[Video] Super Godfest Rolling!

As soon as Super Godfest went live, i streamed all my rolls on my Twitch Twitch stream but also uploaded all of my rolls onto YT YouTube along with a rolling progression tracker.


Let me know who you managed to roll in the comments below and whether or not this was a Super Godfest for you too.

Happy Puzzling!

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23 thoughts on “[Video] Super Godfest Rolling!”

  1. Free Pull was Ilmina (idk what she is good for :D), after this I rolled ROdin, my 2nd Yog, Lugh (YES!!!), Baal and my 3rd Xiahou Dun.
    The question now is: What to do with Ilmina and the 2nd Yog?


      1. Yeah, not having a Fujin made it quite nice.
        Only double was Lakishimi, so not bad overall.

        Was hoping for a new fun lead though, or something absolutely vicious for my Anubis team.


  2. I rolled two Neys, which brings me up to four total. My only other dupe GFE is a Typhon. Would it be wise to trade away some Neys for something like Yusuke?


  3. Free pull fujin, my first.
    First pull kaede my first
    Second pull reeche another first also. Three good pulls after almost four years.


  4. Started game a few months ago and saved starter stones to build a good starter box.
    35 Rolls: 2 GFEs (both Ameno) [5.7%]
    RNJesus, where art though?!?!


  5. Got ilmina on my freebie(!!)
    1. Eschmali
    2. GrOdin
    3. Spica
    4. Morrigu
    5. Cotton

    I’m a beginner so I am thrilled to have a lead like L/R Ilmina. I dont really have subs for her yet though and I dunno what to go with/aim for at all. Just shoved cthugha and unevolved cotton in a team with her for now (it’s all I have! Haha) and have an ilm friend. Do any of the cottons work well for ilmina?


    1. congrats on your good fortune!

      As for cotton, yes she will be wonderful on your team. For now, just use any strong card that is leveled/plused as you are starting out =)


      1. Thank you! Now i just need an Ilm of my own.

        For now I will have to keep her unevolved. Nooo idea which evo to do for her as blue looks to be somewhat counterproductive for ilmina unless I change some things around.


        1. In the long run, Blue tends to be the most universally beneficial for a wide variety of teams but there is not rush to decide until your box is more developed


  6. What assists and latents are good on an Edward team right now? My setup right now is Edward, Reeche, Odindra, Ren, Yuna


      1. Your team has strong base cards and it is a matter of filling in the blanks

        You will need a stronger shield, delay, and gemstone on your team

        As for latents, triple Dragon on Yuna, 2 God/2 SDR or triple God on Edwards

        Generally speaking, God Killer is better as the later floors are mostly Gods


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