6th REMDra Fever – 7×6 Strategies


The REMDra Fever “Ranking” Dungeon continues in North America and diverts from the traditional Ranking Dungeon format as rewards are achieved via a cumulative score. As such, players can grind for a Crown by simply hitting the cap of 999,999 points. With that being said, it will take numerous runs to achieve but there are ways to bolster your score to save time, stamina, and mental sanity.

Furthermore, the dungeon is quite lucrative to run over and over again as it only costs 30 stamina and offers valuable drops. In addition, any number of players can achieve a Crown and is not only given to the first X number of players to hit 999,999. Finally, the 6th iteration will use a 7×6 board which will inflate our combo count and hasten our journey to 999,999 points.

This article will explain the rules for REMDra Fever and how to maximize your score potential.

5th REMDra Fever Event: 11/8 (Fri) 12am – 11/11 (Mon) 11:59pm (PST)

6th REMDra Fever Event: 11/14 (Thu) 12am ~ 11/17 (Sun) 11:59pm (PST)

Video clear

–video coming soon–

REMDra scoring system

The REMDra Fever Ranking Tournament values players in significantly different ways and we must alter our play style accordingly.

In essence, you score points for higher combo count but this is multiplied by the level you have achieved. You start the dungeon at level one and have to clear a certain number of orbs to advance to the next. This orb count increases with each level but is not tied to combo count, only orbs erased. Thus, a match of 6 vs two 3-orb combos yields the same level progress.

In addition to this scaling level count, players also have to erase 35 orbs of a specific colour (Red, Yellow, or Green) to clear the dungeon which is based on the colour of the spawn. Failing to do so will result in a loss and all points earned that round will be forfeit; however, clearing too many of these orbs on lower levels will result in a premature conclusion and fewer points overall. You need to clear orbs of that specific colour to finish the dungeon but should try your best to avoid matching them in the early levels.

Furthermore, we have a new type of timer that continuously ticks down at an increasing rate the higher level you go. Leveling up fully replenishes the timer but matching heart orbs will also “heal” some of it back. With this in mind, it is best to try and level up as much as possible while avoiding the specific 35 orbs you need to end the dungeon.

Finally, all active skills are charged upon entering the dungeon but can only be used once. Be aware that using actives will not halt the timer progress so make sure you can actually solve after converting.


Taking all of the above points into consideration, there are several key aspects to consider:

  • Level up as much as possible
    • Pay attention to the number of orbs required
    • 1 combo to level up
      • You can even 0 combo to set up board/move orbs
    • Score is greatly enhanced with higher levels
  • Avoid matching the specific colour
    • No bonus points for matching this colour
    • Move them to bottom of board without comboing
    • Use specific orb changers to remove them
  • High combos at higher levels = more points

This sounds relatively simple but is much harder in practice due to the convoluted nature of this event. With that being said, you want to try your very best to avoid matching any of the designated colour for as long as possible. Doing so will prolong your run which inevitably leads to a higher score as you should have reached level 4+.

For the most part, I try to only max combo the board (and thus matching the key colour) at level 4/5.

Orb changers

We are given 6 cards with orb changers but only several are of value and the ones you will be using will depend on the spawn in the dungeon. Essentially, the colour of the REMDra you encounter will determine which colour is required to kill it/end the run. You can think of this as “health” as it requires 35 orbs to kill it.

With this in mind, you want to actively use orb changers who remove that specific colour. Doing so will allow you to level up more as you are prolonging the death of the REMDra. Just be aware that if you fail to match 35 of those orbs, you will die and score 0 for that run.

Furthermore. you cannot use any active skill more than once per attempt. I am only showing relevant orbs being generated to make reference easier.

REMDra Fever Active Usage – Part 6
REMDra spawn
Partially Removes
Always Removes

9? Arrow Heart

Fire Heart Arrow Green 

L Col Arrow Water
R Col Arrow Heart
4? Arrow Fire
9? Arrow Heart

Light Arrow Heart
Green Arrow Dark

L Col Arrow Water
R Col Arrow Heart
4? Arrow Fire
9? Arrow Heart

Light Arrow Heart
Green Arrow Dark

X? = removes X random orbs

During the first few levels, it is best to try and hoard/save the REMDra colour’s orb near the bottom of the board and use the appropriate Partially Removes once it becomes impossible to combo. Be aware that Scheat will always remove the outermost columns and can be an easy way to remove several key orbs.

Doing this will help you achieve a higher score as you will be able to reach the later levels which provide significantly more points. Remember, the goal is to delay the matching the key colour for as long as possible.

After using the Partially Removes orb changer, your final option will become the Always Removes orb changer. This final active will remove the key colour while also producing an easier board to combo.

Remember, a 7×6 board has 42 orbs which will make it easier/faster to level up.

Cascading & special timer

The REMDra Fever Ranking Dungeon features a different timer that does not move/tick down while orbs are comboing/falling into place. As a result, cascading becomes significantly more appealing as it helps promote additional combos being made.

In essence, Cascading is the art of having combos fall into place at a staggered rate. While this process takes more time overall, it gives additional chances for combos to skyfall into place and we are not punished for this type of animation time.

Lucrative rewards

Alongside the chance of securing a Crown, the REMDra Fever Ranking Dungeon has lucrative clear rewards and is essentially the most efficient way to acquire valuable drops. Every run will also yield a drop of some kind and value often exceeds the 30 stamina cost to enter. As such, I highly encourage you to play this dungeon for the clear rewards alone.

The following compiled image is courtesy of Miru Bot on Discord:


The REMDra Fever Ranking Dungeon places a new twist on Ranking Dungeons and gives all players to secure a Crown by repeatedly clearing the dungeon. Your scores are cumulative and acquiring 999,999 total points will guarantee you a Crown. Furthermore, the clear rewards are quite lucrative and provides additional motivation for playing this event.

In theory, all players can secure a Crown but being able to have a higher average score will accomplish this at a faster rate. Thus, using the above tips and tricks can cut down on time and stamina costs for securing your desired score.

Let me know how you feel about this event in the comments below.

Happy Puzzling!

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14 thoughts on “6th REMDra Fever – 7×6 Strategies”

  1. Would you say that the NA server has been doing better than the previous time this event came around, or is it that Gung Ho has set more realistic goals for this server? The goals this time were all pretty achievable compared to last time when we nearly couldn’t get the guaranteed GFE egg machine.


    1. One thing I noticed with the 5th REMDra Fever was that we had 3 ways to remove the key orb which is significantly higher than before. This led to faster clears and higher scores so maybe it is a bit of both


  2. was it just me or gh just deliberately lower the score of multipliers for this ranking? i’m constantly hitting 8 or more combos every turn but my scores are always around 30k… not to mention that the board changers r lot weaker than the previous one.

    I feel that the 7×6 board gives a little extra points each run, but its definitely way more intense.


    1. I feel we take more time to match 7×6 so that could influence the feeling of a shorter timer but I kind of feel it too

      Perhaps having less valuable orb changers is good since I am more likely to die on the higher levels any way

      Key is to get a big skyfall on level 4+ and usually helps secure ~50k for me


    1. Does not remove Light but still makes Hearts which gives more time to avoid solving Light

      Also, Scheat cannot remove Hearts so gives a higher chance to target the remaining Light


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