19 thoughts on “New Player Rerolling Guide”

  1. small correction Verdandi should read:

    Strategy: 3x-3.3x Atk boost Wood, 1.5x HP boost Fire

    no recovery boost on fire.


  2. These lists seem outdated. As mentioned Da Qiao should be higher now that we know of the awoken form. But on things like Pandora being so low compared to others. It’s not difficult to get Vampires and if you have a couple of those even non awoken Pandora will be strong. And she is one of the best leads in game, especially for non IAP where there is a lot of farmable Devils. I do agree it will be more of a slog very early on before you can get Vamps and dark Dragon Knights, but that is such a small part of the game that it’s not worth worrying about. Heck just spam run the lowest level of Dark Carnival could get you a max skilled Hanzo lite and a decent number of skills on dark Knights.


    1. Agreed. From what I’ve discussed with other players, DQXQ is arguably the best starter once again, as it is very easy to get a high multiplier which will carry you through all of the Normal dungeons. When you’re ready to Awaken them, they will carry you through the rest of the game through 100x with rows. Pairing unawoken DQXQ with awoken will get through the descends needed to awaken them.


      1. I agree with both Anonymous (get a WordPress account! https://mantasticpad.com/2016/06/04/commenting-interacting-and-navigating-mantastic-pad/) and Kasi that DQXQ is now quite a stellar starting roll who can transition into late game AND farm her own awoken materials. Almost no other card can do that and she will also teach you how to combo.

        One reason I never wrote a reroll tier list is due to the subjective nature and constantly shifting meta. It’s hard to stay objective and insightful. Thus I let someone else try their hand =) Your feedback is greatly appreciated!


      2. I factored the new awoken into DQXQ’s rating. The point I tried to make clear with this list is that it’s evaluating how easy your early game is AND how well they transition to late game AND how they are relative to each other (Considering Ronia and Lu Bu the absolute worst cards you’d feasibly want to start with). While DQXQ is sweet and highly playable, if you started with Okuninushi or Horus you’d have a stronger start (in terms of what you’d be able to clear with non-iap cards) and they transition much better to the current late-game meta.


  3. Yeah it’s tough. My thought on starting rolls after starting with a mediocre one (Leilan) is that you have to choose one that has both end game power and doesn’t crap the bed early game. Thus no Ra even though Ra end game is a very strong team if you have LKali’s. Basically with rerolls it is the one chance to make sure you get an amazing lead.

    That leaves my list pretty sparse:
    Top Tier:
    Any dragonbound (Sylvie, Saria, Ryune)
    Any Norn
    Second Tier:
    Sakuya (I don’t like her near as much as LKali because her active doesn’t help her unlike Kali)

    To me given the power of the cards I’d only accept Sherias, LKali, ADQXQ or a norn, specifically Skuld.


    1. Yeah that is a pretty solid list you have. But you also have to keep in mind some new players (and I mean non-alts) will have a terrible time with rainbow leads and still need to strike a balance between fun and power/potential.


  4. Out of curiosity, do you think that your choices were influenced by what you rolled? Browsing PAD-related websites, too often I come across leader ranks influenced by ownership bias.

    Regardless, I think this is part of what makes PAD great- the fact that no one can agree on which cards are the best. There are so many facets to each card, and so many dungeons requiring different strategies, that you might as well believe that your own cards are the best!


    1. For those who are interested (you sound like one of them) I’ll go through the 4 different processes I used to develop this list.
      1. I googled any “reroll tier list” and wrote down the ranks for the respective cards from any list that was updated within the last 6 months. I used this as a starting point and used it to weed out cards that just weren’t good enough to make the cut. (Sample size: about 20)
      2. I googled any late game tier list and compiled the ratings from all lists that had been updated in the last three months (Sample size: about 10)
      3. I determined benchmarks for stages that the accounts will need to clear that regularly serve as walls. (dps check or spike check, usually) The stages I used were (final stage of each) Caste of Satan, Hyperion Lava Flow, Sea God of Heaven, and Starlight Sanctuary KoG. I then granted a mostly arbitrary rating to how well these leads could complete these dungeons with non-iap or limited iap subs. I will admit I cheated a bit here, and for rainbow or near-rainbow leads I assumed you’d have access to Fat Chocobo. If not, the rainbow and near-rainbow leads would go down probably a half-tier to full tier each, and the number 1 non-GFE card would probably be Bastet. Sherias and L.Kali would be unaffected since their actives are board changes.
      4. I granted arbitrary ratings to their “optimal” iap team and “optimal” non-iap team according to game8. I used this to determine their late-game potential and how significant the difference is between being Mr. Moneybags and Pennypincher McGee.
      4 1/2. I knocked off 3 tiers from any blue cards since I have a bias against blue. (Not really, but it surprised and injured me physically to accept that Sherias really is probably the best starter).

      To address your concerns, I used the method above (which degraded in effort over time since it was a LOT of work, to be fair) to try to minimize ownership bias (e.g. I don’t own Bastet, but she is second on non-iap, and I started with Ronia back in the day and we all know how that turned out).

      I would also say that I own and use to some capacity about 80-ish% of the cards on this list, so the real question is if I excluded something from the list that SHOULD be on it because I deemed it too hard to play early without actually trying it. (e.g. I don’t own a d.kali, but maybe d.kali is a strong starter too, and hitting all but light, including hearts, isn’t as difficult as I thought for new players)

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Out of curiosity, do you think that your choices were influenced by what you rolled? Browsing PAD-related websites, too often I come across leader ranks influenced by ownership bias.

    Regardless, I think this is part of what makes PAD great- the fact that no one can agree on which cards are the best. There are so many facets to each card, and so many dungeons requiring different strategies, that you might as well believe that your own cards are the best!


    1. You would have to ask Sam as he was the one who created this guide’s content.

      However, I do agree that there will always be a certain degree of bias or favouritism when ranking cards for a rerolling guide. We all have different playstyles and preferences which is reflected in our leader choices mid-late game. And yes, the diversity is one of the many reasons why I am so GungHo over PAD =P

      Liked by 1 person

    1. This serves as the counterpoint to my main point about early-mid game difficulty. With Saria, for example, you couldn’t get through valk without stoning multiple times, and we haven’t seen light laybrinth in at least a year to pick up verche, chaser, and angelion. (I have a max evo’d but non-max leveled Saria team that I ran with a hypermaxed thor and had difficulty with sea god of heaven. This is with what game8 considers the optimal IAP team, though not max leveled)
      It is a fair point that I could raise the non-iap rankings a bit higher for the dragonbounds, but the way I calculated those, for consistency, is to rate the cards by iap teams compared to each other, then rate each individual non-iap team against their iap team, since I figured the ratings are commutative.
      This goes towards what Mantastic has been saying, it’s really subjective, and the actual difference is probably minimal between all these after you get through King of the Gods. (or maybe even earlier) I just noticed that many lists hadn’t been updated recently, didn’t factor in the new meta and new cards and new awakenings (especially this, few lists out there considered how powerful godkiller is when trying to clear mid-game dungeons like SGoH and KotG), so I wanted to provide an updated list that will only be relevant for about 2 months before being obsolete. (Gadius and Uriel have, like, 5/5 IAP ratings for REALLY rich people now since those people can roll infinitely and end up with the #1 team in the meta: Xiang Mei, and that developed in the week since I wrote the article. They probably still wouldn’t make the list, but it articulates my point a bit)


  6. another factor to consider for beginners is the difficulty in activating leader skills. while it’s true sakuya is awesome and pretty and powerful, beginners might have a hard time using her. personally, a good starter monster is something generally easy to activate, but also fairly powerful, like haku or isis. the starter leader doesn’t have to be the end game leader either, it just has to be good enough to breeze through the early dungeons.


    1. Those are all very good points to consider Bob =) This is partially one reason why I never made a rerolling guide as there are too many factors to take into consideration, especially when trying to assign a tier list or numerical value. Hence why most of my guides and analysis provide insight instead of hard-fast statements


      1. I disagree. If you can’t match all 6 types of orbs and average 9 combos when you first start playing, you should definitely stop and pick up Clash of Clans instead.

        But more seriously, that’s something that I’d consider more subjective and more on an individual basis than ANY other assumption I made during the creation of this list. Some people (like me) prefer trial by fire, where you are given something that’s difficult, and you have to figure it out. Some people prefer a steady learning curve, and for those people starting with Isis, and moving to Sakuya or something like that later makes a lot of sense. Because of how subjective and individual these cases are, I only allowed leader skills to impact the placement on the list if I arbitrarily decided they were too difficult to be feasible (Ra, Anubis) OR if they’re so easy that you’ll always have it online (Why Chinese 1 (Haku, Meimei) are rated so favorably).


  7. Thanks Sam. You wanted feedback, and I haven’t read your entire article yet, but I can tell you right now some people will be offended by the buddhist monk comment. You want to avoid stereotyping people groups, especially in a negative way, poor in this case – even if you don’t mean it to be offensive.


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