Tag Archives: Satsuki

55 Million Downloads 5x GFE Review and Analysis

I will continue to update this page as I write the additional monster reviews and have been quite busy with all the newly released content and real life issues. I posted this well knowing I am missing some monsters as I want to give you some information now or at least the handy reference chart for what rolls out on each day. Your patience is appreciated!

Godfest basics

When making the decision to roll or save your magic stones, you need to determine if the featured pantheons can benefit or compliment your teams. Chasing for one specific monster is unwise as you will most likely be disappointed and should ideally have Godfests that overlap with many target cards. Remember all monsters that come out of the REM will qualify for Skill Inheritance so do not be too hasty when selling dupes. For a more detailed team building help, please refer to my full list Popular Leader’s and their Full Sub List Post. If you are wondering which Four Gentlemen 300k card you should purchase, please read my Comparison Post.  Lastly, to find more information about a specific pantheon or monster, refer to my Master List to better refine your search.


The 55 Million Downloads Godfest makes a special occasion for both GungHo and players. There are not many games that can claim to have as widespread of a following as Puzzle and Dragons and the players are being wonderfully rewarded with a NA first of 5x Godfest Exclusives. A typical Godfest has these hard to obtain cards at a 3x rate and these increased values should help players secure some of their favourite cards. In the distant past, we were fortunate enough to have 4x GFE that was paired alongside various pantheons; however, during the 55 Million Godfest, there will be no accompanying pantheon alongside and we will only have the Gala of Tides. It is uncertain how this will influence the roll rates and GungHo will never disclose this information so we are still at the mercy of RNGesus.

When deciding to roll for either day 1 or 2, you have to take a look at the featured GFE as there is some overlap and the decision ultimately lies in your unique box and situation. North America may never receive the 10-stone GFE REM and if you are like me, and have been hoarding stones for months, it may be time to shake the Golden Dragon’s arm as this will probably be the best opportunity to acquire Godfest Exclusives and Monster Points. Sitting on hundreds of Magic Stones can put a damper on your progression and there is a certain degree of opportunity cost and benefiting from cards before powercreep reduces their value. I will be rolling and recording my conquest with as few tears as possible in a subsequent posting.


Another thing to consider is every roll will come out with a +50 to a single stat. This is a wonderful collateral benefit and if you are having troubles deciding to sell or fuse, I encourage you to read my post HERE discussing the matter.

Water Gala of Tides Carat
Day 1 Red Sonia Blue Sonia Green Sonia rodin Blodin Green Odin
Kali Dark Kali Metatron dtron
Day 2 Urd Skuld ult evo Verd Ult Zuoh Ilm Baby Satsuki
Kanna Eschamali Scheat Australis Fenrir Viz Fenrir
Overlap Gadius Typhon Ryune Saria Sylvie Ult Tsubaki
Ult Sumire Ult Kaede Sherias Baldin Sherias Roots Balboa

Day 1:

Day 1 has the lovely Sonias who despite their best efforts, are starting to fall behind due to powercreep as leads. As subs, they are wonderful on their respective mono-colour teams or assistants for Skill Inheritance. The Odins are more luxury based or niche in comparison. Dark Kali Dark Kali is the big prize of the day and is a vital sub on Ra Dragon Ra Dragon. Finally, the Metatrons are falling behind due to powercreep.

Continue reading 55 Million Downloads 5x GFE Review and Analysis

Thank You Skill Inheritance


I have cleared Arena 1 numerous times, but there is always an element of risk as I am using a non-ideal team. However, with the introduction of Skill Inheritance, my clear rates and consistency have significantly improved. This is because I am able to inherit a valuable skill on to both Lucifers Awoken Archdemon Lucifer to give their actives more value and allows for access to a wider range of subs. Furthermore, I am able to have access to a board changer that can be combo-ed with one of my other orb changers to produce a 2/3 dark board. The following 90 second video showcases how Skill Inheritance helps trivialise the Kali at the end of Arena by utilising actives I would normally not have access to.

Inheritance Setup

  • Awoken Lucifer 1 Awoken Archdemon Lucifer inherits Satsuki Baby Satsuki
  • Claire Dark Valk inherits Awoken Karin Awoken Karin
  • Awoken Lucifer 2 Awoken Archdemon Lucifer inherits Awoken Freyja Awoken Freyja

This allows me to remove Awoken Loki Awoken Loki from my team and replace him with Claire who has superior RCV and allows for easier stalling and the option of utilizing a 5 turn orb changer to hasten my runs. However, the key feature is being able to access a 2/3 dark board via Karin and Pandora Awoken Pandora as I lack both Akechi Akechi and Zuoh Ult Zuoh. This allows me to easily burst any floor and I have consistently one shot the Light Kali since.


Skill Inheritance is Fantastic for players who are lacking key subs and still wish to clear high end content. It also allows me to be more creative with team building and active management as I need to carefully plan for the inherited active. Also, thanks Momtastic for your Penta Lucifer with the damage enhance skill.

P.S. other resources on Lucifer or Arena:

Happy Puzzling!