Tag Archives: Shiva Dragon

Many New Evolutions are Live! – MP Dragons, SR Pantheons, 6* GFE, & Pixel ex-GFE


Late last night, GungHo released new evolutions for numerous older cards as Reincarnated, Super Reincarnated, and Pixel forms. As a whole, it is always a delight to see buffs come to some of our first monsters and for the most part, these are significant upgrades.

This is because many of these cards have been completely reworked and feature the newer awakenings along with the potential to help other cards Transform.

As such, pursuing these evolutions may be beneficial for some players but at the same time, one should be aware of the resource cost, especially for Super Reincarnated cards. With that being said, I am quite exciting for these new forms as they are older cards which means I actually own at least 1 copy of everything but the MP Dragons, Guan Yu, and Kanna.

Regardless, this article will explore the new evolutions for the variuos cards to provide some insight on their new value.

I will be using Miru Bot on discord Discord for the images that show each cards in greater detail as it presents all the information while saving me a significant amounts of time.

Full list of new evolutions:

Monster Point Dragons


6* GFE


Video commentary

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Monster Point Dragons

The 5 original Monster Point Dragons were at one point highly desirable cards to own. This was in part due to their relatively high price tag (Monster Points were quite scarce originally) and the fact that they were brand new. Continue reading Many New Evolutions are Live! – MP Dragons, SR Pantheons, 6* GFE, & Pixel ex-GFE

Which Monster Point Card to Buy – November 2017


The Monster Point currency system was designed to help alleviate the frustration of rolling duplicate cards as they could then be sold off for a varying amount of Monster Points. As a result, players could save up over time along with farming Rogue dungeons to purchase a powerful monster.

However, each purchase requires a sizable amount of Monster Points and you do not wish to have your card become outdated via Powercreep.

This article will take a look at all the current Monster Point cards along with how they fit in the meta and their potency moving forward.

Video commentary

–video coming soon–

JP server

The JP server in Puzzle and Dragons is approximately 2-3 months ahead of NA/EU in terms of released content. Thus, we are able to “see the future” by following the news stream from JP. As a result, we are able to better position ourselves in terms of future purchase decisions and evolution material farming.

With this in mind, I will be using any knowledge currently available in JP for the purpose of this article and my recommendations.

What is in the meta now

Presently speaking, the current PAD meta revolves around two distinct playstyles: combos/7×6 and bi-combo teams. Both these styles are able to achieve amazing levels of damage while being able to capitalize on the most powerful awakenings. Continue reading Which Monster Point Card to Buy – November 2017

My Monster Point Situation and what I am Doing


The “hot” topic of the month is Monster Point cards and which one to buy. I created a helpful reference guide and tier list (which can be found HERE and generally speaking, you can simply go down the tier list until you find a card that best fits your box); however, I felt that showcasing what I am doing along with my rationale behind my decision may be beneficial for people to see.

I want to stress that my decisions are the best for myself and my own situation and may not apply to everyone. What you should try and take away from here is the thought process behind the decisions and try to see if you undergo a similar method for coming to your own conclusions.

Video commentary

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My purchase history

When Yomi Dragon Yomi Dragon was first released, she caused quite a stir as she was one of the most universally accessible and powerful leaders at the time along with providing wonderful utility as a sub. As such, I decided to make the investment as I had a modestly diverse dark box and the potential to clear more content with her. You could read more about my initial purchase from a year ago HERE. Continue reading My Monster Point Situation and what I am Doing

Monster Point Cards Tier List – A Revised Look and Overview

Just because you have 300,000 MP, it does not mean you MUST buy a card now. Plan it out and wait if lacking any ideal option


As part of the large event extravaganza in NA and EU, we will be receiving 390,000 Monster Points over the next few months. For many players, this will their first time passing the 300,000 mark which is required to purchase a card and many will be eager to take the plunge. Conversely, this additional 390,000 may put some players dangerously close to the cap of 999,999 (why is there a cap, I do not understand) and may preemptively force some player’s hands. However, just note that the MP is stored in your mailbox so you don’t actually need to open and cap.

As such, this article will review all the MP cards available (excluding seasonals) to help you better understand their value, if your box can support them, and how they rank against each other.

Video commentary

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Ranking the MP cards

It is important to understand how the MP cards stack up against each other as it is my belief that these cards should dramatically improve your monster box and help you progress into the next tier of content.

The following chart ranks the MP cards against each other and takes into consideration their highest evolution and new buffs announced with the JP 5 year stream. I am also working under the presumption you have access to the ideal or as close to the ideal team as possible. Just because the card has strong potential, you need the subs to back them up as they will flop otherwise. The MP cards should also help push you further into end game content and should differ from the type of team you currently have. I will go into more detail further down explaining their uses and value.

To reiterate, this list may be subjective and you should make sure you actually have the cards to support their purchase.

MP Cards Tier List – February 20/2017
download download download 3265 3193
download download 3266
download 3264 Ragnarok 3262
2558736037bba11c264e4086f62b8246_clipart-question-mark-question-mark-clipart-nature_2400-2400 3263 Xiu Min Xin Hua
x You Yu Xiang Mei

Explanation and justification for each card

While a tier list is helpful for a quick reference, it is best to understand why the cards are ranked as they are. Continue reading Monster Point Cards Tier List – A Revised Look and Overview

JP Stream Changes & New Evolutions Review


I normally do not provide much thoughts on future JP news as it does not apply to NA for usually 1-2 months. However, the most recent JP stream showcased numerous new evolutions, quality of life changes, and new game mechanics. I wish to take the time to review all of the new things coming to Puzzle and Dragons.

The Final Fantasy buffs will be covered in a separate post and the review will be updated accordingly. I will be reviewing Bleach whenever it is scheduled to come to NA.

Video commentary

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Skill Inheritance changes

Puzzle and Dragons is by nature a grind-oriented game. However, there is fun grinding and there is tedious grinding. GungHo is doing their best to cut down on the more boring aspects so you can focus your stamina playing fun content.

Skill Inheritance has been a well received mechanic and it has given viability for cards that had lackluster bodies and powerful actives. Unfortunately, the process is somewhat costly to perform as each transfer costs 2 million coins and requires 4 tans. The coins were usually not too much of an issue, but collecting the right colour tans is mostly a stamina sink/loss as the dungeon is not fun to play and is more of a chore than pleasure. Continue reading JP Stream Changes & New Evolutions Review

Satan Ranking Tournament Strategies and Planning


Satan Tournament is the next installment in the ranking dungeon series and offers players a chance to acqurie 10,000 Monster Points and various coloured Py. The goal of these tournaments is to “test” our skill by imposing a scoring system to determine your percentile ranking.

In these ranking dungeons, we are scored based on 3 criteria:

  1. Average combos made: 5,000 points per combo
  2. Time Remaining: 500 points per second remaining
  3. Maximum damage: up to 10,000 points if you hit 40 million.

Dungeon overview

 Floor  Monster HP Comments
 1  823 1,877,083 -1s move time for 3 turns
 2 1227 4,250,417 +25% water skyfall for 5 turns
 3 772 972,645 3,140 preemptive
 4 1958 3,005,336 8,032 preemptive
 5 650 2,138,454 7,549 preemptive
 6 977 2,478,751 6,572 preemptive
 7 646 6,666,667 6,005  preemptive

Total preemptive damage: 31,298
Water skyfall (de)buff ends on floor 7

Dungeon summary

  • 7 floors that favour a combination of speed and average combos made
  • All floors have a significant amount of health (cannot button)
  • The water skyfall allows for combo-based leaders to shine
  • Water skyfall also favours water-based teams
  • Skyfall buff ends on Satan (floor 7)
  • Wood teams have it “easiest” while fire will struggle in terms of type advantages
  • No Predras Fire PreDRA
  • 5 turn actives can be used more than once
  • Total preemptive damage: 31,298. Please make sure you heal
  • Auto heal awakenings Auto heal can help alleviate the stress of healing as the damage comes over the course of several floors.

Continue reading Satan Ranking Tournament Strategies and Planning

Popular Leaders and Their Full Sub List with Inheritance Options

I am in the process of updating this list over the next week or two and work from the top down so somethings will still be outdated/missing in the meantime.


Due to the ever changing dynamic of team building through Skill Inheritance, team building has either become more flexible or more rigid. It becomes more flexible due to the fact that you can use almost any card as a sub and fill in the blanks via inheritance. However, this does eventually lead to a more rigid team building experience as you will end up using similar powerful bases and supplementing with appropriate assists.

As such, I have been trying to determine how I can have this list reflect both aspects of team building. Listing subs that fulfill specific roles is helpful, but may become misleading once you begin to acquire more cards to play around with. Thus, I will try my best to list higher tier subs along with other options and include a massive inheritance chart at the beginning you can use to fill in the gaps.

When deciding which leader and team you want to invest in, you ideally want to find a balance between a deep and diverse sub pool combined with a love for their playstyle that suits your personality and matching skills. Even leaders who are not popular in the meta are capable of clearing high end content provided you have a synergetic team and passion for their gameplay.

Furthermore, you should try to balance the subs/actives you bring to ensure a healthy mixture of quick orb changers, damage enhancing, and defensive utility. When trying to determine if you require a bind clearing sub, you must take into account how dangerous the bind is and whether you can stall through it or avoid it. If you are able to avoid the bind by bursting through the boss before they are able to attack, it may be best to do so as bind clearing subs tend to bring little to the party aside from their active. Lastly, leaders with higher multipliers are more reliant on consistency and survivability over offensive actives as the sheer strength of their leader skill can sweep most floors.

If you wish to read about how I approach tackling a dungeon and subsequently how I build my team, please read my previous article HERE.

Video commentary

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Popular leaders sorted by category

When trying to find a particular leader in this post, it is best to use the ctrl + F (search) feature. Otherwise, the leaders are colour sorted in no particular order. Due to the sheer size of this ever growing list, I may have trimmed out lesser leaders and simply put their names alongside other cards that are similar to them (eg. placing other rainbow leaders alongside Ra if similar).

I am not including the button farming coop teams.

Style Leader
Rainbow: 3265 Awoken DQXQ Sakuya 2982 3273 3272 Kali Lightning
3241 3384 2983 3385 Rukai Kuchiki
5 orbs, 1 enhanced:
3266 You Yu Awoken Yomi Ult Tsubaki
Tank teams:  3068 3305 3238 Awoken Pandora Awoken Archdemon Lucifer Raoh
I&I + Ryune
Saria + Thor
Sylvie + Awoken Freyja
Raoh + Freyr
Heart orbs
3242 3243 Typhon Gadius Xiang Mei
Multiple combos
of specific colour:
Z8 3069 3070
 Row Based: 3276 3263 dtron 3391 3235 Blue Sonia Xiu Min
 Speed farming: 3262 3266 3193
Colour Cross 3359 3264 2991 3202
Heart Cross:  Ult Sumire Ult Kaede Ronove Gremory Miru Beach Myr

If you feel I left out your favourite team, leave a reply in the comments below and I shall add in accordingly. For a list of 5×4 leads, feel free to check out my other guide HERE.

If you wish to read a more detailed analysis of all the REM pantheon monsters, please refer to my Master List Breakdown. If you are considering to purchase a Monster Point card, please read my Tier List HERE.

Skill Inheritance

Skill Inheritance has become a vital part of the Puzzle and Dragons meta as it allows you to utilize desirable active skills from cards that would not be ideal to run as subs. This also enables you to better customize your team to your liking and address any dangerous mechanic the dungeon can throw at you. I encourage you to read my revamped Skill Inheritance Guide to better understand all the changes that have been made and how to better utilize this mechanic.

Below is for the most part, a full overview of the various inheritance options you can use sorted by categories. For full board changers, you can utilize off-colour inherits provided they generate your desired element. However, if possible, you should try to use same attribute inherit and base to take advantage of the stat transfer feature.

Gravity Sakuya Awoken Hades Hathor Chibi Hera
3387 Indra Kush Valen 3071 Raphael dtron Isis Cursed Dragon

 Undine Sylph Genie Thanatos
Full board
Dark Kali Sherias Roots 3416 Lightning 3354 3394 3107 Kali Sherias
3103 3235 Red Sonia Blue Sonia Green Sonia Avalon Drake 3274 3284 Christmas Sonia

Tri-element with hearts:
Uevo Apoc Ryune Saria Sylvie UrdSkuld ult evo Verd mitsuaria-evo
3283 Cecil

Tri-element with no hearts:
Awoken Leilan Awoken Karin MeiMei Haku Zuoh 3277

Famiel Typhon Gadius Lumiel
True damage
/ poison
3239 Awoken Archdemon Lucifer rodin 3273 Cerebrus Rider Chibi Lilith Lumiel Famiel Sherias Roots 3274 Lightning 3162
Silk Carat Cameo Facet Sheen

Freyr I&I Thor Awoken Freyja Awoken Loki Nim Muse Delgado arcline
Creuse Awoken Yomi Izanagi Oku Nephthys Set Durga Lu Bu Kanna 3361
Delay 3386 2985 A Cao Cao 2918 A Sun Quan Zeta Hydra ForestBahn Wee Jas Green wee jas
Kenpachi Sagirinokami
Bind clearing Ame Amate Awoken Ceres Sakuya Metatron Green Odin Isis Fire Dragon Knight Water Dragon Knight
Earth Dragon Knight Shining Dragon Knight Shadow Dragon Knight Guan Yu Red Guan Yu Red Riding Hood Snow White Thumbelina Sleeping Beauty

Popular leaders and the sub list: Continue reading Popular Leaders and Their Full Sub List with Inheritance Options

Monster Point Dragons: Analysis and Comparisons

The topic of which Monster Point Dragon to buy is on the forefront of many player’s minds as it is a large investment. Furthermore, as the game progresses and we accumulate more duplicates to sell, new players will be reaching the elusive 300k MP needed to make their first purchase. However, one should not be rash in decimating their monster box as these powerful dragons need the right subs to function properly. If you are having second thoughts or doubts about selling a particular monster, the answer is probably no and you must exercise patience and simply wait. Furthermore, your MP Dragon team does need an investment in levels, skill ups, and pluses to be truly powerful. Lastly, they require 10 million experience to max level, 99 team cost, and have challenging evolution materials.

I have omitted any farmable subs as those can be acquired over time. If you are missing many key subs required to run their team effectively, it may be wise to to delay purchasing as you may be running a sub-par line up otherwise. For a more expansive list that includes farmable monsters, refer HERE.

jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj  Shiva D
About  Shiva D is perhaps the king of farming leads as he offers an unconditional 25x multiplier to fire gods. Shiva D can either focus on rows Fire Row or two prong attacks TPA to quickly mow down bosses. However, he somewhat falters in the highest level content due to a less dynamic sub pool, no bind immunity, and a weak active that places heavy emphasis on strong subs. Lastly, Shiva D is an easy way to score in the top 10% (or even 1%) of ranking dungeons.
  • Fastest farming lead in the game
  • Unconditional 25x ATK multiplier for fire gods
  • 2.25x RCV for fire gods
  • Capable of scoring in the top 10% of ranking tournaments with ease
  • 2-turn haste active places higher demand on ideal subs
  • Subs should almost always be orb changers as you effectively only have 4 actives
  • Can be bound (which is becoming more of an issue with pre-emptive leader binds)
  • Very REM dependent
Key Subs to Own Yamato Uriel Red Valk Set Ares Ares Ares Antares Ame Sanada Urd

Fire rows Fire Row are critical for large burst and the 3 Ares Ares are not a typo as you can run up to 3 with success.

Uses as a Sub  None

Continue reading Monster Point Dragons: Analysis and Comparisons