhance Material Killer 42
  • Almost exclusively a Weapon Assist

Glavenus has little merit outside of a Weapon Assist unless Colour crosses are you jam but even at that, there are better options.

Weapon Assist: 42 42 Imp ATK

Glavenus’s Weapon Assist is quite niche, but wonderfully effective at what it provides. Firstly, the Tape Resist can make life significantly easier, especially since it will still function in Coop unlike Super Awakenings. Generally speaking, this type of awakening is not always needed but pays dividends when it works. On the other hand, the double Enhance Material Killer 42 awakenings help trivialize these rare but sometimes troublesome spawns.

Glavenus’s Weapon Assist will not always be used, but is a great card to own under the right circumstances.

Mizutsune – B

Active: For 6 turns, 3x RCV; For 6 turns, Heal orbs are more likely to appear by 15% (8 turn CD)

Leader Skill: 2x HP & ATK for Dragon type; 3x ATK when matching 2+ Water combos [4/36/1]

Awakenings: Time Extend Skill Lock Resist Skill Boost Skill Boost Multiplayer Bonus
Super Awakenings:
Typing: Dragon / Healer
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1099 (1374)
HP 3598 (4498) / ATK 2032 (2540) / RCV 1000 (1250)
Weapon Assist: +heart  Imp ATK

  • Functions as a Healing stick in both forms
    • 1,250 RCV
    • Team RCV
    • Grants Enhanced Heal Orb +heart
    • 3x RCV from active
  • Numerous other healing options available
    • Mel
    • Kuroyuri system

Mizutsune can be best thought of as a Healing-stick on various teams due to their 1,250 RCV, Team RCV , active, and Weapon Assist form.

When used as a sub, their massive RCV in conjunction with Team RCV can help most teams fully replenish their health and is further boosted in multiplayer where their Coop Boost Multiplayer Bonus takes effect. Furthermore, their active has nearly 100% up-time on its own and provides a massive 3x RCV and a higher chance for Heal orbs to appear. This can be used to offset teams with 1x RCV and inheriting a Resist Weapon on Mizutsune can add further utility.

With that being said, Mizutsune faces stiff competition from various Enhanced Heal Orb +heart subs along with the fact that these do not require an active skill to function. This does open up some team building flexibility as an active does not need to be dedicated for healing.

Weapon Assist: +heart  Imp ATK

Mizutsune’s Weapon Assist essentially acts as a Healing steroid as the two Team RCV and Enhanced Heal Orb will greatly improve the healing output of any team. Despite the appeal, it may be hard to justify using this unless the intended target has an active skill would be used for that team. For example, inheriting this Weapon Assist on Eir will greatly improve her healing output, but the may not be needed. As such, if one is planning to rely on Eir’s base skill, this can be a possible healing buff to your team.

Valphalk – C

Active: Deal 1000 fixed damage to all enemies; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, and Dark orbs (8 turn CD)

Leader Skill: [Fixed 4 second movetime]; 2x HP & ATK for Dragon type; 13x ATK when matching 5 or more colors [4/676/1]

Awakenings: Bind Immune Bind Immune Skill Lock Resist Skill Boost TPA 45 TPA
Super Awakenings: 45
Typing: Dragon / Devil
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1199 (1499)
HP 4205 (5256) / ATK 2904 (3630) / RCV 595 (744)
Weapon Assist: TPA Blind Resist Imp ATK

  • 676x ATK
  • Forces fast movements
  • Fixed 4 seconds
    • Can never increase time
  • Mostly a challenge/Ranking leader
  • Mediocre Weapon Assist

Valphalk has become an amazingly potent 4 second leader due to their massive 676x ATK but they will be mostly pushed into a challenge or Ranking Dungeon leader.

This is because 4 seconds is not a feasible amount of movement time, especially various patterns must be met (which become harder with Rainbow activation). Thus, Valphalk may be a leader you use to flex on other players, for No Awakenings, or for Ranking Dungeons. All of these mediums reward/force players to match quickly so one might as well take advantage of Valphalk’s powerful multipliers.

Weapon Assist: TPA Blind Resist Imp ATK

Valphalk’s Weapon Assist is able to provide a single TPA but this becomes somewhat blurred among the myriad of other TPA options which makes it hard for them to stand out. As such, I would only convert if one has no other TPA option. With that being said, TPA equips can be useful in certain Ranking Dungeons where the Style Points heavily favour TPA matches.

Legiana – C

Active: Reduce binds by 5 turns; Replace all orbs (9 turn CD)

Leader Skill: [No skyfall]; 4x ATK when there are 8 or fewer orbs remaining; 5x ATK when matching Water+Wood+Dark [1/400/1]

Awakenings: Bind Immune Bind Immune Time Extend Skill Boost  45
Super Awakenings: 45 
Typing: Dragon / Attacker
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1250 (1562)
HP 4003 (5004) / ATK 3006 (3758) / RCV 746 (932)
Weapon Assist: Water Row Water Row Water Row Jammer Resist Poison resist Imp ATK

  • Full Board Replace
  • Cannot swipe farm with LS
  • Weapon Assist only provides 20% Resist
    • Rows are somewhat wasted
    • Use Trojan Horse instead?

Legiana’s main appeal will be their full Board Replace as it enables players to reset a given board along with removing various problems. A Replace is different compared to a board changer as it will remove all orbs on the board and skyfall new ones into place. This can potentially cause combos to form and match (can trigger Leader Skills etc.) but the main benefit is removing Sticky/Super blinds. Sticky Blinds must either be matched away or wait until their turn timer runs out so using a Replace was the main counter before.

Fortunately for us, we can now achieve 100% Blind Resist Blind Resist with relative ease and countering a mechanic via awakenings is almost always more favourable than an active.

Weapon Assist: Water Row Water Row Water Row Jammer Resist Poison resist Imp ATK

Legiana’s Weapon Assist will mostly feel like an inferior Trojan Horse as it provides 20% Resist against two popular mechanics but the Water Rows will mostly go to waste.

Brachydios – A

Active: Deal 300x ATK Light damage to an enemy; Change top row and bottom row to Jammer orbs (16 turn CD)

Leader Skill: 4x ATK and 1.5x HP for Fire, Light Att.; 5x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching 2+ Jammer combos [2.25/400/1/43.75%]

Awakenings: Skill Boost Skill Boost Time Extend Skill Lock Resist 45 Devil killer Devil killer
Super Awakenings: Skill Boost 45
Typing: Dragon / Attacker
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1250 (1562)
HP 4502 (5628) / ATK 3402 (4252) / RCV 360 (450)
Weapon Assist: +light orb +light orb +light orb +light orb  Imp ATK

  • Massive ATK stat
    • One of the largest natural Buttons
    • Can inherit Coop Boost Multiplayer Bonus
  • 300x ATK Button
    • Modest cooldown
    • Can be used in conjunction with full mono boards
  • Double row maker
  • Double Devil Killer Devil killer
    • Can use Devil Killer latents
  • Keep in base form unless many dupes
  • Leader Skill requires Jammers

Brachydios has become an amazingly powerful card due to his Limit Break and now 4,252 ATK before Plus Eggs. Generally speaking, having high ATK is often unneeded but having this high of an ATK combined with their 300x Button makes them quite exciting.

Button Farming is the art of using actives that deal large amount of damage to instantly kill a floor. For the most part, this requires high multiplier actives combined with cards that have high ATK stats. Thus, Brachydios has an amazing natural kit and one can further bolster his output by having him inherit a Coop Boost Multiplayer Bonus Weapon. This will enable him to Button through exceptionally high health spawns and the created Jammers can combo with full mono boards to create 7 combo VDP (18-12 split). If anything, the double rows can be used simply for this purpose. One thing to keep in mind is that Brachydios is sometimes a popular Button for Ranking Dungeons as he will charge up significantly faster while also coming with double Devil Killers Devil killer.

Outside of his Button potential, Brachydios can also function as a stellar Devil Killer due to his high ATK and ability to also use Devil Killer latents. While he does compete with things like Shazel and Mito, Brachydios is a different colour along with owning 1-2 7 Combos 45 which will further propel his output.

As a leader, Brachydios has strong multiplier on paper but the 2 Jammer combo clause may make it challenging to fully utilize along with the Damage Reduction component being tied to those matches.

Weapon Assist: +light orb +light orb +light orb +light orb  Imp ATK

Brachydios’s Weapon Assist can act as a powerful Button option but why not just use them directly as a sub? On the other hand, the >80% and Enhanced Light orbs can add significant damage under the right circumstances but I would be loathe to convert my only copy of Brachydios for this purpose.

Gore Magala (New) – B

Active: Remove all binds and awoken skill binds; Change Jammer, Poison, Mortal Poison, Bomb orbs to Dark orbs (8 turn CD)

Leader Skill: 8x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching 4 or more colors; 2x ATK & RCV for Dark Att.; Increase orb movement time by 2 seconds [1/256/4/43.75%]

Awakenings: Bind Immune Bind Immune Skill Boost Skill Lock Resist Time Extend 45 Skill Boost
Super Awakenings:   45
Typing: Dragon / Devil
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1200 (1500)
HP 5569 (6961) / ATK 2528 (3160) / RCV 413 (516)
Weapon Assist: Healer Killer Dark Orb Enhance Dark Orb Enhance Imp ATK

  • Full Bind/Awoken Bind clear
    • Hazard removal
  • Reasonably potent Rainbow leader
  • Rainbow teams face activation issues
  • Weapon Assist is less unique
    • Pantheon card has Healer Killer Healer Killer

Gore Magala is one of the two new 6-star cards added to the Monster Hunter Collab and comes with an interesting kit. Firstly, they are able to fully clear Binds and Awoken Binds while also being inheritable. This gives players additional options should Odin Dragon 3264 is an inappropriate choice. Building upon this, Gore Magala is also able to assume a Healer Killer Healer Killer Weapon Assist.

Moving beyond this, Gore Magala is a reasonably potent Rainbow leader as they have modest multipliers but will always face the same activation inconsistencies as other Rainbow teams.

Weapon Assist: Healer Killer Dark Orb Enhance Dark Orb Enhance Imp ATK

The value of Gore Magala’s Weapon Assist will mostly hinge upon whether or not on owns the Twin Blade, Shotel as these are the only two Healer Killer Weapon Assists in the game. For the most part, this is a niche Killer but can help overcome certain spawns. Furthermore, Gore Magala actually comes with a useful active which may be used frequently in challenging content.

Seregios (New) – B

Active: For 5 turns, increase combo count by 1 (13 turn CD)

Leader Skill: 2x HP & ATK for Light Att.; 5x ATK when 7 or more combos; 50x ATK additional damage when matching orbs [4/100/1]

Awakenings: Skill Boost Skill Boost Skill Lock Resist TPA TPA TPA TPA Bind Immune Bind Immune
Super Awakenings: TPA Skill Boost
Typing: Dragon / Attacker
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1151 (1439)
HP 4189 (5236) / ATK 2870 (3588) / RCV 475 (594)
Weapon Assist: Auto heal Auto heal Auto heal Imp ATK

  • Orb skin
  • Tape Resist Weapon
  • LS provides free FUA
    • Has respectable multipliers
  • Active provides +1 Combo for 5 turns
  • LS requires 7 Combos
    • Harder to use for farming
  • Somewhat restrictive in uses

Seregios is the final new card to be added into the Monster Hunter Collab and is notable for their Orb Skin, Weapon Assist, and built in FUA via Leader Skill.

Seregios is able to provide 10x ATK along with 2x HP for Light cards which is reasonable for the most part but being able to provide additional damage after matching orbs is quite valuable. This is because the damage occurs after a Resolve is triggered which means the spawn still dies. This “Free FUA” is especially valuable against Resolve Void spawns as the 3×3 box may make combos difficult overall.

Generally speaking, these types of Leader Skills are used for farming but Seregios is able to tackle harder content due to their respectable multipliers. As such, they can pair with other Light powerhouses such as Superman and Yusuke.

Weapon Assist: Auto heal Auto heal Auto heal Imp ATK

Seregios’s Weapon Assist is able to provide Tape Resist  which is relatively niche overall. This is because Tape Attacks are somewhat rare and depending on the dungeon/spawn, can be manageable without requiring intervention. With that being said, being able to prevent this mechanic can be valuable and does function across all game modes due to it being a Weapon Assist.

Orb Skin

5 star base

Generally speaking, most 5-star cards will be converted to Weapon Assists where their Limit Break is unused. As such, if you do plan on making a Weapon Assist, do not Limit Break.

Rathian – S

Active: Poison all enemies (50x ATK); Delay enemies for 2 turns (12 turn CD)

Leader Skill: 4x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching 2+ Wood combos; 2.5x ATK for each cross of 5 Wood orbs  [1/625/1/43.75%]

Awakenings: Skill Boost Time Extend Skill Boost Skill Lock Resist Time Extend 45
Super Awakenings:  
Typing: Dragon / Attacker
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1169 (1461)
HP 4426 (5532) / ATK 2771 (3464) / RCV 518 (648)
Weapon Assist: Poison resist Poison resist Poison resist Imp ATK

  • One of the best 5-star Collab cards
  • One of the main reasons to roll MH
  • Triple Poison Resist Poison resist
  • Delay + Poison has some niche value
  • Almost only used as a Weapon Assist

Rathian is what I dream all 5-star cards should be like due to the fact that they have tremendous value in end game content and rolling 1-2 should induce joy instead of the usual sadness for gold eggs. This is because Rathian’s Weapon Assist is able to provide a walloping 60% Poison Resist along with having a reasonable active.

Poison orbs are some of the most dangerous mechanics in Puzzle and Dragons and being able to prevent their spawning is amazing. As such, players can now trivialize certain spawns as their main threat is the Poison orbs which means less actives need to be spent here along with a potential place to stall. Being able to counter any mechanic via awakenings will almost always be preferred over an active skill and is why Weapon Assist have become so popular/powerful.

In regards to Rathian’s active, the two turn delay plus modest Poison can have niche value against some spawns, most notably the Norns in Arena 4. The Norns all have Resolve and no Status Shield. As such, they can be Delayed and Poisoned which can grant extra turns but assuming they never triggered their <50% move set, the Poison can be used to kill them when Resolve triggers. Niche overall but worth mentioning as Poison Resist is quite valuable in that dungeon.

Weapon Assist: Poison resist Poison resist Poison resist Imp ATK

Make it.

Tigrex – C

Active: Change all orbs to Fire, Wood, and Jammer orbs (7 turn CD)

Leader Skill: [No Skyfall]; 1.5x all stats for Dragon type; 3.5x ATK for each cross of 5 Fire, Wood orbs [2.25/4137.06/2.25]

Awakenings: Skill Boost Time Extend Time Extend Enhnaced Fire Orb Enhnaced Fire Orb Enhnaced Fire Orb Enhnaced Fire Orb 45
Super Awakenings: 45  
Typing: Dragon / Physical
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1169 (1461)
HP 6635 (8294) / ATK 2365 (2956) / RCV 99 (124)
Weapon Assist: Imp ATK Imp ATK Imp ATK Time Extend

  • Fast charging board changer
  • Produces Jammers
  • Underwhelming Weapon Assist

Tigrex is one of the weaker cards in the Monster Hunter Collab due to the fact that their active and Weapon Assist are middling overall. Despite the fact that Tigrex has a 7-turn board changer, it has become less special for the most part as we are seeing more like this along with the fact that Heart are not produced along with Jammers being present.

Perhaps some players will find some fun in their Colour Cross Leader Skill but I feel there are better options available.

Weapon Assist: Imp ATK Imp ATK Imp ATK Time Extend

Tigrex’s Weapon Assist is able to provide +300 ATK to any attribute card but this is quite underwhelming for the most part as Weapon Assists are almost always better off providing “real” awakenings instead of just a modest stat boost.

Nargacuga – A

Active: Charge allies’ skill by 1 turn; Change 2nd column from left to Dark orbs (7 turn CD)

Leader Skill: [Fixed 4 second movetime]; 2.5x ATK & RCV for Dragon type; 6x ATK when 6 or more combos [1/225/6.25]

Awakenings: Skill Lock Resist Skill Boost Skill Boost Blind Resist Blind Resist
Super Awakenings: 45  
Typing: Dragon / Attacker
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1070 (1338)
HP 4141 (5176) / ATK 2572 (3215) / RCV 427 (534)
Weapon Assist: Blind Resist Blind Resist Blind Resist Imp ATK

  • 60% Blind Resist Blind Resist via Weapon
  • Primarily a Weapon Assist
  • Shorter base cooldown
    • Active is often not desired

Can be used as a “flex on people leader” or as a 4-second Ranking Dungeon approach. This is because in Ranking Dungeons, players wish to minimize the time spent so being forced to end your movement early is helpful. Furthermore, his damage is quite high and only requires 6 combos to achieve.

With that being said, Nargacuga will be primarily used for their Weapon Assist as their potential as a Leader or Sub is middling overall.

Weapon Assist: Blind Resist Blind Resist Blind Resist Imp ATK

Nargacuga’s Weapon Assist is able to provide a solid 60% Blind Resist which can be invaluable in end game content. At this point in time, Arena 5 is one of the most lucrative dungeons to farm and having 100% Blind Resist is somewhat mandatory for success. This is because the dungeon features many lethal floors with Sticky/Super Blinds that can only be really dealt with via Resisting or Board Replaces.

With this in mind, being able to counter the various floors with just awakenings is far superior to using actives. As such, utilizing Nargacuga is a common strategy for this dungeon.

The only real downside to Nargacuga’s Weapon Assist is that they have a reasonably short cooldown which means they may often charge up and become a burden as not all teams appreciate the column of Dark orbs.

Gammoth – D

Active: Create 3 Water, Wood, Dark orbs; Delay enemies for 1 turns (9 turn CD)

Leader Skill: 2x HP & ATK for Water Att.; 6x ATK when matching Water, Wood, Dark at once [4/144/1]

Awakenings: Skill Lock Resist Skill Boost Skill Boost Water Row Water Row Water Row
Super Awakenings:  
Typing: Physical / Attacker
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1150 (1438)
HP 7558 (9448) / ATK 1807 (2259) / RCV 100 (125)
Weapon Assist: Imp HP Imp HP Imp ATK Time Extend

  • I don’t know
  • Little value overall
  • Not a Dragon
    • How?

Gammoth is perhaps the saddest card in the Monster Hunter Collab as he is not even a Dragon and provides almost no value at this point in time.

This is because both his active, awakenings, and Weapon Assist do not outpace current options and are also not desirable for most content.

Weapon Assist: Imp HP Imp HP Imp ATK Time Extend

Gammoth’s Weapon Assist simply provides some stats which is largely unneeded as Weapon Assists are usually best served by providing “real” awakenings.

Astalos – B

Active: Delay enemies for 2 turns; For 2 turns, Light orbs are more likely to appear by 15% (9 turn CD)

Leader Skill: 7x ATK when matching 2 Light combos, up to 10x at 3 Light combos; Reduce damage taken from light, dark att. by 50% [1/100/1/75%]

Awakenings: TPA TPA Skill Boost TPA Time Extend TPA
Super Awakenings: 45 TPA 
Typing: Dragon / Attacker
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1150 (1438)
HP 5004 (6255) / ATK 2749 (3436) / RCV 300 (375)
Weapon Assist: 42 44  Imp ATK Time Extend

  • Weapon Assist provides unique Killers
  • Primarily a Weapon Assist
  • Unlikely Killers will overlap

Astalos is an interesting card as they are able to provide 3 unusual Killers in their Weapon Assist form which can help overcome various spawns. With this in mind, they will primarily be used as a Weapon Assist as their base form has no real merit.

Weapon Assist: 42 44  Imp ATK Time Extend

Astalos’s Weapon Assist is able to provide Killers against Enhance, Evolution, and Awoken Materials. For the most part, this is quite niche and I do not think the typings will overlap. Regardless, 3x damage is nothing to scoff at and can help overcome durable spawns like those found in Training Arena. Training Arena features all three types and having a single inherit to counter those can be invaluable.

Barioth – C

Active: Change all orbs to Water, Light, and Heal orbs; Delay enemies for 2 turns (14 turn CD)

Leader Skill: 3x ATK and 1.5x HP for Water Att.; 4x ATK when matching Water+Light [2.25/144/1]

Awakenings: Time Extend Skill Lock Resist Skill Boost TPA TPA TPA TPA
Super Awakenings:  TPA 
Typing: Dragon / Balance
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1153 (1441)
HP 5077 (6346) / ATK 2007 (2509) / RCV 732 (915)
Weapon Assist: RCV Latent RCV Latent Imp ATK Bind Clear awakening Bind Clear awakening

  • Tri-elemental board
    • Makes Water, Light, & Hearts
  • Weapon Assist provides two Recover Bind Bind Clear awakening
  • Primarily a Weapon Assist
  • Relatively long cooldown
  • Delay is often wasted

Barioth has a wonderful board changer for mono Light or Water teams such as Yusuke but the main problem is their 14 turn cooldown.

Generally speaking, a tri-elemental board with Heart is 9 turns (assuming no additional effects) so paying an extra 5 is quite hefty, especially considering the delay aspect will often be wasted. This is because this type of board changer is probably used to kill a floor so what is the point in delaying them? As such, it may be harder to justify using as an inherit for this reason alone.

Furthermore, their Weapon Assist is niche at best.

Weapon Assist: RCV Latent RCV Latent Imp ATK Bind Clear awakening Bind Clear awakening

Barioth’s Weapon Assist will mostly be providing some stats and the unusually double Recover Bind Bind Clear awakening. For the most part, this is going to be underused as the vast majority of high end cards are already bind immune. As such, this will most likely be a wasted awakening.

Paolumu – A

Active: Change all orbs to Water, Dark, and Heal orbs; For 2 turns, 1.5x orb move time (10 turn CD)

Leader Skill: 3x ATK for Dragon type; Increase orb movement time by 2 seconds; 3x ATK for each cross of 5 Dark, Water orbs [1/6561/1]

Awakenings: Skill Lock Resist Time Extend Time Extend Time Extend Healer Killer Healer Killer Skill Boost
Super Awakenings: Time Extend 
Typing: Dragon / Balance
Weighted Stats (Limit Break): 1149 (1436)
HP 4458 (5572) / ATK 2058 (2572) / RCV 877 (1096)
Weapon Assist: Jammer Resist Jammer Resist Jammer Resist Imp ATK

  • 60% Jammer Resist Jammer Resist
  • Active produces a tri-elemental board
  • Double Healer Killer
  • Primarily a Weapon Assist
  • Double Healer Killer is niche

Paolumu is the final card in the Monster Hunter Collab and is quite powerful overall due to their Weapon Assist and niche as a Healer Killer. The double Healer Killer is still a rare sighting and may find merits in certain Ranking Dungeons or farming scenarios. Furthermore, their active produces a tri-elemental board that includes Heart orbs.

Weapon Assist: Jammer Resist Jammer Resist Jammer Resist Imp ATK

Paolumu’s Weapon Assist is able to provide 60% resistance to Jammers which can help trivialize certain spawns but will also block Bomb orbs from forming. While Jammers tend to be less detrimental compared to Poison, having the option to resist them is always useful.

In addition to the resistance aspect, being able to produce a full board of Water, Dark, and Heart orbs is quite valuable. This type of board is reasonably favoured as it allows players to deal damage and heal up while retaining the option to FUA . As such, Paolumu’s Weapon Assist can fully charge and may actually help some teams.


The Monster Hunter Collab is a high value event as it provides some of the best Weapon Assists in the game along with powerful cards in the top rarity. Furthermore, the 5-star cards come with several unique Weapons along with the highly desired 60% Resist varieties.

My main motivation for rolling in this event is to acquire Rathian and his Weapon Assist as the 60% Poison is just too good to pass up on. Due to the lower rarity/higher rolling chance, I feel this is a great opportunity for myself to fill in this gap in my Monster Box.

On the other hand, the Monster Hunter Collab does introduce the +Combo via Leader Skills which may hold exciting things for future cards.

Let me know what you think about the Monster Hunter Collab REM and how much you plan on rolling.

Happy Puzzling!

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121 thoughts on “Monster Hunter Collab Review and Analysis – April 2019”

    1. This is especially hilarious because he religiously used they/them/their for all the actual card evaluations (including the Rathian one!) where it was almost never necessary.


      1. Holy crap, this game is deep, Wtf is a weapon assist? I’ve been playing for a couple of weeks and I’m still lost…..(I’m Lvl 230) I’ll keep lurking your site in hopes that someday I’ll actually know what I’m doing. Thanks @mantastic for the great site!!


        1. A weapon assist is just an ultimate evo of a monster. It’s special in that it can’t be used as a leader anymore, and shouldn’t be used as a sub (i.e. another monster in your dungeon party). It should only be used as an assist, like in the “Manage Assists” menu. Only some monsters have weapon assist evos; some farmable like, some come in collabs like Monster Hunter.


            1. Oh! And weapon assists are the only cards you can use as an assist where their awakenings help your original card. So there’s that.


        2. Essentially Weapon Assists are special evolutions that provide the Awoken Assist awakening. This means that when they are inherited onto a different card, all of the Weapon Assist’s awakenings will transfer over to the base card =)


    1. I was wondering why you had Yama Tsukami ranked so high, you have a bit of a misconception in how their leader skill works. It is not one match of six or more wood or light that activates the first part, it is both a match of six or more wood and six or more light in order to activate it. Here is a link to the JP teaser that revealed Yama Tsukami. The NA wording that we now have also makes it clear, unlike the translated version which could be slightly confusing on which way it is meant to read.
      Great work as always though.


  1. Can I friend your mantastic account? I have my best friend and you are the last youtuber I need in my friends list


  2. Is the easter egg Legiana’s bind immune super awakening? Pretty hilarious when they’re already bind immune.


  3. I legit got rathian, nargacuga, and paulumu last time the collab was around and I didn’t know how lucky I truly got lol


  4. A couple error heads up:
    The Legiana link goes to Valphalk, and the first SA on Legiana should be a 7C instead of a RB+


  5. Fatalis and zinogre are the grand price of this collab, they r great as both leader and assist. Sadly, no S tier lead from MH.

    However, the rest of monsters are just bad for 10 stones. Sure weapon with 60% resistance might have niche use, thing is that their active skills and attributes r often not synchronize with the base monster which can be problematic just like those ninja weapon asisit. GFEs are still better option compare to this collab at the moment, not to mention that more stronger ones are coming. overall, I think MH is just another trap set to empty our stones before “Detective Ford” arrives.


    1. Your logic on why Monster Hunter is “bad for ten stones”, how Monster Hunter is a “trap”, and how “GFEs are better than Monster Hunter, is incredibly faulty. Monster Hunter has one of the best overall values of any collab, and is most certainly on par with DBDC in overall usefulness across all rarities.

      Even though I think SGFs are great, if you are only rolling them for GFEs, not all of which are great and some of which are at least somewhat niche, then you are either missing out on some of the great Pantheons, or are ignoring the fact that the amount of undisirable cards is still pretty high. Even if you talk about trading GFEs for other cards, it takes four or five cards to make a trade, which means that one GFE roll on its own is of even less value if you are just planning on trading it. Needing to get four or five cards, of which there are even less cards to get if you need seven stars for trading, means you need to get four or five favorable rolls to equivalate one favorable roll at that point. Even then the cards you rolled might not even all be tradable, or even tradable at all, for the card you want.

      Detective Shellingford himself looks great, but is also pretty niche at the same time. Bringing an active that takes thirty turns to charge, six if you get all attributes every turn, that also requires the card to be a sub on an all attribute team, for a one turn active that makes it easier to deal with damage void is nice, but I would not say it is game changing enough, in the state that is in, to make it a prime target to go all out for. If you get him great, but chasing after him solely for that, especially if you are a free-to-play player, seems a bit ridiculous. Sure makes damage voids easier to deal with, but there is already a way of dealing with them, if the void is not high enough where you can just take a few turns handling it without a VDP, that works fine and arguably easier to manage and include. Regardless, there are going to be more cards that have the same style active, one of which is already in Shaman King collab, so there is even less of a need to start chasing after the first one that appears, unless you do have that kind of excess income.

      I would have to disagree on Monster Hunter not having S tier leads. Fatalis certainly has what it takes, Zinogre when paired with Diablos or his current better pairing in Sensui is solid, and although Diablos is starting to fall behind, he is still one of the best open 7×6 leads that is easy to active, and might be getting a buff in JP soon, which will eventually trickle down to us. One of the big things though, is the assist evolutions, especially the low rarity triple resists. You call resists niche, but they are used to counter some incredibly common, sometimes annoying, and sometimes even lethal mechanics, without having to use actives for it at that. They are especially used in end game content, where being immune to such mechanics is incredibly useful. If you are looking at active synergy, whether it is for the base card’s active or for the team, and if you are looking for having the same attribute for extra stats, then you are missing the whole point. The main focus of assist evolutions is the additional awakenings. If the active helps the team, or in the dungeon, then great. If you can put it on a card that will gain additional stats for being the same attribute, then great. However, those are just added bonuses. You almost always keep an assist evolution’s active at its base cooldown, so the active does not come up for as long as possible. This also gives an added benefit of having a psuedo skill delay resistance. As such, you seem to only be using part of the assist function, and completely missing a whole other larger part of it.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I feel you are undervaluing the 60% resists, especially if you do not own any of them.

      They provide 20% more than Ninjas with both longer cooldowns and sometimes better actives


  6. First time MH collab for me and a great opportunity to finally pad out my equips! Got several target cards I was gunning for (no Rathian unfortunately) and ended up summoning two Amatsu’s. Is it ok to convert to second one to equip/use as trade fodder? Or is there a situation where I’d need a second Amatsu on a team?


    1. I would recommend just keeping the second Amatsu for a second sub. The equip is not nearly worth as much as he is as a sub, and the trading in Monster Hunter is not worth it unless you are a whale: since it requires five cards that are either seven stars from Monster Hunter, seven star GFEs, or eight star seasonals.


  7. Quick question. From all my pulls I ended with 2 diablos 2 akantor 1 nergigante 1 zinogre and 1 tsukami. I’m obviously keeping one diablos and zinogre, but for the other 5 is it more profitable to trade to an fatalis (which I’m probably going to turn into a weapon assist) or amatsu?


      1. Finished a few stages to get a few extra stones for one last pull, got super lucky and got a diablos. So that’s 2 extra diablos and one extra akantor. from my box I see 2 reeche (not counting the one in weapon assist), I have two zela (though heard people use it for a special farm team so probably not those), two saline, two Luna, two ilmina, and 3 ideal (2 in light form and 1 in dark form).


  8. Got Paolumu on my free roll. That’s the only card I wanted for my DMeta team so I’m done for this banner I think. With a friend DMeta who has at least 40% poison resists, in solo mode if my units aren’t bound I now block 100% Jammer, Poison, Blind, Clouds, and Tape!


  9. I like that Rathian’s weapon assist is just “Make it,” due to it being one of the strongest weapon assist. Question should I exchange for fatalis near the end of the collab or just wait for someone else because currently I use 3 madoos but I mostly want to use one but my only version of veroah has to be used should I?


    1. fatalis is strong for sure but not worth trading for imo

      Unless you have copious amounts of dupes and no other high end event interests you (eg DBDC, Heroine etc)


          1. About that… I missing Diablos in my monster collection, should I trade sacrificing Valk, Athena, Saline or just let it go? 😲🎤 Let it go~~🎵~Let it go….🎶 (Sorry couldn’t resist)
            BTW: I’m using all that dupes as helpers and is useful actually.


    2. Unless you whale, trading five cards for one is harsh, especially when they have to be either seven stars from the same REM, seven star GFEs, or eight star seasonals. I would highly recommend against trading.


  10. Thanks for your reviews as always!!!
    Super lucky Collab for me pulled another Amatsu, Rathian, Gore Magala and Fatalis!! In 9 pulls the junk wasn’t worth mentioning!
    Appreciate all your article


  11. I saved the Spring Fest 100 stones for this.

    1st Nargacuga
    2nd Barioth
    2nd Brachydios
    3rd Valphalk
    1st Yama Tsukami
    2nd Nargacuga
    4th Valphalk
    2nd Astalos
    1st Kirin
    2nd Legiana
    2nd Tigrex
    2nd Rathian
    2nd Yama Tsukami
    3rd Barioth
    3rd Legiana

    Really wished there was more variety in there, but I can’t really complain with 2 7*s in 15 rolls.


  12. Amazing insight as always!

    With 16 rolls (my first time rolling in the event), I got:
    – 5*: Tigrex, Barioth, 4x Rathian, 2x Astalos, Paolumu
    – 6*: Mizutsune, Kirin, Seregios, Valphalk
    – 7*: Diablos, Yana, Fatalis

    Wanted Amatsu but can’t really complain about getting my poison/jammer resist and a few 7*! Also thinking of converting Yama as I don’t have any SB assists which would be helpful in ranking dungeons.

    Think I should keep rolling? I have 190 stones but I’m leaning towards saving it.


    1. 4 Rathians!

      I feel you should be saving as you somewhat hit the key targets already and converting your Yama is probably a good idea at this point in time if lacking any SB equips


  13. How important is jammer protection for end game content? I went into this collab looking for poison and jammer protection, and after 22 roles, I have 6 Rathian and no Paolumu.

    Related question- how many rathians should I keep before I start selling them?


    1. I would keep all Rathians and just to have more weapon assists. Doing this will lower the need to swap around inherits

      As for Jammer protection is it quite helpful in Arena 5 but it is able to be worked around. Eg find friend with 60% resist and use two Trojan Horses


  14. I wonder what the superstar subs for Fatalis are? I have Akuma, Hiei, Sensui (maybe as helper), Nees, Durga, VNey, Diena, Myne and Avydia Saber and Uroborus Tattoo.
    It is an allure to get him.
    Also Amatsu: he is my fav since ever.
    And I could buy one of them with out beeing hurt…


  15. Feel like I was fairly lucky: I rolled about a dozen times and got 2 amatsus, 1 Diablos, 2 Rathians, 1 Paolomu, 1 Nargacuga, 1 Seregios, 1 Legiana. 1 Kirin, 1 Mitsuzune, and 1 Glavenus.
    No Zinogre or Fatalis, though


  16. You seem to have the wrong idea about Yama Tsukami’s leader skill. You need both the wood and the light match in order to active it. It would be fantastic if it was just one, but it needs both, which makes them much weaker due to how orb hungry they are.


  17. I rolled a little too much and got at least one of each 5/ 6 star, a Zinorge, a Amatsu, 2 yama tsukami, and a Akantor. Now I’m trying to decide if I want to keep those or exchange them for a Diablos that I wanted to get. I’m starting to think I might keep them because I don’t think I’d use Diablos that much in the end…


  18. seriously? Legiana gets a C rank? Legiana is probably one of the better cards of MH. Between orb refresh and the +15% HP he gives to teams, not to mention having all around good stats.

    I do admit it’s better to just outright deny things being on the board then skilling them away, but orb refresh is a nice one time counter for the time you cannot bring a counter to something the boss did to your board. (like a single locked bomb XD)


    1. +15% HP is nice for sure but they are not bringing much else to the table imo

      Double 7c with SA is not special and it is only their HP that provides true utility. Preventing problematic orbs from forming is vastly superior to using an active and maybe if it was Awoken binds it could find more merit


  19. Thank you very much for the review! Will you give any review for which hunters to keep? As we do have 4 (2 male and 2 female hunters) from previous round, and are getting 3 more (2 male and 1 female hunter) this time, does it worth to trade for the Zeus Hunter or Valk Hunter? Thanks!


  20. Hello Mantastic!

    So I rolled in the Monster Hunter Super Godfest and came away with 2 Nergigantes. (Why my luck is so bad, I’ll never know.) Anyway, I also rolled Rathian and Paolumu and I wanted Fatalis because of the 100% coverage for 3 Weapon Assists. The question is, should I exchange for Fatalis?

    I have a Nergigante duplicate (obviously), an Old Fort Squatter, Dragon Caller Sonia Gran dupe, two Veroah dupes, and a Rex (I also have my Spring Fest Medal). Would it be worth to get rid of Sonia, Nergigante, Veroah, Veroah, Rex for Fatalis? Or should I keep Rex and get rid of both Nergigantes?

    Also, side note, how good is Veroah? What is her value? I have a hard time evaluating her because she seems to either be a farming leader for drops or a dark row lead (but rows are outdated).


    1. Heya!
      What would you consider as a optimal set up without the kuroyuri system for Fatalis?
      As far as leaders go, assuming I pair with a 7×6 friend, do you forsee zinogre beating edward in a head to head comparison?


      1. Edward is far more consistent as he can always activate from a given board. Furthermore, Ed can concentrate damage and make better use of VDP and board changers

        For Fatalis, the big key is having an RCV solution so either Kuroyuri or Eir


    2. Veroh can be a pretty strong sub on mono dark teams due to her low cd and useful awakenings in base form

      As for exchanging for a Fatalis Weapon, this is a huge investment when you can in theory use two Trojan Horses. Of course this is less potent but unless you need the extra active slot I would simply go with the Trojan Horse route


      1. Thanks, I almost traded in impulsively.

        What do I do with two Nergigantes? I swear I rolled the 7-Star Machine and Nergigante popped out and I was like “what the fish, a second one”. Should I save Nergigante as trade fodder or use for weapon assist?


  21. Hey Mantastic

    DId they change the Astalos weapon assist awakening? It now is “redeemable killer” awakening instead of “evo material killer”. Its a shame since Im not sure what monsters even fall under “redeemable”.


  22. I would also love some suggestions about what to do with the male and female hunters. Most seem a little dated, but Ciel and Giga seem solid (other than being bindable). Giga has a neat active, which will have some niche uses, while Valk has poison resists and 7cs. Seems like a tough call unless I’m missing something..


  23. Just stopped by to remind you of how appreciative myself and the community are for the work you put into this blog and game


  24. Hi Mantastic! Great article. I have a question-is Fatalis good to trade for? I have a total of 4 Reeche(one weapon), 3 Athena-Non, a Zinogre, and 3 Veroah. I was thinking of possible trading in 2 Athena, 2 Reeche, and a Veroah. As far as my team, I have a Kuro system, and would keep a Veroah. If I can find another sub in my box, it seems like it would be worth it. Thanks!


    1. The trade would not cost you too much and he is a powerful leader. With that being said, do you own other top tier cards or more so interested in the unique play style?


  25. Hard on Akantor… is it really just because he doesn’t have a HP boost or something? In terms of usage, it doesn’t even have to be a row, I can slap together 6 dark or red orbs any time and then an easy additional 4 combos… and being able to choose one or the other in situations is very versatile. I can either shield and wait or combo hard and high. I mean, as someone who uses both, activation on Zinogre is arguably harder and less effective than Akantor. I argue they’re both A’s. Zinogre is an A at best and Akantor is an A at worst.

    This isn’t your Vraska rating all over again, but its definitely reminiscent of your Alt Saber review.


    1. Main issue is he has two distinct and non-synergistic activation requirement and his damage reduction does not take effect unless there is a 6-match of Dark or Fire

      Without that he has no Effective HP which is a big problem in end game content when most things start to hit for 40-50k with regular attacks

      He is also restricted in board/orb changers he can use since he needs 4 colours. So to get an FUA board changer is not consistent along with VDP possibly being more strained


      1. I see your points, and while I agree with the lack of synergy between his activations, he also activates atk bonus on either of his conditions so he is still able to do damage while stalling and does not require the six orbs to be a row or any other specific formation so Fua is very possible if your habit (like mine) is to stack 2×3 when e doing 6 on a non row lead.

        The HP is a very noticeable problem, but one that exists on a Zinogre as well.

        Lack of consistency seems to be a theme for. All of these collab monsters except diablos. Being a big fan of the monster hunter world game, I kind of think they meant for it to be like that. No two monster take downs are the same due to the complexity of the fights and weapons.

        I’d like to reiterate, I don’t think you’re wrong, I just think Akantor is underrated.


        1. My main issue with Vraska initially was undervaluing the 4x HP meta but she has reliable activation consistency and at this point in time, being able to activate every floor gives a significant advantage

          Being unable to sweep a floor means one needs to have high effective HP in order to stall/survive and Akantor lacks that as well


  26. So I managed to roll up two copies of Fatalis, which I understand is quite the windfall (much as Diablos would have been fun to screw around with, my impression is that . My main question is, should I turn the second one into a weapon assist and equip it to the first one? Everyone seems to be doing either that or equipping him with Misteltein, and I DO also have Misteltein so I could use her equip instead…

    Basically I want to know what the benefits are of having a Fatalis equip (to slap on the first one or potentially use elsewhere) are versus the benefits of having a second copy (to use as a sub or helper partner for the first one, to use as a pair of identical subs on an unrelated team, or for whatever else)


    1. Main appeal of Fatalis equip is being able to achieve 100% resist in both Jammer and Poison with only 3 inherits

      I doubt you will have a hard time finding a helper partner and unless lacking subs to populate his team, it would be reasonably safe to convert to a Weapon


  27. I”ve been saving stones ever since Mantastic gave us a heads-up on the value of weapon assists in the fodder of this collab. I had saved up 160 stones for this, and my roll didn’t disappoint:
    7-star Amatsu, Zinogre, Yama Tsukami
    6-star Gore Magala (2), Glavenus, Kirin; Seregios; Mizutsune; Rathalos
    5-star Astalos, Nargacuga (3!), Rathian (2)

    I’m probably most excited about Amatsu and my 3 Nargacuga, all of which will give me lots of flexibility to make resistance weapon assists.


  28. I wanted to know if I should trade for Amatsu or Diablos? I have the following to trade:

    Yama Tsukami (x2)
    Zinogre (x2)
    Great Witch of the Forbidden Cavern, Madoo (x3)
    Great Witch of the Specter Castle, Veroah (x2)
    Guardian of the City of Gods, Athena – Non (x3)

    Also, which is a better 7×6 leader: Diablos or Odysseus ?



    1. The thing with 7×6 leaders is that you can pair with a friend so I would not be inclined to trade for them and while Amatsu is great, not worth trading imo

      As for Diablos vs Odysseus, Diablos is better for sure


  29. Thanks Mantastic. I think you are wrong about Akantor. He is a great leader, fun to play, strong and with a nice artwork. Just try and enjoy !!


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