Best Friend Reset is Coming and how to Improve Your Chances of Being Selected

If you have not used your BFF token or hit 150, 250, or rank 500, you will lose them after the next maintenance on
4/17 (Wed) 6pm (UTC-8)


After the next maintenance, all players will be able to select a new Best Friend (BFF) along with the various Rank Machine resets. This is wonderful as it gives all players various benefits for free but you must use it or lose it. This is because the reset will give players another Best Friend selection that will not override your existing ones but failing to use a current selection will not carry over after the reset.

Best Friends are a vital part of your PAD experience as it will enable you to expand the leaders available as well as gaining additional Pal Points.

This article will explain the Friend and Best Friend System along with how you can improve your chances of being selected by strangers as well as how to form BFF Triangles.

From the previous reset, I was the first player on any PAD server to achieve 300/300 Best Friends on my Mantastic account and wondering if I can achieve that same status on Fantastic as I am around 175. With this in mind, if you wish to Best Friend Mantastic or Fantastic, please leave your ID number, your in game name, and which account you want to Best Friend. Mantastic can only accept a handful of players as I can only delete a few inactive BFF.

Video commentary

–video coming soon–

Finding Friends

The first step to Pal Point domination is to find friends to populate your list. As you rank up, your friends list will max out at 50 players. You can add 5 additional friend slots for 1 magic stone, up to a maximum of 300 friends.

However, the sooner you add space and expand your friend list, the more Pal Points you will be rolling in. You can view this as an opportunity cost as for each day you have more friends, the more Pal Points you will generate in future days. Because PAD is a long term game, the sooner you invest, the more you will be rewarded. Thankfully, making friends in PAD is quite easy and the community is incredibly warm and welcoming. We can find friends via:

  • Posting your ID on various forumsReddit threads,  and Facebook groups (@PG@US@HG)
  • Typing in a player’s ID under Friends -> ID search
  • Choosing Users from the helper selection list
As simple as 1, 2, 3
As simple as 1, 2, 3

When you first start your PAD journey, you want to add as many friends as possible and constantly delete inactive low-level players (as they have most likely quit/rerolled) to maximize your Pal Point generation by having a list of friends to choose from when entering dungeons. If you post your ID on the various fan pages, players will send you invites, and many high-rank players will offer their leads. As you progress, you are going to become more choosy with whom you keep on your friends list as space may become an issue.

Best way to display your ID

It is best to not post a picture of your entire box as you only want to highlight your most preferred leaders. Showing numerous maxed out cards will cause intimidation and fear that you will rotate between too many leaders to be a stable Best Friend.

As such, I prefer to edit my team to show my favourite leader from left to right along with my ID as the team name. This condenses your information to a single picture and shows stability in those highlighted leads.

Keys to success

The key to building and maintaining your friends list after the early game is based on several factors:

  • Popular leader(s): If you are fortunate and have a popular leader, you will generate far more pal points than the more niche ones. Even if you are unable to effectively use that leader, still have it visible, especially when you take a break for stamina/sanity etc
  • Account activity: Logging in everyday will refresh your last activity status on your friends list and will lessen your chances of being deleted
  • Consistent leader display: your number of friends is strongly based around what leaders you have visible, so always try to keep a consistent showing of your ideal leaders.
  • Invested leaders: In this day and age, most teams have fully maxed out cards; however, if resources are scarce, invest in your strongest leader. This is because it is the only card displayed to your friends and having a fully invested Leader will attract more friends.
    • Building off this, try to use a powerful/rare inherit if possible. For example, using a Fujin  or Rathian  style inherit will make you more popular and desired.
  • Avoid duplicate leader display: your team slots determine which monster your friends can see and take. Slot 1 and current team selected display to your entire friends list. Slot 2 is only visible to best friends (BFF). Try to avoid showing the same leader in any of these team slots.

Best Friend selection

After you have done all that and have passed rank 50, it’s time to make a best friend selection! Choosing a best friend is a large commitment by PAD standards and once the selection is made, it cannot be undone. If for some reason you are deleted or you delete your BFF, you will lose all the benefits even if you re-friend at a later date. There have been a several BFF renewals that allow you to select a new BFF in addition to your already existing friendships. This may or may not happen every X number of months so please choose wisely.

Just remember that with each Best Friend reset, you will be able to expand your number of Best Friends and previously selected ones will not be lost.

Best friend benefits

Establishing a Best Friend link grants bonuses to both players every time you choose each other to take into a dungeon (whether coop or solo mode). Both players gain 100 instead of 10 Pal Points per day along with being able to see leaders in team slots 1, 2, and active/current as well as remaining visible for up to 24 hours without a login refresh. This is especially important for low level players who wish to simply use a powerful friend repeatedly for faster and safer clears. With this in mind, when you are making a BFF decision, you should seek out players who have:

  • Leader(s) suitable to your box and team
  • Established a certain tenure of playing in hopes they do not suddenly quit the game
  • Have some sort of communication established

Best Friend Triangles

Best Friend selection is only needed from one party for both players to benefit and allows three players to form a best friend triangle:

  • A -> B
  • B -> C
  • C -> A

Doing this successfully will enable all parties involved to have two new best friends with only one selection.

Triangles naturally work best if all three members have complimenting leaders along with some form of communication being established.

Newer account best friending

There is some controversy as to what a new player should do with their BFF token. Some people argue that the Pal Points through a triangle are more valuable, while others claim that having a high-rank BFF will allow more content to be cleared. I am personally in favour of best friending a high-ranking player at the cost of losing out on a triangle. This is because having access to leads far stronger than what you are capable of is far more important than up to 200 Pal Points per day. Stamina is still a more valuable currency compared to Pal Points as it could mean the difference between victory or losing 50 stamina for a failed dungeon. There is still risk in choosing higher level players as they may rotate between many leads and could restrict your access to what is ideal for you. As such, please message/contact your intended recipient and establish some sort of communication.

On this train of thought, it is advantageous to use your Alternate account to Best Friend your Main. This will grant your newer account a faster level of progression along with more Pal Points overall.

Best Friending Mantastic or Fantastic

If you wish to Best Friend either of my two accounts, please send me a Friend request along with leaving a comment indicating you wish to Best Friend me after the reset.

At this point in time, Mantastic can only accept a few individuals as I am already at 300/300 Best Friends but several are inactive. On the other hand, Fantastic has more total space as I can delete regular friends.

On a side note, Mantastic has only gained 8.5 ranks since the previous BFF reset (around November 30, 2018) whereas Fantastic has gained 25 ranks.


Best Friends resets are an exciting time as it will help foster new relationships and have players reach out into the community. Having Best Friends will allow for increased Pal Point generation along with having access to desirable leaders for 24 hours at a time.

Let me know what you think about the Best Friend system and make sure you spend your current one if you haven’t done so already.

Happy Puzzling!

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85 thoughts on “Best Friend Reset is Coming and how to Improve Your Chances of Being Selected”

      1. Hi thanks for all your helpful posts. I would like to best friend Mantastic. If its not possible could you pls let me know so I’ll try for Fantastic? Id 390434348 and ign Gra Thanks


  1. I switch leads too much to get good best friending, I think. Because I spend a lot, I end up with lots of shiny toys and like to play with them.

    Sadly a lot of my BFs are no longer active 😦


  2. I still have not selected a best friend from the last round so I have room for 2 new best friends, 1 before and 1 after the reset. ID: 381,918,494.


  3. I’d like to BF Mantastic after the reset. Please add me and my wife: 363,698,396 & 378,104,414. Thank you for the continued excellent content!


  4. Friend request sent to Fantastic. My ID is 330,834,447. IGN is AnGuirus. Will use current bff token once Fantastic accepts my request.


  5. I have sent friend request to Fantastic. My IGN name is Vicdemort (ID 346,447,239). Will add best friend after the reset. My usual leaders are D. Metatron (triple devil killers and beach Fujin inherit) and Edward (triple god killers and Trojan Horse inherit).


  6. If you choose me I would gladly accept Mantastic or Fantastic. I have all the leads you posted on both accounts except Diablos. My ID #396-099-304 & my in game name is a lower case k. Thank you


  7. Would like to BF Fantastic after reset. ID is 355 765 206; ign is Kiki, as in delivery service. Ilmina and B and J user.


  8. I would love to best friend Mantastic! I’ve logged in 1457 consecutive days. So no worries about going inactive. My ID is 312,064,311


  9. You might be one of the most generous streamers out there, and because of that you have even more of my respect! If you still have room for another fan my IGN is jaree and my ID is 362 049 368. I’d appreciate adding you as a best friend!


  10. Either account, please. 370569310. Daddyrad2.

    I really enjoy your site and appreciate the help you’ve provided me. Thank you!


    1. 307,477,286 Ashlynne
      Very much enjoy the site and your content. Would like to BFF Fantastic if you still have room! Thanks for all of your work!


  11. Hey, I would like to become your best friend for fantastic.
    Lead Rotations: Yusuke, Dmeta, Barbarie/Julie, and Ed.
    My game id is 301737481.
    In Game Name: KarateJoe.
    Hope you accept, and have a mantastic day!


  12. Hello from Hawaii! I would like to be best friends with your fantastic account. Love your content! Username is Kaneboy and my ID is 369047405. Thanks!!


  13. Hey there! would like to be best friends if you still have available space~
    Username Appleskux and ID 341143480


      1. Hey mantastic, would you be able to resent the request? It keep saying you had max friends and unfortunately the request has now expired~ much appreciated


  14. Hey. Love your content! Could I BF you with both my accounts?
    [F]lyy – ID: 376,542,425
    [P]syy – ID:390,344,435


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