Tag Archives: PCGF

Player’s Choice Godfest Voting Strategies – November 2021


The Player’s Choice Godfest (PCGF) makes a triumphant return to North America and gives players the opportunity to vote for their favorite cards to be featured in a special Rare Egg Machine. Historically speaking, Player’s Choice Godfests have been lucrative events as the rolling pool is comprised of the strongest and/or best cards currently available.

With that being said, there is no “best” card to vote for as what is best for your own Monster Box will differ from other players. Furthermore, voting for cards you do not currently own will often provide more value compared to voting for something you already have as it can fill various holes that you would not have been able to address otherwise.

Taking all of this into consideration, I would like to outline my thoughts and commentary on cards that are worth voting for. But regardless of what I say, what is best for your self will often be cards you do not own.

Video commentary

Voting breakdown

Players will be able to cast a total of three votes in three different categories: Continue reading Player’s Choice Godfest Voting Strategies – November 2021

Super Player’s Choice Godfest – Voting Advice & Overview


Player’s Choice Godfests (PCGF) are one of the more exciting events to come to PAD as it allows players to vote for their favourite cards with the most popular ones appearing in a special REM.

This in turn should produce a strong rolling roster as the more desirable cards will be featured. Furthermore, all players will be able to vote once per category with the top voted cards being featured at a later date.

As a whole, I like how GungHo has now created three separate voting categories as it ensures a more even distribution of rare/valuable cards but it is not without fault as 40 Pantheon cards can be voted in along with the 7-star GFE sharing their pool with the Samurai 3 Pantheon.

Regardless, this article will highlight my thoughts for voting within the PCGF along with listing various possible cards to vote for. Just bear in mind that my advice has may not always be 100% applicable to your situation and you should be voting for what will benefit you the most.

Video commentary

How to vote

Voting within the PCGF has become significantly easier as it can be completely done within the app and no third party sites are involved.

In order to cast your vote, you will need to go to [Others] menu in the bottom right corner and then select The Super Player’s Choice Godfest tab. Continue reading Super Player’s Choice Godfest – Voting Advice & Overview

Player’s Choice Godfest Results & Commentary


The 10-Magic Stone Player’s Choice Godfest (PCGF) voting has come to a close and the results have been calculated and the event will transpire from December 30 – January 5, 2020.

Depending on your current level of progress and how deep your Monster Box is, this event may have varying degrees of value. This is because Collabs/Seasonal cards have become key to own when pushing through challenging content and many cards from the Rare Egg Machine are starting to fall behind.

With that being said, there are still numerous strong cards to be rolled within Player’s Choice Godfest and this article will highlight my thoughts and opinions as well as providing commentary on the featured roster.

You can find the official GungHo Facebook posting HERE.

Video commentary

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PCGF History & Seasonal Super Godfests

In the past, Player’s Choice Godfests were exciting events as Collabs/Seasonal cards barely existed or if they did, had middling value. As such, the best cards to be had came from the Rare Egg Machine and many of them were actually Pantheon cards. While it is impossible to know the rolling rates of the past, the fact that all of the cards you wanted could be found in a single machine made it worth saving up for. Continue reading Player’s Choice Godfest Results & Commentary

Player’s Choice Godfest Voting December 2019


The Player’s Choice Godfest (PCGF) will return to North America with voting already underway. Historically, this event was one of the most exciting times for Puzzles and Dragons due to the lower frequency/potency of Collab/Seasonal Rare Egg Machines. As such, players were able to have a line up that featured their favourite cards who represented the majority of strong monsters at the time.

Sadly, the landscape of PAD has dramatically shifted due to the almost mandatory inclusion of Collab/Seasonal cards and this makes rolling that much harder as all your favourite stuff is never in the same machine (possible exception are some Seasonal Godfests).

With that being said, there are still numerous strong cards that can be acquired through a Player’s Choice Godfest along with the voting not requiring Facebook as it now done in-game along with players voting three times in different categories.

This article will share the process for which we can vote along with my predictions/cards I feel are relevant at this point in time.

Video commentary

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New format

In the past, Player’s Choice Godfests had all possible cards lumped into a single pool and players would naturally select the cards they did not own. In this case it was often 6/7* GFE which would inevitably have worse rolling rates to compensate for their power. Continue reading Player’s Choice Godfest Voting December 2019

Player’s Choice Godfest December 2018 Review + Commentary


Player’s Choice Godfest (PCGF) is a special event where players are allowed to vote on their favourite cards to be featured in a Godfest. Historically speaking, PCGF has become an underwhelming event pre-disclosed rolling rates due to the fact that Godfest Exclusives (GFE) were always voted in and had abysmal rolling rates. With that being said, things have taken a turn for the better with this current format featuring the top 25 GFE and top 25 Pantheon cards with any GFE having a 33% roll rate.

Of course there is a catch as all rolls will cost 10 Magic Stones with GungHo trying to sweeten the deal by having all rolls come out at +297, Max Level, Max Awoken, and their 7-star form (evolved/Awoken if possible). While this is frustrating due to the inflated cost and arguably redundant collateral benefits, this is the way of the future for high-value Godfests.

Based on the JP-server and their events, this format of 33% GFE for 10 Magic Stones will become the norm so we will have to get on board at some point. Thus, the decision of whether or not to roll comes down to your own Monster Box and how well the line up can benefit you.

In addition to presenting the line up with commentary, I will also include a reaction table to the voting for various categories such as most surprising, most over-hyped, and more.

The Player’s Choice Godfest will feature the three new Fest Exclusives, Valkyrie – Ciel , Zeus – Giga , and Athena – Non . In addition, players are able to Monster Exchange a special token for any one of these three cards and this exchange should be done after rolling to avoid the possibility of acquiring dupes. More information can on the new Fest Exclusives can be found on my previous post HERE.

Video commentary

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Featured cards

The Player’s Choice Godfest is split into two parts with each one lasting a week. While they technically feature the same monsters, the rolling rates for each part are different with the Highlights having 2x the rolling rates compared to non-Highlights for GFE. Continue reading Player’s Choice Godfest December 2018 Review + Commentary

Players Choice Godfest 101


Player’s Choice Godfest (PCGF) has been announced for North America and the polls are open from 12/7 – 12/11. Each player can cast a single vote and there is no way to cancel or change your choice once submitted, so please choose carefully. Player’s Choice Godfests are a rare and special occasion and I want to provide some clarification and advice to make your vote count.

Video commentary

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How does PCGF work

During a Player’s Choice Godfest, everyone is able to to vote on their favourite God and the top 25 will be featured in a special Godfest. Furthermore, Godfest Exclusives that are not voted in will be unavailable during this time. You can cast your vote HERE.

Who to vote for?

This will always be a point of controversy amidst the Puzzle and Dragons community and you should keep the following points in mind:

Vote for who you want

Vote for what can benefit you the most. Just because Krishna 3068 is a dream leader for some people, it does not mean you should be voting for him if it cannot benefit you. You should vote for the God that can benefit your box the most. This can come in the form of a new leader or key sub for your favourite team.

What is being released in the next month or two

Think about what is being released in the next few months. Do you have a strong Ra Dragon 3265 in the making? If yes, it would be wise to vote for one of his ideal subs. Continue reading Players Choice Godfest 101

Player’s Choice Godfest June 2016: Review and Analysis


Player’s Choice Godfest is one of the most anticipated times of the year for all Puzzle and Dragoners. It is a time where the community collectively votes for the most popular gods and is a great way to help populate your monster box with numerous strong cards. In my previous post, I compared PCGF and 4x Godfest Exclusive (GFE) events and came to the conclusion that it is better to roll PCGF for newer accounts/players missing numerous key cards.

Which Godfest to roll?
Frequency 2 times per year  Random
  • New accounts/less developed boxes
  • Great way to fill in the numerous gaps in your monster box
  • Those who are not chasing MP or 6* GFE
  • Veteran players
  • Focus is MP and 6* GFE
  • Those with very developed monster boxes

However, with the promise of 4x rates for all the featured monsters, my approach needs some tweaking. Due to not knowing the true rates of any godfest, we cannot do any mathematical comparisons; however, the 4x rates should imply the featured GFE (and most importantly 6* GFE) are at a similar hit rate. You may still get less MP per stone spent as numerous non-GFE are also featured, but if you are chasing the featured 6-stars AND the other featured gods, this may be the best time to roll. Furthermore, each monster comes out with a +50 to a random stat and this will help you achieve +297 faster. However, take these predictions with a grain of salt as I do not know the rates and can only guess.

In addition, all of these monsters qualify for Skill Inheritance so please do not hastily sell or feed them off without taking a moment to think if they can benefit your various teams. I also strongly encourage you to read my Advanced Strategies post on Skill Inheritance to gain a better understanding on how to make the most of your active skills.

Lastly, if you wish to read about virtually any other REM monster not listed below, please refer to my Master List which will direct you to the appropriate page.

Overview of featured Gods

The voting for North America was done rather well as we managed to include nearly all the top tier cards while having some forethought into voting in cards that will become relevant with the release of the 4 Gentlemen 300k MP cards and new Awoken evolutions.

Top Voted Monsters in Descending Order 
Dark Kali
Scheat Awoken Yomi Isis
rodin Awoken Pandora Awoken Archdemon Lucifer Gadius Ilm
Skuld ult evo Uriel Indra row Shiva Sakuya
Susano Awoken Oorochi Ryune Kali Blue Sonia
Akechi Awoken DQXQ Haku I&I Raphael

Some things that jump out: Continue reading Player’s Choice Godfest June 2016: Review and Analysis

Player’s Choice Godfest and You


Player’s Choice Godfest (PCGF) has been announced for North America and the polls are open from 5/18 – 5/22. Each player can vote only once and there is no way to cancel or change your choice once submitted, so please choose carefully. There is lots of different advice or strategies floating around as to how you should spend your vote and I want to provide some clarification:

  • Vote for what can benefit you the most. Just because Dark Kali Dark Kali is a dream sub for some people, does not mean you should be voting for her if it cannot benefit you.
  • Think about what is being released in the next month and how that may influence your team line up. For instance, Xiang Mei Xiang Mei should go live soon and if you plan on using her, voting for Gadius Gadius and Uriel Uriel would be wise.
  • Sometimes, the bottom voted gods are only separated by a thin margin of votes and holding off on voting until the final day can help swing the tide in your favour.
  • You ideally want to have as many favourable gods featured and if your first choice is already winning by a landslide, vote for something else as this will help ensure your second choice gets in
  • 6 star Godfest Exclusives have very low rates and if your primary goal is acquiring these, it would be best to wait until a 4x GFE event
  • Please vote HERE before Sunday, May 22

PCGF vs 4x GFE

This will be a common question on many player’s minds as these two event are arguably the best time to roll the REM. Before I go into more detail, take a look at the voting results of a 1,000+ pulls from the previous PCGF:

PCGF record 2

Granted this is a small sample size, but the rates of the coveted 6 star GFE are distressingly low. You can read more about the previous PCGF in my other post HERE.

Which Godfest to roll?
Frequency 2 times per year  Random
  • New accounts/less developed boxes
  • Great way to fill in the numerous gaps in your monster box
  • Those who are not chasing MP or 6* GFE
  • Veteran players
  • Focus is MP and 6* GFE
  • Those with very developed monster boxes


Keeping those points in mind, it is up to you to determine where to spend your hard earned stones. If you are missing numerous featured gods in the PCGF, this may be your time to shine and acquire numerous gods to round out your roster. Player’s Choice Godfests are ideal for the vast majority of the PAD population and is an exciting time of the year and hopefully the 25 voted gods are powerful and relevant so please be careful when voting.

I will also have an in-depth post covering the 25 featured gods once the results have been released. That post will have the same insight and information contained in my regular godfest analysis and will help you determine how to better use your new pulls.

Happy Puzzling!

Player’s Choice Godfest Results 11/29-12/01

*This was my post from the previous Player’s Choice Godfest and is mostly for your entertainment to see what was voted for and their roll rates based on 1,000+ pulls.*

PCGF record 2

Do note that I include the 5-star evolved forms of 4-star monsters in the 4-star / MP trash section. Everything else that has 5-stars as it’s lowest evolution form is placed into non-featured gods. This did lighten the work load on my end and I was more so curious as to the rates of the silver eggs that come out during a PCGF. I was unable to create a table via WordPress, so I had to take a screenshot of a table I made separately, so apologies for no clickable links to the characters above. *My subsequent post will be much more user friendly so stay tuned* Continue reading Player’s Choice Godfest Results 11/29-12/01