Tag Archives: Saint Patrick’s Festival Godfest

Saint Patrick’s Festival Godfest Review and Analysis with GFE Tier List

Godfest basics

When making the decision to roll or save your magic stones, you need to determine if the featured pantheons can benefit or complement your teams. Chasing for one specific monster is unwise as you will most likely be disappointed and should ideally have Godfests that overlap with many target cards. Remember all monsters that come out of the REM will qualify for Skill Inheritance so do not be too hasty when selling dupes. For a more detailed team building help, please refer to my Popular Leader’s and their Full Sub List Post which is in the process of being updated. Lastly, to find more information about a specific pantheon or monster, refer to my Master List to better refine your search. If you are considering to purchase any of the Monster Point cards, please refer to my updated Tier List for help and advice.


The Saint Patrick’s Festival Godfest marks the debut of the new Three Kingdoms 2 pantheon along with two new GFE, Fujin 3414 and Raijin 3416. All of these cards feature new and unique active skills that add a great deal of dimension and diversity to your Monster Box. All featured pantheon cards will roll out at their standard boosted 3x rates while the GFE will be available at 4x rates. In addition, all rolls will come out with +50 to a random stat and at level 50.

Following the trend of my previous Godfest reviews, I will include a tier list of both the pantheons, GFE, and a list that combines both for each day.

If you wish to read a more thorough analysis of the Three Kingdoms 2 pantheon, please refer to my previous post HERE. A full review of Fujin and Raijin can be found HERE.

One thing you need to be aware of is the lower than perceived rates for the Three Kingdoms 2 pantheon. All the 3K2 cards are 6-star rarity and will slightly harder to acquire than a regular card.

2916 Gala of Flame Silk

Day 1
Three Kingdoms 2 Angel 1
     Uriel Gabriel Michael Raphael Lucifer
Red Sonia Blue Sonia Green Sonia Ult Zuoh 3235 Eschamali Scheat Australis
Fenrir Viz Fenrir Ult Tsubaki Ult Sumire Ult Kaede 3233 Baby Satsuki 3268
3372 3370 Sherias Roots Sherias Ronove 2991 2993 2997
Gremory 3414 3416

Day 2
Three Kingdoms 2 Mechanical 1
     3054 3056 3058 3060 3062 
Kali Dark Kali Sherias Roots Sherias 3370 3372 Ronove 2991
2993 2997 Gremory rodin Blodin Green Odin 3268 Metatron
dtron Urd Skuld ult evo Verd Gadius Typhon Ryune Saria
Sylvie 3414 3416

Video commentary

—video goes here—-

Ranking the cards – Pantheons & GFE

As part of my new format for Godfest posts, I will try my best to tier the featured pantheon cards along with GFE and then combine the two to showcase how strong of a day it is to roll. These opinions are my own and take into consideration the card’s value as a leader, sub, inherit, and possibly any niche role they fulfill. In order to rank in the highest tier, the card has to excel in their respective role and cannot feasibly be replaced by anyone else. This can also be thought of as a Best in Slot card and tends to have applications on the top tier teams.

Despite my best to remain neural, there is always the potential for bias and you need to be able to examine a card and determine if it can benefit your unique Monster Box. Continue reading Saint Patrick’s Festival Godfest Review and Analysis with GFE Tier List