Tag Archives: Set

[JP] Coin Dungeons / Challenge Mode Disappearing Plus Egyptian 2 + Cthuga Evolutions


On my YT YouTube channel, I often release First Impression Videos that summarize my initial thoughts on new content being released in JP and plan to make a stronger effort on my part to bring this information out on a regular basis.

The main key point of this video is that the Coin Dungeon and Challenge Mode will be disappearing in October for JP (so 3-4 months time for NA). This means any uncleared level will be a lost Magic Stone. This is done to make room for new content but that content has yet to be determined.

TLDR clear your Coin Dungeons and Challenge Modes.



Dragonbound & Dragon Caller should be coming back to North America in 2-3 months time so one may wish to start saving Magic Stones for this exciting event.

Let me know what you think about the new evolutions along with how many Coin Dungeons and Challenge Modes you still have to do.

Happy Puzzling!

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New Content Update – April 25, 2017


In a small and surprising update, we received new Reincarnated Evolutions for several popular cards. For the most part, reincarnating a card is the best thing to do as they are bumped up to 1,000 weighted stats, additional awakenings, and triple typing. As such, you should be pursuing them almost all the time and the only real exception at the moment is Haku .

This article will provide a brief summary/thoughts on each of the featured cards in this content update. As a side note, you should be using 0-stamina Normals to abuse Legendary Earth for endless monster experience to level up all of these cards.

Video commentary

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New evolutions

New evolutions are some of the most exciting aspects of Puzzle and Dragons as it breathes new life into old cards and hopefully revitalizes their viability.


Like the other Egyptian 2 cards, Set gained a split evolution that removed all of this TPA TPA to gain dual 7 combo 45 awakenings as well as changing his sub attribute to Light from Wood. From a purely damage perspective, dual 7 combo awakenings are more potent when achieving 7 or more combos, but ruin more mindless-farming builds that rely on minimal comboing. Continue reading New Content Update – April 25, 2017

Springtime Sonnets Godfest Review and Analysis with Updated GFE Tier List

Godfest basics

When making the decision to roll or save your magic stones, you need to determine if the featured pantheons can benefit or complement your teams. Chasing for one specific monster is unwise as you will most likely be disappointed and should ideally have Godfests that overlap with many target cards. Remember all monsters that come out of the REM will qualify for Skill Inheritance so do not be too hasty when selling dupes. For a more detailed team building help, please refer to my Popular Leader’s and their Full Sub List Post which is in the process of being updated. Lastly, to find more information about a specific pantheon or monster, refer to my Master List to better refine your search. If you are considering to purchase any of the Monster Point cards, please refer to my updated Tier List for help and advice.


The Springtime Sonnets Godfest descends on Friday and features a unique 4x rates for featured Pantheon monsters. This is a first, but they picked somewhat questionable pantheons along with only featuring one per day. In addition to this, all rolls will come out as +10 to a random stat. Finally, non-featured Godfest Exclusives will not appear from the Rare Egg Machine.

Following the trend of my previous Godfest reviews, I will include a tier list of both the pantheons, GFE, and a list that combines both for each day.

If you wish to read a more thorough analysis of the Three Kingdoms 2 pantheon, please refer to my previous post HERE. A full review of Fujin and Raijin can be found HERE.

Carat Gala of Tides 2918

Day 1
Egyptian 2
Set   Nephthys
rodin Blodin Green Odin Metatron dtron Red Sonia Blue Sonia Green Sonia
Kali Dark Kali Ult Zuoh 3235 Gadius Typhon Ryune Saria
Sylvie Ult Tsubaki Ult Sumire Ult Kaede 3233 Baby Satsuki 3268 3372
3370 Sherias Roots Sherias 3414 3416

Day 2
Wisdom Kings
3198 3200 3202 3204 3206
Kali Dark Kali Urd Skuld ult evo Verd Ult Zuoh 3235 Eschamali
Scheat Australis Gadius Typhon Ryune Saria Sylvie Fenrir Viz
Fenrir 3372 3370 Sherias Roots Sherias Ronove 2991 2993
2997 3268 Gremory 3414 3416

Video commentary

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Ranking the cards – Pantheons & GFE

As part of my new format for Godfest posts, I will try my best to rank the featured pantheon cards along with GFE and then combine the two to showcase how strong of a day it is to roll. These opinions are my own and take into consideration the card’s value as a leader, sub, inherit, and possibly any niche role they fulfill. In order to rank in the highest tier, the card has to excel in their respective role and cannot feasibly be replaced by anyone else. This can also be thought of as a Best in Slot card and tends to have applications on the top tier teams.

Despite my best to remain neutral, there is always the potential for bias and you need to be able to examine a card and determine if it can benefit your unique Monster Box. Continue reading Springtime Sonnets Godfest Review and Analysis with Updated GFE Tier List

11 Million Downloads Celebration Godfest Review and Analysis

Godfest basics

When making the decision to roll or save your magic stones, you need to determine if the featured pantheons can benefit or compliment your teams. Chasing for one specific monster is unwise as you will most likely be disappointed and should ideally have Godfests that overlap with many target cards. Remember all monsters that come out of the REM will qualify for Skill Inheritance so do not be too hasty when selling dupes. For a more detailed team building help, please refer to my full list Popular Leader’s and their Full Sub List Post. Lastly, to find more information about a specific pantheon or monster, refer to my Master List to better refine your search. If you are considering to purchase a Four Gentlemen card, please read my Review and Comparison HERE.


To mark the 11 million downloads in North America, GungHo is throwing a modestly more special Godfest to mark this occasion. We have been experiencing 4x GFE for quite some time now and with only a smattering of 5x to try and entice us. However, these increased rates do not appear to be any more special than Godfests of old due to the significantly larger REM pool. It is my understanding (I could be wrong) that with each new pantheon (or GFE) added, the rates to roll a particular card go down. Thus, the increased rates are merely there to keep abreast with this “inflation.”

Regardless, this Godfest features a reasonable line up along with +33 to each roll (+11 to each stat).

2916 Gala of Flame Silk

Day 1
Heroes Egyptian 2
Bankai Yamato Bankai Andro Bankai Perseus Wukong bankai Awoken Pandora Set Nut Osiris Hathor Nephthys
 Kali Dark Kali Red Sonia Blue Sonia Green Sonia Eschamali Scheat Australis
 Ult Tsubaki Ult Sumire Ult Kaede Fenrir Viz Fenrir Kanna 3268 Baby Satsuki
 Gremory Ronove 2991 2993 2997 Sherias Roots Sherias Balboa

Day 2
Norse Sengoku
Freyr I&I Awoken Freyja Thor Awoken Loki 3101 3103 3105 3107 d-d-akechi
Urd Skuld ult evo Verd Metatron dtron Ryune Saria Sylvie
Ult Zuoh Ilm Sherias Roots Sherias Baldin Balboa Ronove 2991
2993 2997 Gremory Gadius Typhon rodin Blodin Green Odin

Video commentary

—video goes here—-

Day 1

Day 1 features both the powerful Heroes pantheon and poorly aging Egyptian 2. Continue reading 11 Million Downloads Celebration Godfest Review and Analysis

One True Pairing Godfest: 3 Kingdoms, Egyptian 2, Samurai, & Norse Review and Analysis

Godfest basics

When making the decision to roll or save your magic stones, you need to determine if the featured pantheons can benefit or compliment your teams. Chasing for one specific monster is unwise as you will most likely be disappointed and should ideally have Godfests that overlap with many target cards. Remember all monsters that come out of the REM will qualify for Skill Inheritance so do not be too hasty when selling dupes. For a more detailed team building help, please refer to my full list Popular Leader’s and their Full Sub List Post. Lastly, to find more information about a specific pantheon or monster, refer to my Master List to better refine your search.


The One True Pairings Godfest coincides with the June Bride REM and gives players a challenging decision to make as where to spend their Magic Stones. This Godfest features a diverse array of powerful leaders and subs along with the soon to be Awoken 3 Kingdoms Pantheon. We have also just had the highly anticipated Awoken DQXQ Awoken DQXQ who should be some indication as to the power the 3 Kingdoms have in store for us. It is just unfortunate they are being paired with the lackluster Egyptian 2. For Day 2, the featured Norse Pantheon contains some of the most desired mono colour subs along with fantastic leads in their own right. Lastly, the Samurai series features some of the strongest actives in the game who are phenomenal as an assistant for Skill Inheritance.

Light Light Gala Facet / Dark Midnight Gala Sheen
Day 1
3 Kingdoms Egyptian 2
Cao Cao A Sun Quan A Liu Bei Awoken DQXQ A Lu Bu Set Nut Osiris Hathor Nephthys
Day 2
Samurai Norse
Sanada Mori Motanari Ishida Keiji Akechi Freyr I&I Awoken Freyja Thor Awoken Loki

Day 1:

The Three Kingdoms are finally starting to get their awoken evolutions, but are still considered some of the strongest subs in the game with only an ultimate evolution. This is because they combine fantastic awakenings, unique active skills, and great synergy for their respective teams. However, with all that being said, their Awoken Evolutions are starting to be released and will hopefully find their way to North America soon that will cause a dramatic shift in the meta and powercreep. Overall, the Three Kingdoms are one of the strongest pantheons and are worth pursuing.

On the other hand, the Egyptian 2 pantheon is in an awkward place in today’s meta. They are a relatively new pantheon, but old enough to not have kept pace with the rate of powercreep. Furthermore, none of these cards have an awoken evolution (and probably will not for some time) and this further diminishes their value. Relatively speaking, they make reasonable subs for their respective teams, but may be outclassed by other options.

Rolling in Day 1 will mostly be for the coveted Three Kingdom gods who all have a solidified place on their respective teams. If only we had a better pairing than Egyptian 2.

Continue reading One True Pairing Godfest: 3 Kingdoms, Egyptian 2, Samurai, & Norse Review and Analysis

Egyptian 2 Pantheon Analysis

Please refer to the Master List for directory to the other pantheons and their analysis.

Take a look at my Popular Leaders and their Full Sub List post for inspiration on team building ideas. If contemplating on purchasing a MP Dragon, please check out my Monster Point Dragon Purchasing Check-list Guide.

Keep in mind all of the following monsters qualify for Skill Inheritance so do not be too hasty in selling dupes.

The Egyptian 2 pantheon is in an awkward place in today’s meta. They are a relatively new pantheon, but old enough to not have kept pace with the rate of powercreep. Furthermore, none of these cards have an awoken evolution (and probably will not for some time) and this further diminishes their value. Relatively speaking, they make reasonable subs for their respective teams, but may be outclassed by other options.

Egyptian 2

jjjjjjjjMonsterjjjjjjjjj  Notes
God / Attacker
Enhnaced Fire Orb Skill Boost Enhanced Wood Orb
Enhnaced Fire Orb TPA TPA
TPA +heart
Heart Arrow Fire
1.5x ATK Fire att. for 2 turns
11 turn CD
Ding dong. No, that was not the doorbell, but was Set’s triple dong awakenings! For those who avoid the internet (wise choice), the dong awakening sometimes refers to the Two Prong Attack TPA and is Set’s signature aspect. With 3 TPA awakenings, he has the potential for massive burst damage. As such, Set can find a warm welcoming from Awoken Shiva Shiva where his burst potential and damage enhancement active are highly desired. One Fantastic aspect of Set’s active is being able to augment your damage for two turns as well as a heart to fire orb changer. This allows you to conserve actives as you can use Set on the second to last floor with no other orb changer to sweep and then proceed into the boss with the second turn of enhancement.

In addition to Awoken Shiva, Set can be utilised on Shiva Dragon Shiva D teams due to his God typing. This allows Set to be your go to choice for damage enhancement as Awoken Freyr Freyr lacks a god typing. In addition, you can use Set on Raoh Raoh teams due to his Attacker typing if you need the burst. Unfortunately, fire is lacking a solid end game lead and this is the main drawback of Set as you will struggle to find an ideal home for pushing current content. Furthermore, Set is also lacking a Skill Bind Resist Skill Lock Resist awakening and may place constraints on your team when trying to achieve 100% immunity.

For beginning players, Set is a strong leader as he will teach you the ways of comboing and basic orb management.

Overall, Set is a solid sub for mono fire teams because your damage enhancement will carry over for two turns. This will help conserve your actives towards the end of a dungeon and ensures you are all set for any encounter.

God / Physical
blue + orb TPA Time Extend
blue + orb TPA blue + orb
blue + orb +heart
L Column  Arrow Water
4  turn CD
I am going a little nuts over Nut’s artwork and the whole galaxy theme combined with masks and mystery set my heart all aflutter. I actually have her as my desktop’s wallpaper. Regardless, Nut is an interesting water monster who is starting to see more gameplay with the resurgence of water TPA through Rukia Rukai Kuchiki. However, even without any water row Water Row awakenings, Nut can still be utilised due to her 4 water orb enhance blue + orb awakenings. She ensures 80% of all water orbs that appear come with an enhance and is a fantastic way to add additional damage to your team. Her God and Physical typing allows them to fully benefit from Neptune Dragon Neptune Dragon and Blue Sonia Blue Sonia‘s leader skill. In addition, you can use Nut on I&I I&I / Ryune Ryune as a means to frequently proc your leader skill via a 4 turn active.

Looking at Nut’s active, you are able to generate 1-5 additional water orbs on a 4 turn cooldown. What makes this unique compared to other orb changers is that she will spawn the orbs in a fixed location regardless of what is already there. This means you can use Nut as a way to improve an already strong board after a full board changer or to override poison/jammer orbs. Furthermore, the column that is generated can easily be converted into a TPA match by moving a water orb from the bottom or top.

The main drawback of using Nut is a lack of SBR Skill Lock Resist which could place constraints on team building in order to achieve 100% immunity.

Overall, Nut is a solid water sub and although she may not be a source of healthy fat/protein, she can strengthen your team’s output via her 4 water orb enhances.


God / Balance
Enhanced Wood Orb TPA Time Extend
Enhanced Wood Orb TPA Enhanced Wood Orb
Enhanced Wood Orb+heart
R Column  Arrow Green
4  turn CD
Osiris was designed as the wood counterpart to Nut as he shares the same style of awakenings and active. He also features his wonderful pet, Medjedra, along with stunning art work. Unfortunately, Osiris is seldom seen on many mono wood teams due to the sheer abundance of TPA-oriented subs. Despite the fact that teams like Bastet Bastet thrive on additional orb enhances, you may not be able to as easily accommodate Osiris on your team due to a lack of SBR  Skill Lock Resist. In terms of a quick orb changer, most players would elect to use Vishnu Vishnu instead due to the additional Two Prong Attack, SBR, and enhanced skyfall mechanic.

Another factor that is hurting Osiris’s viability is a slow decline of wood TPA teams. They have actually become stronger since the inception of Awoken Bastet due to additional subs and skill inheritance. However, their improvement has not kept pace with the current rate of powercreep and players are beginning to shift away from wood teams.

One thing to keep in mind with Osiris is that he forms a modest 1.82x HP / 12.25x ATK / 1.82x RCV team that can be used to clear early-mid game descends. Only problem is finding friends who use him.

Overall, Osiris is still a strong card, but the teams where he shines have not kept pace with powercreep and his own lack of an awoken evolution dampens his own power. On the bright side, Medjedra still loves him.

God / Healer
+light orb Skill Boost blue + orb
+light orb +light orb +light orb
Skill Lock Resist Time Extend
25% gravity
13 turn CD
Got Milk? Hathor certainly does! She brings joy and overflowing jugs all rolled into one pretty girl in Puzzle and Waifus. It is a shame Hathor was released very late into the game and could not shine bright in the meta as 25x rainbow leads began to go out of style. She is capable of forming a 1.82x HP / 20.25x ATK / 1.82x RCV rainbow team that requires 5/6 elements to trigger activation. This would have made her stronger than the first few evolutions of Sakuya, but the game shifted away from rainbow leads before Hathor could develop a following. Presently, Hathor is mostly a pretty box cheerleaders and potential candidate for skill inheritance as gravity assistant. She could also be used as a mono light sub for gravity, but is relatively eclipsed by Awoken Sakuya Sakuya in that department.

Hathor is still lacking a Bankai or Awoken evolution and either one may be able to resurrect her viability as a tank rainbow team with a higher multiplier could be viable in the current meta.

Overall, Hathor is a potential assistant as a gravity through skill inheritance and requires a major buff or evolution to gain relevance as a leader.

God / Devil
Dark Orb Enhance Skill Boost Enhnaced Fire Orb
Dark Orb Enhance Dark Orb Enhance Dark Orb Enhance
+heart Skill Lock Resist
Dark Arrow Dark Orb Enhance
1.5x Dark ATK for 2 turns
8 turn CD
Nephthys is an adorkable card in Puzzle and Dragons as she combines cute with a touch of ebil. She also follows the relative trend of the Egyptian 2 pantheon by featuring 4 enhanced orb awakenings and being largely outclassed by other options for her respective role. Even with the buff to her active skill to allow 2 turns of damage enhancement, she will still feel inferior to Loki Awoken Loki or other damage boosters. Unlike Set, Nephthys only enhances dark orbs (instead of generating extra orbs) and still requires another orb changer to deal damage. Furthermore, if you are planning to use her active on the second to last floor (as your second turn of damage carries over), you will have wasted the majority of your burst due to the orb enhancement. Thus, you would probably need to use Nephthys on the boss itself and negating the two turn enhancement buff. This may seem a little nit-picky; however, it becomes crucial to min/max at higher levels and you need to be careful of what actives/subs you bring to the party.

Looking beyond Nephthys’s active, her God and Devil typing allow her to be utilised on all the popular dark teams: Yomi Dragon Yomi Dragon, Awoken Lucifer Awoken Archdemon Lucifer, and Awoken Pandora Awoken Pandora. The 4 enhanced dark orb Dark Orb Enhance add a sizeable damage increase and ensure 80% of all spawned orbs come with an enhance. Furthermore, by being able to enhance dark orbs with her active, you can correct badly spawned full board changers for Yomi Dragon.

Nephthys is also capable of forming a modestly strong 1.82x HP / 9x ATK / 1.82x RCV rainbow team that only requires you to match 3 elements. This may not seem that powerful, but you have access to numerous (and powerful) dark subs and you can prioritise rows along with having a 50% uptime on the 1.5x ATK buff from her active with max skilled leaders. You may not be able to find friends, but it is an interesting point to consider and there are numerous clears of higher end content with Nephthys floating around the internet.

Overall, Nephthys is a reasonable dark team enhancer, but may be outclassed by other options.

Happy Puzzling!

Indigo Descended & November 18th Evolutions

Indigo Indigo Descended is going to be available on November 20th at 6pm and brings fourth a new set of challenges, some familiar faces, and a 7×6 board. Those who have managed to clear the first Endless Coridoors will have unlocked a 7×6 board onwhich to practice upon. I have found myself becoming quite dizzy and slightly nauseous from playing the 7×6 and 5×4 boards as I am too familiar with the 6×5. With a larger board, the boss’s health is boosted to compensate for the higher average combos when playing with 12 additional orbs. Row enhance-based teams will have a tough time trying to match a horizontal line of seven orbs whereas a TPA focused team will excel as more two prongs can be achieved. Naturally, combo-based teams will have it easier; players are expected to pump out millions of damage every turn to overcome the nearly 10 million health pool of the boss. Continue reading Indigo Descended & November 18th Evolutions