Version 11.1 Update and 3-Player Coop Review


Puzzle and Dragons was updated to Version 11.1 and with it comes new evolutions, quality of life improvements and a brand new gameplay mode. This article will not focus on the new evolutions (that article can be found HERE) and instead will be reviewing the other changes with particular focus on 3-player coop and the strategies used to approach it.

Video commentary


—sample 3p coop—

Bonus/Follow Up Attack Awakening

Completing what I call the holy trinity of powerful awakenings is Bonus/Follow Up Attack  (Guard Break  and 7 Combo 45 are the other two). Bonus/Follow Up Attack is often referred to as the Resolve Killer awakening as it provides you with 1 additional point of damage AFTER your matched orb damage is triggered.

Bosses with Resolve will survive with 1 HP after all your regular damaging abilities and this Follow Up Attack will deal the final blow before they can cast their 1% ability. As a result, Resolve Bosses will no longer be a threat to most teams as you can simply combo away on a 5×5 board and no longer need to worry about damage control, delays, gravities, or execution abilities. Continue reading Version 11.1 Update and 3-Player Coop Review

[Videos] Solo Challenge Dungeon 41: Level 8-10


I managed to plan out my stamina reasonably well to have excessive amounts to play through the new Challenge Dungeons that came out today in solo mode. For the most part, they are interesting in terms of some of the mechanics that are introduced, but we also have amazingly powerful teams to someone naturally counter them.

I am also in the process of redoing OBS (program used to stream/record) and I wanted feedback in terms of the current layout and the larger camera (and forehead).

Challenge 8 – Anubis

No RCV means you have a much easier time with combo-oriented leaders as I believe I always had at least an 8 combo board each turn.

Challenge 9 – Meridionalis

Meridionalis continues to prove her worth in these types of dungeons provided you can naturally survive any preemptive. Her new evolution provides even more damage so spawns with 10+ million health are simply washed away with a row of water. She is still my go-to girl for Colosseum farming.

No inherits does make managing skill delays more challenging if you do not have SDR Skill delay resist latents. Thus, I would recommend using a leader with a high RCV multiplier to stall out the delays.

Challenge 10 – Dark Metatron

Dark Metatron is probably my current favourite leader to use as she combines ease of access, orb/health management, no skyfalls, and high skill cap all into one leader. While maintaining <80% HP can be annoying, it is certainly manageable compared to her previous incarnations and having perfect damage control is amazing through no Skyfalls clause.

Furthermore, having a mixture of 7 combo 45, rows Dark row, and TPA TPA allows for interesting team compositions as well as playstyles.


New Challenge Dungeons are fun as it does introduce new encounters/spawn patterns, but I am dearly hoping 3 Player Coop comes out in the next patch.

Happy Puzzling!

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I Want Your Feedback


Over the past several days I have been reinstalling my entire desktop due to a hacker infiltrating this website stealing 3 months of ad revenue by putting their PayPal email address over mine. I have repeatedly changed the passwords, email address used, and even reinstalled everything on my desktop to try and keep them out.

The whole process has left me somewhat depressed as every single penny I earn goes to funding my medical expenses and not something that is actually fun or entertaining. I have a physical disability that leaves me in constant pain along with a potentially cancerous lump in my right eye (can read more about it HERE) and I created this website to share my passion for Puzzle and Dragons as well as helping others. I never expected to surpass 3.7 million views since starting in October 2015, but here I am averaging over 11,000 views per day in 2017.

Regardless, I want to take this opportunity to find out why you come to my website as well as helping guide me/make suggestion for future content while I finish putting everything back together on my computer.

Video commentary

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Reasons why you come to here

Everyone has different reasons for coming to my website and while the vast majority of referrers are search engines (with Google occupying 98% of them), there are a good chunk who have bookmarked this site. While I can see what are the more popular articles, I would also like to know the whys behind them.

With that being said, there are certainly things I enjoy writing about more than others, but I want to know what your reasons for coming here are.

Thus, I will try to use the poll function in WordPress to quickly gather data. You can vote multiple times, but may only submit once. I don’t know how I will see the results but I can figure it out along the way. Feel free to elaborate in the comments below.

Where you consume and how you consume?

Weird question, but I want to know where you access my website along with what electronic device you use:

Length and detail of each article

What style of postings do you prefer? I would like to maximize time spent to the amount of people it could help as some articles can take days to write.


Thank you for providing your feedback as it is important to me as well as future content creation moving forward. The polls should work, but the comment section is always a great place to leave your thoughts.

Happy Puzzling!

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Creature Quest June Updates


Creatures Quest has a major update in-store for the month of June that will feature various balances/buffs to existing Creatures, Guild enhancements, new Events(!), plus more hidden gems.

There is no specified date for this update, but it will come out soon

Video Commentary

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Creature changes

The developers at VCME are continuously fine-tuning the various Creatures available to ensure all of them have a place in the current meta. This update mostly consists of various buffs/balance reworks to various Legendary Creatures. Continue reading Creature Quest June Updates