Tag Archives: Indra

Super Player’s Choice Godfest – Voting Advice & Overview


Player’s Choice Godfests (PCGF) are one of the more exciting events to come to PAD as it allows players to vote for their favourite cards with the most popular ones appearing in a special REM.

This in turn should produce a strong rolling roster as the more desirable cards will be featured. Furthermore, all players will be able to vote once per category with the top voted cards being featured at a later date.

As a whole, I like how GungHo has now created three separate voting categories as it ensures a more even distribution of rare/valuable cards but it is not without fault as 40 Pantheon cards can be voted in along with the 7-star GFE sharing their pool with the Samurai 3 Pantheon.

Regardless, this article will highlight my thoughts for voting within the PCGF along with listing various possible cards to vote for. Just bear in mind that my advice has may not always be 100% applicable to your situation and you should be voting for what will benefit you the most.

Video commentary

How to vote

Voting within the PCGF has become significantly easier as it can be completely done within the app and no third party sites are involved.

In order to cast your vote, you will need to go to [Others] menu in the bottom right corner and then select The Super Player’s Choice Godfest tab. Continue reading Super Player’s Choice Godfest – Voting Advice & Overview

[PSA] 80 Free Magic Stones, Pantheon Survey, & Watch Ads for Box Space


Puzzle and Dragons can often be an overwhelming game due to the sheer volume of content that can be found within the game along with continuously rotating events.

In fact, there is a strong likelihood that some aspects of events or updates may be overlooked/forgotten and I would like to take the time to share three notable things that are going on in PAD right now.

In this article you will find out how to acquire 80 Magic Stones, voting within a Pantheon Survey for a special REM, and how to watch Ads for additional Monster Box space.

Video commentary

80 Magic Stones

I love Magic Stones. You probably also love Magic Stones. Getting 80 for free is fantastic but it is hidden away in the Achievements tab: Continue reading [PSA] 80 Free Magic Stones, Pantheon Survey, & Watch Ads for Box Space

Aten x Dyer Versus Alt. Arena 3


Alt. Arena 3 remains one of the best dungeons to farm on a regular basis due to the Rank EXP, Pys, Killers, and satisfaction of clearing a challenging dungeon in the game.

Despite being in the game for a modest period of time, AA3 can still be unforgiving to an unprepared player as failing to bring a key Resist or flubbing a kill board could result in an unfortunate ending.

With this in mind, I wish to share my new Aten x Dyer team who also utilizes a full sub roster of newly evolved cards from the last update. Amusingly these subs worked quite well as I was able to easily address numerous Resists without Weapon Assists along with Aten and Dyer actually being a fantastic pairing.

Both leaders boost the stats of God cards and together, you have a 7×6 board, Auto Follow Up Damage, and high personal damage from your two leaders. Furthermore, Dyer helps overcome Damage Voids through their active which allows you to naturally combo every given board.

With these points in mind, I wish to explore how I built my own team along with addressing the major hurdles that can be found in Alt. Arena 3.

Video clear

Notable Alt. Arena 3 mechanics

Alt. Arena 3 is currently one of the hardest dungeon available in North America and may push many teams to their limits. As such, it is important to understand the key mechanics that must be addressed.

Continue reading Aten x Dyer Versus Alt. Arena 3

Many New Evolutions are Live! – MP Dragons, SR Pantheons, 6* GFE, & Pixel ex-GFE


Late last night, GungHo released new evolutions for numerous older cards as Reincarnated, Super Reincarnated, and Pixel forms. As a whole, it is always a delight to see buffs come to some of our first monsters and for the most part, these are significant upgrades.

This is because many of these cards have been completely reworked and feature the newer awakenings along with the potential to help other cards Transform.

As such, pursuing these evolutions may be beneficial for some players but at the same time, one should be aware of the resource cost, especially for Super Reincarnated cards. With that being said, I am quite exciting for these new forms as they are older cards which means I actually own at least 1 copy of everything but the MP Dragons, Guan Yu, and Kanna.

Regardless, this article will explore the new evolutions for the variuos cards to provide some insight on their new value.

I will be using Miru Bot on discord Discord for the images that show each cards in greater detail as it presents all the information while saving me a significant amounts of time.

Full list of new evolutions:

Monster Point Dragons


6* GFE


Video commentary

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Monster Point Dragons

The 5 original Monster Point Dragons were at one point highly desirable cards to own. This was in part due to their relatively high price tag (Monster Points were quite scarce originally) and the fact that they were brand new. Continue reading Many New Evolutions are Live! – MP Dragons, SR Pantheons, 6* GFE, & Pixel ex-GFE

60 Million Downloads Godfest Review and Analysis with GFE Tier List

Godfest basics

When making the decision to roll or save your magic stones, you need to determine if the featured pantheons can benefit or compliment your teams. Chasing for one specific monster is unwise as you will most likely be disappointed and should ideally have Godfests that overlap with many target cards. Remember all monsters that come out of the REM will qualify for Skill Inheritance so do not be too hasty when selling dupes. For a more detailed team building help, please refer to my full list Popular Leader’s and their Full Sub List Post. Lastly, to find more information about a specific pantheon or monster, refer to my Master List to better refine your search. If you are considering to purchase any of the Monster Point cards, please refer to my updated Tier List for help and advice.


To mark  the special 60 million worldwide downloads, GungHo has blessed us with a rather exciting Godfest that not only features desirable pantheons, but also 5x GFE and +20 to all stats (60 pluses in total). This is probably one of the best Godfests in recent memory and will be very tempting to roll for the majority of players. However, many people are speculating the release of Fujin 3414 and Raijin 3416 who both posses gamebreaking new active skills. Unfortunately, both of these cards are 6* GFE so the chances of you rolling them will remain low. Furthermore, GungHo has a tendency to release new cards alongside poor Godfests and it may be a long time before we are fortunate enough to this desirable of a roster again.

With this post, I am going to once again tinker with my formatting in order to streamline the information delivered as my previous tier lists/checkmark reference tables proved successful. As such, I will rank all the cards featured with an explanation/justification for each placement. This will yield a faster posting for me and more condensed information as people tend to enjoy a quick reference table.

2918 Gala of Tides Carat

Day 1
Japanese 1 Indian 1
3271 3386 3387 Amate Awoken Yomi 3241 3242 3243 3449 3450
Metatron dtron Red Sonia Blue Sonia Green Sonia Urd Skuld ult evo Verd
Ult Tsubaki Ult Sumire Ult Kaede 3233 Baby Satsuki 3268 Ult Zuoh 3235
Gadius Typhon Ryune Saria Sylvie Sherias Roots Sherias 3372

Day 2
Three Kingdoms Indian 2
A Cao Cao A Sun Quan A Liu Bei Awoken DQXQ A Lu Bu 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072
Kali Dark Kali Sherias Roots Sherias 3370 3372 Ronove 2991
2993 2997 Gremory rodin Blodin Green Odin 3268 Eschamali
Scheat Australis Fenrir Viz Fenrir Ult Tsubaki Ult Sumire Ult Kaede 3233
Baby Satsuki

Video commentary

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Ranking the cards – Pantheons & GFE

As part of my new format for Godfest posts, I will try my best to tier the featured pantheon cards along with GFE and then combine the two to showcase how strong of a day it is to roll. These opinions are my own and take into consideration the card’s value as a leader, sub, inherit, and possibly any niche role they fulfill. In order to rank in the highest tier, the card has to excel in their respective role and cannot feasibly be replaced by anyone else. This can also be thought of as a Best in Slot card and tends to have applications on the top tier teams.

Despite my best to remain neural, there is always the potential for bias and you need to be able to examine a card and determine if it can benefit your unique Monster Box. Continue reading 60 Million Downloads Godfest Review and Analysis with GFE Tier List

Thoughts on JP Stream – Odin Dragon & New Evolutions


Due to the popularity of my previous Japan Stream review, I thought I should continue this trend and pen down my thoughts on up and coming content. I enjoy writing these types of posts as it gives me a chance to condense my thoughts along with not being overly time consuming.

There was other content released (such as a modest buff to Ryune) along with small quality of life changes, but this article will focus on the new evolutions.

JP has always received content in a timely manner while NA has historically had inconsistent release dates. Thus, I cannot predict when these will be released, but a good guideline is 1-2 months. You can view this in a positive manner as we are able to prep/observe how the new changes will impact the meta.

You can read more about the JP Stream through puzzledragonx.

Video commentary

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New evolutions

Split Ultimate Odin Dragon

Odin Dragon has historically been somewhat of a joke in the PAD community upon his initial release due to how underwhelming he was. Granted he does make for essentially the strongest bind clear for wood teams, the 300,000 Monster Point price tag was hard to swallow and now with Reincarnated evolutions catching up in base stats, there was no real need to purchase him.

As such, “Offensive” Odin Dragon was born. Offensive may refer to his hideous artwork, but is better used to describe his now attack-oriented leader skill.


Continue reading Thoughts on JP Stream – Odin Dragon & New Evolutions

220k Official Facebook Likes Godfest: Indian 1, Three Kingdoms, Japanese 1, & Norse Review and Analysis

Godfest basics

When making the decision to roll or save your magic stones, you need to determine if the featured pantheons can benefit or compliment your teams. Chasing for one specific monster is unwise as you will most likely be disappointed and should ideally have Godfests that overlap with many target cards. Remember all monsters that come out of the REM will qualify for Skill Inheritance so do not be too hasty when selling dupes. For a more detailed team building help, please refer to my full list Popular Leader’s and their Full Sub List Post. Lastly, to find more information about a specific pantheon or monster, refer to my Master List to better refine your search. If you are considering to purchase a Four Gentlemen card, please read my Review and Comparison HERE.


220k Facebook Likes may be a strange milestone to be celebrating, but at least it is a round number and is most likely to coincide with the 3-year anniversary for EU. Regardless, GungHo is featuring four different Pantheons along with certain GFE at a 4x rate. Unfortunately, neither day is truly outstanding as many of the cards are starting to fall behind due to Powercreep.

Fire Gala of Flame Silk
Day 1
Indian 1 Three Kingdoms
Shiva Awoken Lakshimi Awoken Parv Awoken Indra Awoken Vritra A Cao Cao A Sun Quan A Liu Bei Awoken DQXQ A Lu Bu
Day 2
Japanese 1 Norse
Awoken Hino Awoken Oorochi Susano Amate Awoken Yomi Freyr I&I Awoken Freyja Thor Awoken Loki

Video commentary

Day 1:

The Indian 1 Pantheon finally has all their Awoken evolutions; however, many of them are starting to fall out of the meta due to the speed of powercreep. Furthermore, Shiva Shiva, Lakshmi Awoken Lakshimi, and Parvati Awoken Parv only come into their full power with their awoken forms and will be quite weak beforehand. However, Japan has just announced new Reincarnated evolutions for those three and it may help give them an extra boost in power to help make them relevant again. The main drawback of the Indian 1 is the delay between their uses on pull and acquiring their awoken evolution.

The Three Kingdoms have become one of the most desirable pantheons to own as each card brings a phenomenal amount of power and utility to their respective teams. Whether as leaders or superstar subs, you will want to own at least a few of these mighty warriors and are even respectable before their awoken evolutions so you will have value early on. The current prize to be had is Awoken Liu Bei A Liu Bei as he trivializes countless content in Coop and many players will be tempted to roll just for him.

Overall, Day 1 is the stronger of the two line ups in terms of pantheons featured.

Continue reading 220k Official Facebook Likes Godfest: Indian 1, Three Kingdoms, Japanese 1, & Norse Review and Analysis

Island Luau Godfest: Indian 1, Three Kingdoms, 4x Select GFE Review and Analysis

Godfest basics

When making the decision to roll or save your magic stones, you need to determine if the featured pantheons can benefit or compliment your teams. Chasing for one specific monster is unwise as you will most likely be disappointed and should ideally have Godfests that overlap with many target cards. Remember all monsters that come out of the REM will qualify for Skill Inheritance so do not be too hasty when selling dupes. For a more detailed team building help, please refer to my full list Popular Leader’s and their Full Sub List Post. Lastly, to find more information about a specific pantheon or monster, refer to my Master List to better refine your search. If you are considering to purchase a Four Gentlemen card, please read my Review and Comparison HERE.


The Island Luau Godfest comes right before the PAD Island REM and presents players with a tough decision of where to spend their hard earned magic stones. To further entice players to roll this godfest, GungHo has combined a 4x GFE event alongside the release of Gremory Gremory and Ronove Ronove. Where you decide to spend your stones depends on your monster box and goals along with how desirable PAD Island is for you.

Green Forest Gala Cameo
Day 1
Indian 1 GFE
Shiva Awoken Lakshimi Awoken Parv Awoken Indra Awoken Vritra Red Sonia Blue Sonia Green Sonia Kali Dark Kali
Ult Tsubaki Ult Sumire Ult Kaede Kanna Baby Satsuki
Urd Skuld ult evo Verd Fenrir Viz Fenrir
Baldin Balboa Gremory Ronove
Day 2
Three Kingdoms GFE
A Cao Cao A Sun Quan A Liu Bei Awoken DQXQ A Lu Bu rodin Blodin Green Odin Metatron dtron
Red Sonia Blue Sonia Green Sonia Ult Zuoh Ilm
Gadius Typhon Ryune Saria Sylvie
Eschamali Scheat Australis Sherias Roots Sherias
Baldin Balboa Gremory Ronove

Day 1:

The Indian 1 Pantheon finally has all their Awoken evolutions; however, many of them are starting to fall out of the meta due to the speed of powercreep. Furthermore, Shiva Shiva, Lakshmi Awoken Lakshimi, and Parvati Awoken Parv only come into their full power with their awoken forms and will be quite weak beforehand. Thankfully, Indra Awoken Indra and Vritra Awoken Vritra have some value (albeit niche) on several teams prior to awoken evolutions. The main drawback of the Indian 1 is the delay between their uses on pull and acquiring their awoken evolution.

Continue reading Island Luau Godfest: Indian 1, Three Kingdoms, 4x Select GFE Review and Analysis

Player’s Choice Godfest June 2016: Review and Analysis


Player’s Choice Godfest is one of the most anticipated times of the year for all Puzzle and Dragoners. It is a time where the community collectively votes for the most popular gods and is a great way to help populate your monster box with numerous strong cards. In my previous post, I compared PCGF and 4x Godfest Exclusive (GFE) events and came to the conclusion that it is better to roll PCGF for newer accounts/players missing numerous key cards.

Which Godfest to roll?
Frequency 2 times per year  Random
  • New accounts/less developed boxes
  • Great way to fill in the numerous gaps in your monster box
  • Those who are not chasing MP or 6* GFE
  • Veteran players
  • Focus is MP and 6* GFE
  • Those with very developed monster boxes

However, with the promise of 4x rates for all the featured monsters, my approach needs some tweaking. Due to not knowing the true rates of any godfest, we cannot do any mathematical comparisons; however, the 4x rates should imply the featured GFE (and most importantly 6* GFE) are at a similar hit rate. You may still get less MP per stone spent as numerous non-GFE are also featured, but if you are chasing the featured 6-stars AND the other featured gods, this may be the best time to roll. Furthermore, each monster comes out with a +50 to a random stat and this will help you achieve +297 faster. However, take these predictions with a grain of salt as I do not know the rates and can only guess.

In addition, all of these monsters qualify for Skill Inheritance so please do not hastily sell or feed them off without taking a moment to think if they can benefit your various teams. I also strongly encourage you to read my Advanced Strategies post on Skill Inheritance to gain a better understanding on how to make the most of your active skills.

Lastly, if you wish to read about virtually any other REM monster not listed below, please refer to my Master List which will direct you to the appropriate page.

Overview of featured Gods

The voting for North America was done rather well as we managed to include nearly all the top tier cards while having some forethought into voting in cards that will become relevant with the release of the 4 Gentlemen 300k MP cards and new Awoken evolutions.

Top Voted Monsters in Descending Order 
Dark Kali
Scheat Awoken Yomi Isis
rodin Awoken Pandora Awoken Archdemon Lucifer Gadius Ilm
Skuld ult evo Uriel Indra row Shiva Sakuya
Susano Awoken Oorochi Ryune Kali Blue Sonia
Akechi Awoken DQXQ Haku I&I Raphael

Some things that jump out: Continue reading Player’s Choice Godfest June 2016: Review and Analysis

Indian 1, Indian 2, Archdemon, & Japanese 2 Pantheon Anaylsis

Please refer to the Master List for directory to the other pantheons and their analysis.

Take a look at my Popular Leaders and their Full Sub List post for inspiration on team building ideas. If contemplating on purchasing a MP Dragon, please check out my Monster Point Dragon Purchasing Check-list Guide.

Keep in mind all of the following monsters qualify for Skill Inheritance so do not be too hasty in selling dupes.

Indian 1

jjjjjjjjMonsterjjjjjjjjj  Notes
Attacker / Devil
Time Extend Skill Boost TPA
TPA Skill Boost Enhnaced Fire Orb
Skill Lock Resist Time Extend
Heart Fire Arrow Enhnaced Fire Orb +heart
Reduce enemy defence 75%
7 turn CD
Awoken Shiva is one of the hottest leads in Puzzle and Dragons as he forms a powerful 20.25x ATK / 2.25x RCV team that is two prong  TPA reliant. Furthermore, his sub pool has no type restrictions other than they must have the fire attribute. This allows for great flexibility with team building along with compensating for fire’s normally low RCV. I enjoy Awoken Shiva’s playstyle as he combines speed and power and can clear high level content due to amazing burst potential. If you wish to read about how to properly construct a Shiva team, please refer to my Team Building Guide.

Unfortunately, Awoken Shiva does falter in the highest level content as his active is relatively weak and his damage output is heavily gated by active usage and may run out of steam mid dungeon. However, do not let this discourage you as he is capable of clearing Challenge 9s and some 10s with the right team and investment. You will also be able to find a huge number of friends due to his popularity.

Lastly, his sub potential is quite low as there are better options for a fire orb enhancer.

Awoken Lakshimi
Physical / God
Skill Boost Auto heal Bind Clear awakening
Time Extend blue + orb Skill Lock Resist
TPA Water Row
4 Question Orb Arrow Heart + 25x ATK heal
8 turn CD
Awoken Lakshmi is an often overlooked water powerhouse as she forms an incredible 39x ATK / 2.25x RCV team that is focuses around water rows Water Row . For comparison sake, most other row leaders range from 10.25-25x ATK. Granted you have to match 6 connected heart orbs to do so (in any shape), but the augmented recovery and built in bind recovery Bind Clear awakening from the your leaders help alleviate team building stress. Your subs ideally need to generate both heart and water orbs and some noteworthy ones include, but are not limited to, Andromeda Bankai Andro, Ryune Ryune, Sumire Sumire, and Gabriel Gabriel.

With a built in heal and heart orb generating active, you can stall for actives with ease and the naturally high base HP on water type monsters allows you to survive attacks that most other non-HP multiplied teams could not. Furthermore, you are able to control your damage output by choosing how many heart orbs to match. This is becoming more vital with the advent of bosses with specific damage absorption shields. Lastly, her awakenings are all over the place and perhaps when her design phase they gave up and just gave her a little of everything.

Lakshmi’s main drawbacks are a difficulty finding friends along with almost no sub potential herself.

Awoken Parv
Balance / Devil
Poison resist Enhanced Wood Orb TPA
Auto heal TPA Skill Boost
Bind Immune Bind Immune
Water Arrow Heart
Green Heart Arrow Enhanced Wood Orb +heart
5 turn CD
Awoken Parvati is another 39x ATK / 2.25x RCV leader who is also reliant on heart orb matching for damage. She is essentially the wood version of Lakshmi Awoken Lakshimi , but focuses on Two Prong Attacks TPA to deal lethal damage. This is fantastic as most of the strongest wood subs are TPA oriented and many have 3 of those awakenings. Furthermore, the bind immunity eases team building as you may not need to bring a bind clearing sub. Unfortunately, she lacks a recover bind Bind Clear awakening awakening to help the rest of her team. In addition, with her scaling multiplier, you can control your damage and also elect to not trigger two prong attacks to handle floors with specific damage absorptions.

There is not too much else to say for Parvati as she is a powerful lead who is capable of clearing Arena 1. Her main drawback is her lack of popularity as her leader skill requires some thinking to proc and many people are opting for more mindless/higher output leads.

On the bright side, her two tigers are both cute and majestic.

Indra row
Dragon / Balance
Time Extend Skill Lock Resist Skill Boost
Skill Lock Resist Light Row Light Row
75% damage reduction for 3 turns
15 turn CD
It is strange how Indra is still lacking an Awoken Evolution as the fire, water, and wood monsters in his pantheon received theirs ages ago. This does put a damper on his viability as he does not have the same power potential as other monsters. Regardless, his 75% damage reduction shield is amazing as you can essentially survive any attack for 3 turns. Granted the cooldown is very long, but will save you during critical phases.

One of his evolutions provides 2 light rows Light Row and allows Indra to participate on some of the newer teams if you need the shielding. His other evolution,  Indra , has god typing which has made him nearly a staple sub on Ra Dragon Ra Dragon teams due to his 2 skill lock resist Skill Lock Resist awakenings. I used to use Indra for that feature when my various teams were less developed as it allowed me to achieve 100% immunity with ease. Lastly, many rainbow teams will use him for the shield as they lack an HP modifier.

Overall, Indra is a vital sub on certain teams, but does not have too many uses for the average player. Perhaps with his Awoken evolution will we have something more meaningful.

Dragon / Devil
Dark row Skill Boost Dark row
Skill Lock Resist Skill Boost Dark row
Varying damage to all enemies, 1.5x dark ATK
9 turn CD
Vritra appears to have amazing awakenings and upon first glance, but his active is far too weak to be utilized. Dark has numerous options for enhancing their damage via Loki Awoken Loki , Neph Nephthys , and Oku Oku who all provide more burst potential/utility as their secondary effect does not deal small damage. As such, Vritra and his amazing art is regulated to push button teams who wish to farm a dungeon quickly by pressing an active to sweep a floor. Although with the awakenings buff, his other evolution posses the God Killer God Killer awakening and may have a bit more uses on non-button teams.

The HP reset is usually a bad thing, but on teams such as Dark Metatron dtron, it can be a lifesaver if you are unexpectedly healed too much.

Hopefully with an Awoken evolution Vritra will become more useful than a button team sub.

Continue reading Indian 1, Indian 2, Archdemon, & Japanese 2 Pantheon Anaylsis