Topic Suggestion Box


Have a great idea for a new topic or want more information about your favourite monster? Then leave a comment in my Suggestion Box! Even if I do not write a full article on your inquiry, I will at the very least give you a detailed response to help curb your curiosity. It is best to leave suggestions for topics that do not have a corresponding article to comment on.

This is not meant to be a “look at my box” page as those types of inquiries are best left as a comment on their respective articles as it is beneficial for other players to see other boxes/scenarios.

**Due to an error with emailing, I was not receiving any suggestions. Should be fixed now and sorry for not replying**

Creating a WordPress Account

I allow you to comment without having a WordPress account, but you will show up as Anonymous or Someone and prevents me from putting a figurative face to a name.

As such, I strongly encourage you to create a WordPress account as that will give you a unique name that I can recognize and better interact with. You can follow the prompts HERE to help you create an account. The main benefits of having your own account is your comments do not go through the pending process and should appear after I approve your first posting. This allows for a more seamless conversation and allows others to contribute their thoughts and opinions.

Direct Email

If you wish to reach me through a more private medium, feel free to email me at

Other Mediums

Feel free to follow/subscribe etc. My Facebook page will have random posting featuring amusing screenshots that do not warrant a blog post and is a nice way to have a gentle trickle of quick entertainment.

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Happy Puzzling!

Puzzling those Dragons