Tag Archives: Dark Metatron

Monster Exchange Survey Advice


On Monday’s GungHo NA stream, it was announced that the Monster Exchange Survey will be available to North American players.

This event allows players to vote for a Godest Exclusive (GFE) to be featured in the Monster Exchange System and gives us the opportunity to potentially acquire a valuable card.

Unfortunately, the trading ratio was quite unfavourable in Japan and resulted in few players actually being able to take advantage of it.

Voting can be done HERE.

Video commentary

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JP results

Due to the fact that the JP server is 2 months ahead of North America, we are able to see what events/goodies are being released a head of time to better plan our PAD future.

Thankfully, this included the Monster Exchange Survey where Zela was the number one voted card. The reason for Zela winning is largely due to her incredible sub potential as she is arguably the strongest wood card in the game due to her incredible kit. Furthermore, duplicates are used for luxury farming teams along with leader we do not have in NA (JP-exclusive Collabs).

With this in mind, I do not foresee Zela winning our survey as she has less applications for NA players. Continue reading Monster Exchange Survey Advice

Alt Arena 2 & Arena 5 Cleared


In addition to the Enhance Material Stacking, new Evolutions, and New Super Awakenings, the most recent maintenance gives us two new and ridiculously hard dungeons to play through. I managed to clear both of them in solo mode on my surprise Twitch Twitch stream today.

Alt Arena 2

Alt Arena 2 is akin to Three Hands of Fate on Crack as it features an obnoxious array of spawns that feature 180k preemptives (that one occurs on Floor 2) along with everything having greatly augmented abilities. Dungeon information can be found HERE.

Dark Metatron  is my leader of choice as she has enough effective HP to survive all preemptives while also having enough healing to sustain herself. This was my first attempt and managed to turn into a clear after a grueling 120 minutes.

Arena 5

Arena 5 is a bit more straight forward assuming one brings sufficient counters to various mechanics that can pile up and become lethal. Having Fenrir  inherited trivializes the various Poison Skyfall encounters (cannot be stopped otherwise) along with using Cloud Resist , VDP , and Fujin  style active skills. Once those are achieved, the dungeon becomes significantly more manageable.

I chose once again to use Dark Metatron as she has the highest survivability along with being able to stall out problematic floors that would otherwise be too difficult.


The new Arenas provide a new and exciting challenge for players at end game and subsequent attempts will probably result in spectacular death.

Let me know what you think about these dungeons along with what team you plan to use.

Happy Puzzling!

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Team Building for Puzzle and Dragons in 2018 with Yusuke, Beach Barbara & Julie, Dark Metatron, & Edward


Team building in Puzzle and Dragons is an invaluable skill as it enables players to examine a dungeon and determine the best approach possible. Over the course of many years, the strategies used for team building have changed as it is largely defined by the types of mechanics players will face and what tools are currently available.

Presently speaking, the top tier teams are those that have high amounts of effective health (whether through HP or damage reduction) in order to withstand outrageously large preemptives or attacks. Unfortunately, just using a strong leader is not enough and having the right subs, inherits, and latents is mandatory to success.

Nowadays, players are able to better customize their teams to counter dungeons as we now have access to more inherits, latents, weapon assists, specialized awakenings, and more counters to common mechanics.

This article will be focusing on how to build a team to counter the dungeon at hand instead of specifically saying one must use XYZ team to succeed. In addition, I will be presenting some generic team building ideas for some of the more popular leaders today.

Video commentary

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PAD is a Puzzle game

This may seem like a redundant statement, but Puzzle and Dragons requires both orb matching skills as well as planning for the dungeon. All mechanics have some sort of counter and it is up to the player to determine the most efficient way to do so without compromising the overall team composition. Continue reading Team Building for Puzzle and Dragons in 2018 with Yusuke, Beach Barbara & Julie, Dark Metatron, & Edward

Xiu Min Ranking Dungeon Overview


The Xiu Min Ranking Dungeon is simply a terrible Ranking Dungeon. This is because it is a 10 floor adventure with no Leader Skills. As such, buttons reign supreme along with the need to have highly specific cards. Lacking even just a few key cards will make it significantly harder to crown to the point one has to pray hard to skyfalls to succeed.

In fact, not having at least 10+ combo count average (on 6×5) will place you outside of a crown unless you are able to move blisteringly fast.

This article will give an overview of the generic team template used for this Ranking Dungeon along with my own compositions/modifications to achieve a reasonably high score.

On a side note, this article is being released late due to health issues.

Video commentary

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Score breakdown

In Ranking Dungeons, players are scored based on the following:

  • Each Combo is worth 5,000 points
  • Each second remaining is worth 500 points
  • Hitting 40 Million damage is 10,000 points
  • Each active used to kill a floor (no combo made) is -5,000 points

Continue reading Xiu Min Ranking Dungeon Overview

7 Stone Super Godfest is Here and you Should Probably Roll


The highly anticipated Lucky 7’s Super Godfest (SGF) has finally arrived in North America! This will most likely be the the best event for the rest of 2018 aside from the return of Dragonbound & Dragon Caller REM (DBDC, coming soon). As such, this imposes a small conundrum for players: spend Magic Stones here or in the revamped DBDC event.

While there is no perfect/universal answer that is applicable to every player, a reasonable word of advice would be roll SGF if one already has a good chunk of DBDC cards (most notably the 5-stars) and roll in DBDC if missing the valuable 5-stars.

Of course, your individual goals, Monster Box, and needs will vary so take that piece of advice with a grain of salt.

Regardless, this is a fantastic place to spend your hard-earned Magic Stones and the following article will explain why this event is better than a regular Godfest despite the 7-stone cost per roll.

Official announcement can be found HERE.


Video commentary

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Rolling video

SGF vs vanilla Godfests

The past several months have given us a general idea of what to expect from regular Godfests: disappointing rates with only approximately 10-11% chance of rolling a 6 or 7-star Godfest Exclusive (GFE) due to the fact that only 17 are featured at a time. Continue reading 7 Stone Super Godfest is Here and you Should Probably Roll

Efficient Cosmic Trinity Farming with Mantastic and Fantastic


Cosmic Trinity is one of the hardest dungeons in the game as it features 6 floors of randomly spawned Descend Bosses that gain increasingly higher stats. Furthermore, if you are able to survive the randomness of each floor, you will be greeted by one of three incredibly challenging bosses on floor 7.

It is both the randomness, massive damage output, and health of the each floor that makes Cosmic Trinity challenging. However, if you have well invested teams with the appropriate Killers and inherits, you will be able to overcome the majority of floors and even cheese your way through the final floor.

However, even the most prepared teams can face certain death if the wrong spawns do appear so it can be challenging to have a perfect clear rate.

With all that being said, I have devised an efficient set up for my two account that enables me to easily bypass all 3 final boss encounters with Cthulhu  and Nyarlathotep  being killed in one or two turns.

Video commentary/gameplay

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Fine print

This is not the only efficient set up that can be created but is the best I can put together given my two Monster Boxes. I still require some stalling on the first floor, but given Dark Metatron’s durability, it is rarely a problem and is even easier when I play with just myself. Continue reading Efficient Cosmic Trinity Farming with Mantastic and Fantastic

[Videos] Solo Challenge Dungeon 41: Level 8-10


I managed to plan out my stamina reasonably well to have excessive amounts to play through the new Challenge Dungeons that came out today in solo mode. For the most part, they are interesting in terms of some of the mechanics that are introduced, but we also have amazingly powerful teams to someone naturally counter them.

I am also in the process of redoing OBS (program used to stream/record) and I wanted feedback in terms of the current layout and the larger camera (and forehead).

Challenge 8 – Anubis

No RCV means you have a much easier time with combo-oriented leaders as I believe I always had at least an 8 combo board each turn.

Challenge 9 – Meridionalis

Meridionalis continues to prove her worth in these types of dungeons provided you can naturally survive any preemptive. Her new evolution provides even more damage so spawns with 10+ million health are simply washed away with a row of water. She is still my go-to girl for Colosseum farming.

No inherits does make managing skill delays more challenging if you do not have SDR Skill delay resist latents. Thus, I would recommend using a leader with a high RCV multiplier to stall out the delays.

Challenge 10 – Dark Metatron

Dark Metatron is probably my current favourite leader to use as she combines ease of access, orb/health management, no skyfalls, and high skill cap all into one leader. While maintaining <80% HP can be annoying, it is certainly manageable compared to her previous incarnations and having perfect damage control is amazing through no Skyfalls clause.

Furthermore, having a mixture of 7 combo 45, rows Dark row, and TPA TPA allows for interesting team compositions as well as playstyles.


New Challenge Dungeons are fun as it does introduce new encounters/spawn patterns, but I am dearly hoping 3 Player Coop comes out in the next patch.

Happy Puzzling!

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New Evolutions: Metatrons, Angels 2, and More – May 18, 2017


7 new split evolutions have been released overnight that breathe significant new life into some older cards. With this article, I wish to explore how these new evolutions fit in the current meta as well as discussing which path you should pursue.

Cards to receive new evolutions:

  • Rozuel 
  • Ruel 
  • Lumiel 
  • Nephthys 
  • Light Metatron 
  • Dark Metatron 
  • Amaterasu 

Video commentary

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Split evolutions

Split evolution paths tend to push cards into either a more sub or leader oriented role and are Fantastic overall as it allows you to better customize each card to your liking. Sometimes there is an obvious winner, but there may be times that where you wish to retain the older evoluton. This can occur when new split does not warrant enough benefits or they lose a particular typing/sub element.


Rozuel was a potent fire sub due to her triple TPA, unbindability, recover bind, and God typing. This granted her flexibility as she could perform the role of both a bind clearer and offensive powerhouse when matching a TPA. In addition, the water typing had merits on rainbow teams and her low base cooldown enabled you to inherit an active of your choice over top. Continue reading New Evolutions: Metatrons, Angels 2, and More – May 18, 2017

[Videos] Clearing Challenge 8, 9, & 10 with a variety of teams


I managed to stream for a brief period today and was able to successfully clear Challenge 8, 9, and 10 with a variety of teams. I tend to blink a lot and may not be able to see the orbs with the same clarity as I usually do, but hopefully my Mantastic skills pull through in the end!

Challenge 10 vs Sarasvati

Definitely not overkill on Kali….

Challenge 9 vs Blue Sonia

Another Splashing success!


Challenge 8 vs Dark Metatron

Hit me harder


Playing with one eye is a lot harder than it looks. Eye hope eye am back to normal shortly.

Happy Puzzling!

[Video] +297 Zeus Dungeon Clear and Strategies Guide


North America has finally received the +297 Zeus “Gift” Dungeon today and it presents a unique challenge for players to overcome. I am well aware that there are many different teams that can clear this, but I wish to showcase how I have successfully cleared with my Dark Metatron dtron team along with my strategies and checklist of utility. Do note that this dungeon must be completed in solo mode.

Video clear

Team used

I decided to go with my Dark Metatron team due to the colour advantage, ease in which to activate her multiplier, and ample Skill Boosts Skill Boost to allow for the much needed Skill Inheritance actives being ready in time. For reference, Dark Metatron forms a 2.25x HP / 36x ATK team when under 50% HP. I also used the +5% Attack Imp ATKAwoken Badge as it was the one that provided the most benefit. My subs were mostly chosen for their synergy with each other through Skill Inheritance as well as being my strongest options.

dtron Dark Valk Awoken Persephone Awoken Archdemon Lucifer Awoken Pandora dtron
1157 Awoken Karin Baby Satsuki Ra

Dungeon mechanics

+297 Zeus is a reasonably tricky dungeon as it has numerous mechanics that can trip up the average team and careful planning is critical to avoid failure. Universally, every team requires: Continue reading [Video] +297 Zeus Dungeon Clear and Strategies Guide