Skill Inheritance: Foundations & Introduction

WordPress does not allow me to import the original posting with the countless comments and discussion. If you wish to be redirected to that post (which has the same content), please click HERE.


Skill Inheritance is finally going live in North America and is one of the most anticipated features to come to Puzzle and Dragons. The goal of this post is to help transfer my knowledge to you on how Skill Inheritance works, when to use it, and advanced strategies to get the most value from your actives. Skill inheritance (or transfer) will allow you to link two different monsters together as a means to have access to additional active skills.  The base monster can be used as normal, but your linked monster (assistant) cannot be sold or used on your teams. The base monster will still retain their normal active on their regular cooldown, but will also be able to use another monster’s active at a longer cooldown (base monster’s cooldown + assistant monster’s cooldown). Furthermore, if the second skill is charged, you cannot use the your base monster’s skill. Using a skill at any time will reset both skills and must wait again to use either. This restriction can be problematic if you select a high priority monster as your base.

The following chart illustrates which active you can use and on which turn when having Awoken Isis Isis as your base monster and Dark Kali Dark Kali as the assistant.

 1  2 3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
Isis Isis Isis Isis Isis Isis Isis Dark Kali

In this example, you will still have your regular bind clearing ability from Isis on a 3-turn cooldown, but have the option of waiting 10 turns for the board refresh (and making the bind clear unusable). This means that you can use Isis on turns 3-9, but be forced to use Dark Kali on turn 10 and above. Using an active at any time will immediately reset you back to the beginning of this cycle.

How to transfer skills

You can use any 5+ star REM (or collab REM) monster as the assistant onto a card of your choice (the base does not have to be an REM monster). In order to do so, you will require a new material called Tan. These Tan will be available through a special 50 stamina dungeon (or MP shop), but the colour you receive is random and will require you to run numerous times to acquire the correct combination. You can cancel the transfer at any time, but will not have your TAN or gold refunded.

Cuteness overload?

The required coloured Tans vary from monster to monster and are easily displayed as shown in the image below. Only monsters that qualify for assistance will have that new yellow star on their icon.

SI box
I wish my CHR order was that amazing

When ready to perform the transfer process, you simply hit the Skill Transfer / Remove button in the Monster Menu and select your base. Your base monster must have an active skill.

SI info

SI transfer


Skill inheritance places heavier emphasis on more duplicate monsters and having them skilled up. As such, I wish to explore what makes a monster a good candidate for skill inheritance by examining what makes a good leader and sub.

Leaders are largely dictated by their leader skill with awakenings and active skill having less importance. However, there are many powerful high end leaders who have weak active skills and could greatly benefit from skill inheritance. I consider these weaker due to their uses being more niche and by having one on each leader diminishing their value as it is rare you would need a second usage of their active. In no particular order:

  • Awoken Archdemon Lucifer Awoken Lucifer
  • Shiva Awoken Shiva
  • Awoken Lakshimi Awoken Lakshimi
  • Awoken Parv Awoken Parvati
  • Horus Awoken Horus
  • Bastet Awoken Bastet
  • Ra Awoken Ra
  • Awoken Anubis Awoken Anubis
  • AmateAwoken Amaterasu
  • Awoken Yomi Awoken Yomi
  • Sakuya Awoken Sakuya
  • Ra Dragon Ra Dragon
  • Shiva D Shiva Dragon
  • Neptune Dragon Neptune Dragon
  • dtron Dark Metatron

On the other hand, subs are selected for their actives, awakenings, and typing/colour. Skill inheritance will allow for more flexibility in team building as you can better customize your needs, but keep in mind that if your secondary skill is charged, you cannot use your base monster’s active. Instead of naming each sub, I will breakdown the various actives into their respective categories so you can pick and choose what is most valuable to your teams. If you wish to read about popular leaders and their full sub list, please refer to my previous post HERE. A detailed breakdown of every monster can be found in my Master List post.

Valuable Assistance Monsters

These monsters all qualify for assistance and can be used as you see fit:

Active Monster
Gravity Sakuya Awoken Hades Hathor Chibi Hera
Susano Indra Kush Valen Ganesha Raphael dtron Isis Cursed Dragon

 Undine Sylph Genie Thanatos
Full board
 Kali Dark Kali
Mori Motanari Ryune Saria Sylvie Famiel Awoken Leilan Awoken Karin MeiMei Haku
Typhon Gadius Urd Skuld ult evo Verd Ilm Apocalypse Red Sonia Blue Sonia
Green Sonia Zuoh Lumiel Avalon Drake
True damage
/ poison
 Neptune Awoken Archdemon Lucifer rodin Ra Cerebrus Rider Chibi Lilith
Freyr I&I Thor Awoken Freyja Awoken Loki Nim Muse Delgado arcline
Creuse Awoken Yomi Izanagi Oku Nephthys Set Durga Lu Bu Kanna
Silk Carat Cameo Facet Sheen 
Delay Awoken Oorochi Oku Cao Cao Sun Quan Zeta Hydra ForestBahn Wee Jas Green wee jas Kenpachi
Bind clearing Ame Amate Awoken Ceres Sakuya Metatron Green Odin Isis Fire Dragon Knight Water Dragon Knight
Earth Dragon Knight Shining Dragon Knight Shadow Dragon Knight Guan Yu Red Guan Yu Red Riding Hood Snow White Thumbelina
Sleeping Beauty

It becomes quite apparent that the depth of gravity actives eligible for skill inheritance is quite low and is unfortunate because most of the best actives in this category are farmable and cannot be used. I omitted mono-colour orb changers as the list would be far too long and you can use your judgement on whether more orb generation is needed.

Strong Base Monsters

As stated above, you will most likely wish to transfer a skill to those leaders, but you can also use this opportunity to improve some already strong subs. These subs generally have shorter cooldowns and the idea is to give them a more powerful active that takes longer to charge up. For example, the Venus Venus has a short 4 CD active that is reasonably powerful, but can use some improvements. You could potentially give her a dual board changer such as Ilm Ilm for your mono light row team as a means to unleash more burst damage. Other examples of strong base monsters with short cooldowns and favourable awakenings include, but not limited to: the Valkyries Red Valk Blue Valk GValk valkpad Dark Valk, Dark Metatron dtron, and Isis Isis.

You can use this logic to bring subs who have favourable awakenings, stats, and colour coverage without sacrificing too much for a desired active.

Inheritance Strategies

Delays, gravities, and damage enhancing abilities will rarely be used more than once per dungeon and should be placed on a monster whose base active is seldom used. Great candidates would be the leaders listed above. Actives that would either be used more than once or require quick access can be used on subs with less critical actives or those with very short base cooldowns. A great example is Awoken Isis Isis who is on a 3 turn timer and the bind clearing would not need to be used very often. In addition, you can use her active at any time to ensure you have the bind clearing ability ready in time.

Furthermore, skill boost Skill Boost awakenings will be more valuable as the inherited skill is simply an extension of the cooldown. Take our Isis / Dark Kali example, if you had 9 skill boosts, you can use Isis on turn one. On your second turn, you will be able to use Dark Kali as it will have been fully charged. This becomes more crucial when dealing with longer cooldowns and inherited skills.

Advanced Strategies

I go into more detail in my follow up post describing more advanced strategies HERE.

Board Changers / Enhancers

Many teams would love to bring more full board changers or enhancers to the party, but may be unable to do so due to their monster box containing the wrong colour cards or unideal awakenings. For example, Awoken Lucifer Awoken Archdemon Lucifer teams only want to run dark devil/gods, but with skill inheritance, you can now give your regular monsters with powerful board changers that did not come from dark based cards. For example, you can transfer Karin Awoken Karin or Meimei MeiMei as they generate dark orbs (and can be combo-ed with someone like Pandora Awoken Pandora for 2/3 dark orbs). Conversely, you can also gain assistance from Ronia Red Sonia or Cameo Cameo for more flexibility. The options are endless and you need to look what is casually sitting around in your monster box and dare I say it, think outside the box.

Making pseudo bind removals

Some teams may struggle with binds and your monster box may not allow you to bring an on colour/type sub to handle them. With Skill Inheritance, you can create bind clearing subs from an already bind immune monster. For example, Lu Bu Lu Bu is a fantastic dark/devil sub for Awoken Pandora Awoken Pandora teams who has ideal awakenings and bind immunity. You can then inherit a bind clear active such as Ame no Uzume Ame to counteract binds. Granted it will take 17 turns to do so, but you did not have to sacrifice a sub slot on something less ideal while retaining the chance to use his 3x devil nuke.

Avoiding skill delay mechanics

Newer dungeons are introducing the skill delay mechanic and skill inheritance is a way to counteract it. Because Skill Inheritance is simply an extension of an existing cooldown, you can use it as a shield for when the boss delays your skills. Using our Isis / Dark Kali example, if we are on turn 7 (thus still Isis) and have our skills delayed by 2, we can still use Isis as our cooldown timer will be on 5. Expanding upon this, we can even inherit the same active onto the same monster as a means to essentially be delay proof (and always having the correct skill). This may not be practical for everyday usage, but is something to consider or at least using an assist active that is very similar to your base.

What do I do with this/how do I choose what to inherit?

This is a horribly loaded question and is probably on the forefront of most player’s minds. Sadly, there is no perfect answer as skill inheritance will be used to fill the voids in your team when facing specific dungeons/mechanics. If you need a bind clearing active, you select a bind immune card, go to the list of bind removing actives, and inherit. If you need a board changer, same logic applies, but you can choose your least valuable active to use as a base. You need to systematically go through the list of assistance subs I provided above and find what you have at your disposal and determine if you need to bring those for that specific encounter.

Video Guide

PadRagnarok has created a comprehensive video guide that helps explain how Skill Inheritance works. I strongly encourage you to check him out as he provides another Fantastic point of view on how to maximize your potential:


Skill inheritance brings forth an entirely new way to play Puzzle and Dragons. We now have the option of creating our ideal subs at the cost of a longer cooldown. Our team building options are now endless and will give us a chance to finally utilize some of our pulls that have been collecting dust or sitting pretty in our monster box. What will you do?

Happy Puzzling!

Puzzling those Dragons