Tag Archives: Player’s Choice Godfest

Super Player’s Choice Godfest – Voting Advice & Overview


Player’s Choice Godfests (PCGF) are one of the more exciting events to come to PAD as it allows players to vote for their favourite cards with the most popular ones appearing in a special REM.

This in turn should produce a strong rolling roster as the more desirable cards will be featured. Furthermore, all players will be able to vote once per category with the top voted cards being featured at a later date.

As a whole, I like how GungHo has now created three separate voting categories as it ensures a more even distribution of rare/valuable cards but it is not without fault as 40 Pantheon cards can be voted in along with the 7-star GFE sharing their pool with the Samurai 3 Pantheon.

Regardless, this article will highlight my thoughts for voting within the PCGF along with listing various possible cards to vote for. Just bear in mind that my advice has may not always be 100% applicable to your situation and you should be voting for what will benefit you the most.

Video commentary

How to vote

Voting within the PCGF has become significantly easier as it can be completely done within the app and no third party sites are involved.

In order to cast your vote, you will need to go to [Others] menu in the bottom right corner and then select The Super Player’s Choice Godfest tab. Continue reading Super Player’s Choice Godfest – Voting Advice & Overview

Player’s Choice Godfest Results & Commentary


The 10-Magic Stone Player’s Choice Godfest (PCGF) voting has come to a close and the results have been calculated and the event will transpire from December 30 – January 5, 2020.

Depending on your current level of progress and how deep your Monster Box is, this event may have varying degrees of value. This is because Collabs/Seasonal cards have become key to own when pushing through challenging content and many cards from the Rare Egg Machine are starting to fall behind.

With that being said, there are still numerous strong cards to be rolled within Player’s Choice Godfest and this article will highlight my thoughts and opinions as well as providing commentary on the featured roster.

You can find the official GungHo Facebook posting HERE.

Video commentary

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PCGF History & Seasonal Super Godfests

In the past, Player’s Choice Godfests were exciting events as Collabs/Seasonal cards barely existed or if they did, had middling value. As such, the best cards to be had came from the Rare Egg Machine and many of them were actually Pantheon cards. While it is impossible to know the rolling rates of the past, the fact that all of the cards you wanted could be found in a single machine made it worth saving up for. Continue reading Player’s Choice Godfest Results & Commentary

Player’s Choice Godfest Voting December 2019


The Player’s Choice Godfest (PCGF) will return to North America with voting already underway. Historically, this event was one of the most exciting times for Puzzles and Dragons due to the lower frequency/potency of Collab/Seasonal Rare Egg Machines. As such, players were able to have a line up that featured their favourite cards who represented the majority of strong monsters at the time.

Sadly, the landscape of PAD has dramatically shifted due to the almost mandatory inclusion of Collab/Seasonal cards and this makes rolling that much harder as all your favourite stuff is never in the same machine (possible exception are some Seasonal Godfests).

With that being said, there are still numerous strong cards that can be acquired through a Player’s Choice Godfest along with the voting not requiring Facebook as it now done in-game along with players voting three times in different categories.

This article will share the process for which we can vote along with my predictions/cards I feel are relevant at this point in time.

Video commentary

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New format

In the past, Player’s Choice Godfests had all possible cards lumped into a single pool and players would naturally select the cards they did not own. In this case it was often 6/7* GFE which would inevitably have worse rolling rates to compensate for their power. Continue reading Player’s Choice Godfest Voting December 2019

Player’s Choice Godfest December 2018 Review + Commentary


Player’s Choice Godfest (PCGF) is a special event where players are allowed to vote on their favourite cards to be featured in a Godfest. Historically speaking, PCGF has become an underwhelming event pre-disclosed rolling rates due to the fact that Godfest Exclusives (GFE) were always voted in and had abysmal rolling rates. With that being said, things have taken a turn for the better with this current format featuring the top 25 GFE and top 25 Pantheon cards with any GFE having a 33% roll rate.

Of course there is a catch as all rolls will cost 10 Magic Stones with GungHo trying to sweeten the deal by having all rolls come out at +297, Max Level, Max Awoken, and their 7-star form (evolved/Awoken if possible). While this is frustrating due to the inflated cost and arguably redundant collateral benefits, this is the way of the future for high-value Godfests.

Based on the JP-server and their events, this format of 33% GFE for 10 Magic Stones will become the norm so we will have to get on board at some point. Thus, the decision of whether or not to roll comes down to your own Monster Box and how well the line up can benefit you.

In addition to presenting the line up with commentary, I will also include a reaction table to the voting for various categories such as most surprising, most over-hyped, and more.

The Player’s Choice Godfest will feature the three new Fest Exclusives, Valkyrie – Ciel , Zeus – Giga , and Athena – Non . In addition, players are able to Monster Exchange a special token for any one of these three cards and this exchange should be done after rolling to avoid the possibility of acquiring dupes. More information can on the new Fest Exclusives can be found on my previous post HERE.

Video commentary

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Featured cards

The Player’s Choice Godfest is split into two parts with each one lasting a week. While they technically feature the same monsters, the rolling rates for each part are different with the Highlights having 2x the rolling rates compared to non-Highlights for GFE. Continue reading Player’s Choice Godfest December 2018 Review + Commentary

Player’s Choice Godfest Results and Reactions – October 2017


Player’s Choice Godfest results have been officially announced and with it comes surprise, excitement, and a what the fujin moment (have to keep this PG-rated).

This article will express my thoughts and reactions to the voted 25 along with comparing it to my previous predictions of the winning line up.

PCGF will feature 5x rates and each card coming out at level 50 in addition to 10x rates for Ney  on Day 1 and 10x rates for Yog  on Day 2. Finally, this Godfest occurs alongside the +60 Carnival which means all pulls will result in +20 to each stat. Official announcement can be found HERE.

The arrival comes at a wonderful moment as I have just enough time to squeeze out one last article before I pack up my computer and move this weekend.

Video commentary

—video coming soon–

The results

Player’s Choice Godfest October 2017
1-5     3385
6-10 3414   Indra 
11-15   3071 3236 
16-20   A Liu Bei Dark Kali 
21-25 2997 3271  3386 Ryune
  • Nine 6-star GFE
  • Six 6-star Pantheon
  • Ten 5-star Pantheon

The actual voted results are not too far off from my own predictions made in my last post: Continue reading Player’s Choice Godfest Results and Reactions – October 2017

Player’s Choice Godfest Voting Advice and Predictions – October 2017

Player’s Choice Godfest in a Nutshell

Shameless plug for my discord Discord server where I regularly post Memetastic content.

Video commentary

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Player’s Choice Godfests (PCGF) are some of the most exciting events Puzzle and Dragons as it grants everyone to make their voice heard to create a special pool of monsters with increased rates.

Unfortunately, it also has the potential to turn into a disaster through the voting of 6-star Godfest Exclusives. Despite the fact that the top 25 cards will be featured at higher rates (or actually available for GFE), they are not weighted evenly. Continue reading Player’s Choice Godfest Voting Advice and Predictions – October 2017

[Videos] Player’s Choice Godfest Rolling Results

I had to split up the video into two parts due to the sheer size of each one and the fear that OBS was about to crash. I also have a running tab alongside to showcase each roll as they come in so you have the option to skip ahead etc.

Full PCGF review can be found HERE

Part 1


Part 2

Hopefully your PCGF turned out well for you.

Happy Puzzling!

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Thoughts on Player’s Choice Godfest Results – May 2017


Player’s Choice Godfest (PCGF) voting has come to a close with the results revealed in the latest GungHo NA stream. While PCGF can be an exciting time, it also has the opportunity for dissapointment due to poor voting choices of excessive 6-star GFE and even missing some key pantheon cards due to the votes not being made public. This was most notable last PCGF when we had eleven 6-star GFE (full post can be found HERE) and the surprising absence of Ganesha 3071.

Voting in too many 6-star GFE is problematic as it dilutes the pool of desired monsters as they have depressingly low roll rates but it was honestly bad timing in terms of what was current in the meta. Thankfully, the meta is shifting away from 6-star supremecy and Pantheon cards are now the key cards for many top tier teams.

This post will go over my thoughts and commentary for each voted card along with notable cards along with those who I felt should have made it in.

To sweeten the deal, all players above rank 50 will receive 1 free pull. Official announcement can be found HERE.

Video commentary

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If you wish to watch the rolling videos, please check out my subsequent post HERE.

The results

Keeping the trend of hiding the votes (and not even disclosing the actual numbers) removes the chance for strategic voting as you run the risk of a popular card not making it in if you simply assume everyone will vote for them. This probably made many votes go to waste on already shoe-in winners.

Winners are in order from left to right:

Player’s Choice Godfest May 2017
1-5  3414   
6-10 Indra Dark Kali 3385  3071
11-15 A Liu Bei 3386 3416 Bankai Andro Isis
16-20 Lumiel Eschamali 3233  
21-25 3236 3273 3202  

By comparison to the last PCGF, we only have six 6-star GFE as opposed to eleven. along with no 5-star GFE. However, there are Continue reading Thoughts on Player’s Choice Godfest Results – May 2017

Player’s Choice Godfest Voting Advice, May 15-22, 2017

Don’t Vote Godfest Exclusives

or else…

Video commentary

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Player’s Choice Godfests (PCGF) are some of the most exciting events Puzzle and Dragons as it grants everyone to make their voice heard to create a special pool of monsters with increased rates.

Unfortunately, it also has the potential to turn into a disaster through the voting of Godfest Exclusives. Despite the fact that the top 25 cards will be featured at higher rates (or actually available for GFE), they are not weighted evenly. Continue reading Player’s Choice Godfest Voting Advice, May 15-22, 2017

[Videos] 37 Rolls in Player’s Choice Godfest – Winter 2016


Player’s Choice Godfest used to be the most anticipated Godfest in Puzzle and Dragons. However, with the transition to six-star supremacy, it has left the player base with almost no choice but to vote them in. GungHo does not release rolling data, but it is my understanding that there is not a fixed percentage allocated to PCGF and instead it is the sum of the voted cards.

Hypothetically speaking, if six-stars have a 0.5% chance of being rolled and pantheon gods/five-stars have a 2% chance, we would have a (0.5*11) + (2*14) = 33.5% of rolling a PCGF featured card. Thus, the chances for Gala/troll golds/silvers increases with every voted six-star.

I go into greater detail for Player’s Choice Godfest in my previous article HERE and is worth taking a look at for a breakdown of each voted card.

Player’s Choice Godfest December 2016
1-5 Ult Kaede Gremory Dark Kali 3202 A Liu Bei
6-10 Eschamali 3236 Awoken DQXQ Kanna 3068
11-15 Wukong bankai Sherias Roots Awoken Pandora Isis Ronove
16-20 3101 d-d-akechi 2997 rodin Bankai Andro
21-25 Rozuel Ra Awoken Oorochi Scheat 2991

Rolling videos

All of these rolls were done on my Twitch Stream to add a greater sense of excitement. Unfortunately, the rolls were far less than exciting as only 1 out of 39 rolls was a six-star GFE (Dantalion 2991 on the account that only collects stones).

The rates are quite distressing overall, but at least I got to spend some quality time with MOMtastic.

MOMtastic’s 11 rolls

26 rolls across 4 accounts


Player’s Choice is no longer the amazing Godfest it used to be due  to heavy reliance on six-stars and their distressingly low roll rates. We can only hope that GungHo begins to bring Pantheon and five-stars on a more comparable power level. I am not saying it has to be equal, but the size of the gap we have today.

How did your rolls go?

Happy Puzzling!