Tag Archives: Mesopotamian

June 30 – July 1 Godfest Review Plus New Odin Evolution & Mesopotamian Commentary

Godfest Basics

The format for Godfests has been dramatically changed through their REM Renewal along with Full Disclosure of Rolling Rates. These changes dramatically improve your chances of rolling a specific card as the pool of available monsters is significantly smaller as only a portion of the all possible monsters are featured at a given time. This is great news for players as you are better able to focus your Magic Stones on key cards.

Godfests no longer advertise “rate increases” and instead Highlighted specific cards along with 6/7* Godfest Exclusives being available. As such, these events are the best time to roll the REM as the current meta is heavily favouring these rare and elusive monsters.

Rolling rates may change or vary with each Godfest event and some 6/7* GFE may have higher rolling rates. Always check the rolling rates before proceeding.


Saturday marks the return of our bi-monthly Godfests and features absolutely nothing interesting this time around. This is because it is just a standard Godfest with an average line up and no boosted rates/additional cards being available.

With that being said, it is a pretty good event to skip in order to save your Magic Stones for a more lucrative event as there is speculation (nothing confirmed) that NA will be receiving a Super Godfest in the near future along with the release of a new 7* GFE.

On the other hand, both Red and Blue Odin received Mega Awoken evolutions that dramatically improve their viability. In addition to the regular Godfest review, this article will be touching upon the Odins to help you better understand them along with possibly changing your mind about using them as Monster Exchange fodder.

Official announcement can be found HERE.

Video commentary

–video coming soon–

Godfest overview

Unlike Godfests of the past, only some 6/7* GFE will be featured. If they are listed as unavailable, you will be unable to roll them during the event.

June 30 – July 1 Godfest
6/7* GFE available

   3233    3370 3236 
 2991   3268     

6/7* GFE not available


You ideally wish to line up a Godfest that overlaps with several key targets to improve your overall chances of success. Thus, it may be advantageous to wait for a more opportune Godfest if the current one does not feature enough key targets.

Based on the revealed rolling rates of previous Godfests, 6* GFE will have 0.6% hit rate whereas the 7* had 0.5%. With that being said, some GFE may feature an increased rate and you simply have to check the displayed rolling rates each time.

On a side note, Ameno  and Dark Kali  have been absent for the second time in a row. Continue reading June 30 – July 1 Godfest Review Plus New Odin Evolution & Mesopotamian Commentary