Tag Archives: Kaede

[Videos] June Quest Dungeons – Solo Level 8-10


June is in full swing which means a a brand new set of Monthly Quest Dungeons to tackle! This morning I had nearly full stamina and decided to record my three solo clears to showcase what mechanics to be aware of along with possible counters to them.

Video clears

Level 10

Tardis  is the true hero for granting free stalling on Floor 1 to ensure all relevant actives are ready in time. Just make sure to leave at least 3 poison orbs for Medjedra to lock instead of disabling your awoken skills.

Level 9

Having a Fenrir  inherit prevents any poison orbs from falling down. Just make sure you leave the three Jammer orbs created in the bottom row to ensure you can match any new ones that fall down.

The final boss has 40 million defense to either bring a burst or DEF break to easily kill her. In addition, having a delay or shield ensure you survive her 200% gravity in the advent she prevents matching of your particular colour.

Level 8

Level 8 was reasonably straight forward and the only major issue I can foresee is Azazel placing his tape on the top row which prevents players from matching there. The two easiest counters are either the Resistance Immobility  awakening or using a 7×6 board. Finally, having a time buffer ensures you can overcome Kushindahime’s massive time debuff and combo shield.


These videos are not the only way to go about this and naturally, playing in coop will make things easier. Regardless, this set felt less intimidating overall and I am curious to hear what you have used to clear these dungeons.

Happy Puzzling!

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April 14-15 Godfest Overview

 Godfest Basics

The format for Godfests has been dramatically changed through their REM Renewal along with Full Disclosure of Rolling Rates. These changes dramatically improve your chances of rolling a specific card as the pool of available monsters is significantly smaller as only a portion of the all possible monsters are featured at a given time. This is great news for players as you are better able to focus your Magic Stones on key cards.

Godfests no longer advertise “rate increases” and instead Highlighted specific cards along with 6* Godfest Exclusives being available. As such, these events are the best time to roll the REM as the current meta is heavily favouring these rare and elusive monsters.

Rolling rates may change or vary with each Godfest event and some 6* GFE may have higher rolling rates.


The upcoming Godfest begins on April 14 and runs until April 15 and will once again feature twenty 6-star Godfest Exclusives. While the overall roster is reasonable overall, the GHNA Facebook page annoucned that Heroine REM will return this coming Monday.

With this in mind, it is better to hold off rolling in this Godfest and instead spend your Magic Stones on Heroine as it does hold numerous key and powerful cards. Just remember that Godfests will always be here and this current roster is average overall.

On a different note, the Twitch Stream will also announce the winner of the MP Survey which may also influence the decision to roll in future Godfests. On a somewhat side note, if you are desperate for MP, Heroine has a better ratio of MP to Stone consumption if selling off rolls.

As with any Godfest, the decision of whether to roll or not will be dependent on your own Monster Box and individual needs.

You can read the most recent Godfest review HERE. Continue reading April 14-15 Godfest Overview

March 31 – April 1 Godfest Overview plus Preview for future Kaede, Fujin, and Raijin Evolutions

 Godfest Basics

The format for Godfests has been dramatically changed through their REM Renewal along with Full Disclosure of Rolling Rates. These changes dramatically improve your chances of rolling a specific card as the pool of available monsters is significantly smaller as only a portion of the all possible monsters are featured at a given time. This is great news for players as you are better able to focus your Magic Stones on key cards.

Godfests no longer advertise “rate increases” and instead Highlighted specific cards along with 6* Godfest Exclusives being available. As such, these events are the best time to roll the REM as the current meta is heavily favouring these rare and elusive monsters.

Rolling rates may change or vary with each Godfest event.


The upcoming Godfest begins on March 31st and runs until April 1st and will once again feature twenty 6-star GFE. This current line up is reasonable overall but just remember that you only have to wait around 2 weeks for another Godfest to come back.

With that being said, it may be advantageous to wait for the official GungHo NA stream on Friday evening in case they tease a new Collab or Seasonal REM. This is because Puzzle and Dragons is slowly becoming more dependent on rare Collab cards and it may be best to save your Magic Stones for those events.

On the bright side, all players will receive a free Rank 50 roll for this Godfest.

As with any Godfest, the decision of whether to roll or not will be dependent on your own Monster Box and individual needs.

You can read the most recent Godfest review HERE. Continue reading March 31 – April 1 Godfest Overview plus Preview for future Kaede, Fujin, and Raijin Evolutions

Sphinx Tournament Strategy and Guide


The Sphinx Ranking Tournament uses the loved/dreaded preset teams. With a preset team, it helps even the playing field as no one can gain an advantage via specific cards or combos. However, it does dramatically cut down on creativity and also results in more “luck” when trying to min-max your score as skyfalls/bad boards will play a massive role in determining how well you place. With this post, I will try my best to help give my readers a slight competitive edge based on my own experience running the dungeon.

In these ranking dungeons, we are scored based on 3 criteria:

  1. Average combos made: 5,000 points per combo
  2. Time Remaining: 500 points per second remaining
  3. Maximum damage: up to 10,000 points if you hit 40 million.

Sample Clear

138,000 score

I improved my score off stream to 0.2% as it is actually a lot easier to simply tunnel and not narrate.

Mantastic commentary

—talking about the dungeon itself—-

Your team

Everyone will be using the same team (max skill, max awoken, and +297) and it is important to understand how your leader skill functions along with any combo synergy you may have.

Kaede at a glance

Ult Kaede

Dragon / Attacker
Skill Lock Resist Time Extend Skill Boost Time Extend TPA TPA TPA Enhanced Wood Orb Enhanced Wood Orb
6 star base
Question Orb Arrow Green
Question Orb Arrow Heart
1 turn haste
7 turn CD
3.5x ATK for 2 wood combos. 4x ATK for 3 wood combos. 2x ATK & 50% damage reduction for a heart cross
64x ATK / 75% damage reduction

Kaede’s Scaling Leader Skill
# wood combos 1 2 3
Multiplier No 12.25x 16x
With Heart Cross No 49x 64x

As you can see, there is a modest multiplier when you do not make a heart cross, but in order to deal lethal damage, you must be able to fully maximize the board in terms of the number of combos made as well as squeezing in as many TPA TPA as possible.

Cards and relevant damage awakenings

Continue reading Sphinx Tournament Strategy and Guide

Thoughts on Player’s Choice Godfest Results


6 Star Godfest Exclusive Player’s Choice Godfest results have been officially announced and will take place this Friday starting at 12am PST. All rolls will feature +44 to a random stat and only the voted GFE will be featured (which means no Sonias/Metatrons etc.). This post will cover my thoughts and opinions of the voted cards along with who I felt should have made it in, but failed to make an appearance.

Video commentary

—video goes here—

The results

Unlike previous Player’s Choice Godfests, GungHo did not have a running tally of the leader board and many votes probably went to waste on the top winners.

Player’s Choice Godfest December 2016
1-5 Ult Kaede Gremory Dark Kali 3202 A Liu Bei
6-10 Eschamali 3236 Awoken DQXQ Kanna 3068
11-15 Wukong bankai Sherias Roots Awoken Pandora Isis Ronove
16-20 3101 d-d-akechi 2997 rodin Bankai Andro
21-25 Rozuel Ra Awoken Oorochi Scheat 2991

For the most part, the voting makes sense with the featured cards as the majority of them have a place in the current (or near future) meta. However, what is most shocking is the fact that 11 six-star Godfest Exclusives were voted in.

Implications of 11 six-star GFE

From the data collected by me in the previous December PCGF, you have a disparagingly low chance to roll a six-star GFE.

PCGF record 2

Player’s Choice Godfests should be used to acquire the best pantheon cards available and by having 44% of the featured monsters being nearly unobtainable, we have essentially defeated the purpose of a PCGF. Six-star GFE are best acquired during a 5x GFE event or the special 10-stone REM (if it returns). I understand that those events do run the risk of other GFE appearing, but if we want 11 six stars, you are quite likely to roll them anyway. Six-star GFE will greatly lower the chances of rolling a featured monster and will most certainly add to the disappointment of higher silver egg rolls.

Voting in 11 six-stars is an unhealthy indication for the state of Puzzle and Dragons. Too many teams desperately require these elusive cards to function and without duplicates of the same six-star, their team is significantly weaker. It is not a bad thing to have six-star GFE as a top tier leader, but when you require nearly a full team to be optimal, then we have a problem. However, GungHo appears to be continuing down the path of six-star supremacy as the new evolutions for the 5 MP Dragons does not advance the current rate of Powercreep for leaders, only brings Ra Dragon 3265 on-par or marginally better than the best heart-cross leaders. In addition, the best Ra Dragon team consists of 3/4 six-stars. Continue reading Thoughts on Player’s Choice Godfest Results

55 Million Downloads 5x GFE Review and Analysis

I will continue to update this page as I write the additional monster reviews and have been quite busy with all the newly released content and real life issues. I posted this well knowing I am missing some monsters as I want to give you some information now or at least the handy reference chart for what rolls out on each day. Your patience is appreciated!

Godfest basics

When making the decision to roll or save your magic stones, you need to determine if the featured pantheons can benefit or compliment your teams. Chasing for one specific monster is unwise as you will most likely be disappointed and should ideally have Godfests that overlap with many target cards. Remember all monsters that come out of the REM will qualify for Skill Inheritance so do not be too hasty when selling dupes. For a more detailed team building help, please refer to my full list Popular Leader’s and their Full Sub List Post. If you are wondering which Four Gentlemen 300k card you should purchase, please read my Comparison Post.  Lastly, to find more information about a specific pantheon or monster, refer to my Master List to better refine your search.


The 55 Million Downloads Godfest makes a special occasion for both GungHo and players. There are not many games that can claim to have as widespread of a following as Puzzle and Dragons and the players are being wonderfully rewarded with a NA first of 5x Godfest Exclusives. A typical Godfest has these hard to obtain cards at a 3x rate and these increased values should help players secure some of their favourite cards. In the distant past, we were fortunate enough to have 4x GFE that was paired alongside various pantheons; however, during the 55 Million Godfest, there will be no accompanying pantheon alongside and we will only have the Gala of Tides. It is uncertain how this will influence the roll rates and GungHo will never disclose this information so we are still at the mercy of RNGesus.

When deciding to roll for either day 1 or 2, you have to take a look at the featured GFE as there is some overlap and the decision ultimately lies in your unique box and situation. North America may never receive the 10-stone GFE REM and if you are like me, and have been hoarding stones for months, it may be time to shake the Golden Dragon’s arm as this will probably be the best opportunity to acquire Godfest Exclusives and Monster Points. Sitting on hundreds of Magic Stones can put a damper on your progression and there is a certain degree of opportunity cost and benefiting from cards before powercreep reduces their value. I will be rolling and recording my conquest with as few tears as possible in a subsequent posting.


Another thing to consider is every roll will come out with a +50 to a single stat. This is a wonderful collateral benefit and if you are having troubles deciding to sell or fuse, I encourage you to read my post HERE discussing the matter.

Water Gala of Tides Carat
Day 1 Red Sonia Blue Sonia Green Sonia rodin Blodin Green Odin
Kali Dark Kali Metatron dtron
Day 2 Urd Skuld ult evo Verd Ult Zuoh Ilm Baby Satsuki
Kanna Eschamali Scheat Australis Fenrir Viz Fenrir
Overlap Gadius Typhon Ryune Saria Sylvie Ult Tsubaki
Ult Sumire Ult Kaede Sherias Baldin Sherias Roots Balboa

Day 1:

Day 1 has the lovely Sonias who despite their best efforts, are starting to fall behind due to powercreep as leads. As subs, they are wonderful on their respective mono-colour teams or assistants for Skill Inheritance. The Odins are more luxury based or niche in comparison. Dark Kali Dark Kali is the big prize of the day and is a vital sub on Ra Dragon Ra Dragon. Finally, the Metatrons are falling behind due to powercreep.

Continue reading 55 Million Downloads 5x GFE Review and Analysis

Kaede – New Top Tier Leader: Monster Review and Analysis


Don’t go breaking my heart. I couldn’t if I tried. Honey if I get restless. Baby you’re not that kind. I should probably stick to guide writing instead of singing songs that only a few would know. Regardless, Kaede will never break your heart, in fact, she is able to manufacture additional heart orbs along with utilizing heart crosses for additional damage and shielding. Furthermore, this new evolution for Kaede has propelled them into the top tier ranks on the various JP lists. This is because you are able to deal spectacular damage, have 75% damage reduction, and form a system-like team.

Kaede at a glance

Ult Kaede
Dragon / Attacker
4,130 HP / 1,840 ATK / 281 RCV
874 Total
Skill Lock Resist Time Extend Skill Boost Time Extend TPA TPA TPA Enhanced Wood Orb Enhanced Wood Orb

Active Skill:
Question Orb  Arrow Heart
Question Orb  Arrow Green
1 turn haste
7 turn CD

Leader Skill:
3.5x ATK with 2 wood combos. 4x ATK with 3 combos. 2x ATK and 50% damage reduction with heart cross
64x ATK / 75% damage reduction

Kaede Scaling Leader Skill
# wood combos 1 2 3
Multiplier 0 12.25 16x
Multipplier w/ heart cross 4x 49x 64x

Sample gameplay

Kaede will play similarly to the other heart-cross leaders as the main source of their power comes from being able to expertly form the 5 hearts while matching numerous wood combos. With a 75% damage reduction, you effectively have 4x the health along with resisting gravity based attacks.

Super Ultimate Dragon Rush

Solo Arena 2

Solo Machine Hera
You can also do your own searching by using the term:
Continue reading Kaede – New Top Tier Leader: Monster Review and Analysis

Popular Leaders and Their Full Sub List with Inheritance Options

I am in the process of updating this list over the next week or two and work from the top down so somethings will still be outdated/missing in the meantime.


Due to the ever changing dynamic of team building through Skill Inheritance, team building has either become more flexible or more rigid. It becomes more flexible due to the fact that you can use almost any card as a sub and fill in the blanks via inheritance. However, this does eventually lead to a more rigid team building experience as you will end up using similar powerful bases and supplementing with appropriate assists.

As such, I have been trying to determine how I can have this list reflect both aspects of team building. Listing subs that fulfill specific roles is helpful, but may become misleading once you begin to acquire more cards to play around with. Thus, I will try my best to list higher tier subs along with other options and include a massive inheritance chart at the beginning you can use to fill in the gaps.

When deciding which leader and team you want to invest in, you ideally want to find a balance between a deep and diverse sub pool combined with a love for their playstyle that suits your personality and matching skills. Even leaders who are not popular in the meta are capable of clearing high end content provided you have a synergetic team and passion for their gameplay.

Furthermore, you should try to balance the subs/actives you bring to ensure a healthy mixture of quick orb changers, damage enhancing, and defensive utility. When trying to determine if you require a bind clearing sub, you must take into account how dangerous the bind is and whether you can stall through it or avoid it. If you are able to avoid the bind by bursting through the boss before they are able to attack, it may be best to do so as bind clearing subs tend to bring little to the party aside from their active. Lastly, leaders with higher multipliers are more reliant on consistency and survivability over offensive actives as the sheer strength of their leader skill can sweep most floors.

If you wish to read about how I approach tackling a dungeon and subsequently how I build my team, please read my previous article HERE.

Video commentary

—video goes here—

Popular leaders sorted by category

When trying to find a particular leader in this post, it is best to use the ctrl + F (search) feature. Otherwise, the leaders are colour sorted in no particular order. Due to the sheer size of this ever growing list, I may have trimmed out lesser leaders and simply put their names alongside other cards that are similar to them (eg. placing other rainbow leaders alongside Ra if similar).

I am not including the button farming coop teams.

Style Leader
Rainbow: 3265 Awoken DQXQ Sakuya 2982 3273 3272 Kali Lightning
3241 3384 2983 3385 Rukai Kuchiki
5 orbs, 1 enhanced:
3266 You Yu Awoken Yomi Ult Tsubaki
Tank teams:  3068 3305 3238 Awoken Pandora Awoken Archdemon Lucifer Raoh
I&I + Ryune
Saria + Thor
Sylvie + Awoken Freyja
Raoh + Freyr
Heart orbs
3242 3243 Typhon Gadius Xiang Mei
Multiple combos
of specific colour:
Z8 3069 3070
 Row Based: 3276 3263 dtron 3391 3235 Blue Sonia Xiu Min
 Speed farming: 3262 3266 3193
Colour Cross 3359 3264 2991 3202
Heart Cross:  Ult Sumire Ult Kaede Ronove Gremory Miru Beach Myr

If you feel I left out your favourite team, leave a reply in the comments below and I shall add in accordingly. For a list of 5×4 leads, feel free to check out my other guide HERE.

If you wish to read a more detailed analysis of all the REM pantheon monsters, please refer to my Master List Breakdown. If you are considering to purchase a Monster Point card, please read my Tier List HERE.

Skill Inheritance

Skill Inheritance has become a vital part of the Puzzle and Dragons meta as it allows you to utilize desirable active skills from cards that would not be ideal to run as subs. This also enables you to better customize your team to your liking and address any dangerous mechanic the dungeon can throw at you. I encourage you to read my revamped Skill Inheritance Guide to better understand all the changes that have been made and how to better utilize this mechanic.

Below is for the most part, a full overview of the various inheritance options you can use sorted by categories. For full board changers, you can utilize off-colour inherits provided they generate your desired element. However, if possible, you should try to use same attribute inherit and base to take advantage of the stat transfer feature.

Gravity Sakuya Awoken Hades Hathor Chibi Hera
3387 Indra Kush Valen 3071 Raphael dtron Isis Cursed Dragon

 Undine Sylph Genie Thanatos
Full board
Dark Kali Sherias Roots 3416 Lightning 3354 3394 3107 Kali Sherias
3103 3235 Red Sonia Blue Sonia Green Sonia Avalon Drake 3274 3284 Christmas Sonia

Tri-element with hearts:
Uevo Apoc Ryune Saria Sylvie UrdSkuld ult evo Verd mitsuaria-evo
3283 Cecil

Tri-element with no hearts:
Awoken Leilan Awoken Karin MeiMei Haku Zuoh 3277

Famiel Typhon Gadius Lumiel
True damage
/ poison
3239 Awoken Archdemon Lucifer rodin 3273 Cerebrus Rider Chibi Lilith Lumiel Famiel Sherias Roots 3274 Lightning 3162
Silk Carat Cameo Facet Sheen

Freyr I&I Thor Awoken Freyja Awoken Loki Nim Muse Delgado arcline
Creuse Awoken Yomi Izanagi Oku Nephthys Set Durga Lu Bu Kanna 3361
Delay 3386 2985 A Cao Cao 2918 A Sun Quan Zeta Hydra ForestBahn Wee Jas Green wee jas
Kenpachi Sagirinokami
Bind clearing Ame Amate Awoken Ceres Sakuya Metatron Green Odin Isis Fire Dragon Knight Water Dragon Knight
Earth Dragon Knight Shining Dragon Knight Shadow Dragon Knight Guan Yu Red Guan Yu Red Riding Hood Snow White Thumbelina Sleeping Beauty

Popular leaders and the sub list: Continue reading Popular Leaders and Their Full Sub List with Inheritance Options

Dragon Caller Leader Skill Buffs and Impressions

The Dragon Caller series of Tsubaki Tsubaki , Sumire Sumire , and Kaede Kaede all received varying buffs to their leader skills along with a previous update with additional awakening skills. As neither of these buffs have come to North America, it is worth analysing the changes as a whole and how they will impact their usage.

Tsubaki Tsubaki: The red Dragon Caller is the most offensive of the three and is currently capped at 36x multiplier. However, with the buff, Tsubaki is increased to 39x. Is that significant? Not really as you are only going to be adding tiny amounts of damage. Perhaps the strongest points are the additional enhanced Continue reading Dragon Caller Leader Skill Buffs and Impressions