Tag Archives: Awoken Lucifer

One-Shot Challenge Clear Videos


Against my own better judgement, I used a single stone to refresh my stamina to complete all the One-Shot Challenges as I had used most of my stamina to play Arena 3 on my Twitch Stream (where I had two heroic clears!). However, it may work in favour for my readers as you now get to see my clears a bit faster than natural stamina would have allowed.

I tried to use less popular leaders or leaders I seldom play to both increase the excitement as well as to give variety to players and hopefully provide some inspiration on how to overcome these challenges.

One interesting aspect of these challenges is that they disappear after completion so it is challenging to refine a perfect strategy and I am a little more excited if my plan works out.

Level 10 vs Awoken Lucifer

The key to success was to avoid a light skyfall on the Shieldras along with praying for sufficient heart orbs to drop down. The recovery badge was vital to my success as it allowed me to heal enough each turn to tank each subsequent hit.

Awoken Archdemon Lucifer Eschamali Yomi Dragon Awoken Pandora Dark Valk Awoken Archdemon Lucifer

Overall a relatively smooth run, just have to be able to heal back to full health to tank Myr’s various attacks.

Level 9 vs Cameo (yes, the Gemstone Princess)

I had a little too much fun abusing the 3x to all stats for 6-star cards and decided to take my excitement further by using the simply unheard of Cameo as a leader to form a 28x ATK team.

Cameo Ult Zeus Dios 3074 Australis Balboa A Liu Bei

If there is one video you watch today it should be this one.

Level 8 vs Awoken DQXQ

Relatively straightforward and abusing the ample Dragon typing for free damage and stats.

Awoken DQXQ W Iza Awoken Apollo Yomi Dragon DQXQ LL Awoken DQXQ

Yomi Dragon is used for the Dragon typing, dark coverage, and ability to hasten up my team if Thor is unfriendly with his skill delay attack.


I thouroughly enjoyed playing through this series of challenges as it gave a nice break from coop and gave me the opportunity to test my puzzling skills in new content. Hopefully you enjoyed these videos as I tried to utilize a variety of leaders to showcase different playstyles.

Let me know what you used to clear these challenges.

Happy Puzzling!

Meta Snapshot: Tank Teams


This is the second installment of this series and it allows me to share my thoughts and insight on current meta trends. Today, I wish to explore the viability of tank teams by discussing their definition, history,  and viability in today’s meta.

Video commentary

 What is a tank team?

Tank teams consist of leaders who augment your health and/or recovery along with providing a modest increase to your attack. These teams do not reduce your incoming damage and gain their survivability from their augmented stats. Tank teams may not boast the fastest clear times; however, they are very safe to play due to their innate durability and the ability to stall for actives and unleash heavy burst damage when needed.

In most cases, tank teams rely on stacking row enhances (Fire Row Water Row Wood Row Light Row Dark row) along with possibly a damage enhance in conjunction with heavy orb changers to one shot tanky bosses. This gives them wonderful damage control as you usually rely on actives to burst and are able to stall with ease. However, you lose all your multipliers if your leaders are bound, so plan accordingly.


Continue reading Meta Snapshot: Tank Teams

[Video] Coop Button PreDRA Infestation

With the introduction of everything coop patch, we are now able to farm the limited time dungeons with our friends (or in my case, myself) for half the stamina. There are probably countless variations for a button team for PreDRA Infestation, but here is a relatively easy to form and mostly farmable team. The other subs are just for skill boosts and outside of the 3 poisons (or true damage), the Lucifer needs to have a skill inherited to counteract the 2 turn skill delay from the boss. Please excuse my lack of recording skills and pointless audio.

As always, it is more efficient to run the easier difficulty as it awards more Monster Points per stamina spent.

Happy Puzzling!

Thank You Skill Inheritance


I have cleared Arena 1 numerous times, but there is always an element of risk as I am using a non-ideal team. However, with the introduction of Skill Inheritance, my clear rates and consistency have significantly improved. This is because I am able to inherit a valuable skill on to both Lucifers Awoken Archdemon Lucifer to give their actives more value and allows for access to a wider range of subs. Furthermore, I am able to have access to a board changer that can be combo-ed with one of my other orb changers to produce a 2/3 dark board. The following 90 second video showcases how Skill Inheritance helps trivialise the Kali at the end of Arena by utilising actives I would normally not have access to.

Inheritance Setup

  • Awoken Lucifer 1 Awoken Archdemon Lucifer inherits Satsuki Baby Satsuki
  • Claire Dark Valk inherits Awoken Karin Awoken Karin
  • Awoken Lucifer 2 Awoken Archdemon Lucifer inherits Awoken Freyja Awoken Freyja

This allows me to remove Awoken Loki Awoken Loki from my team and replace him with Claire who has superior RCV and allows for easier stalling and the option of utilizing a 5 turn orb changer to hasten my runs. However, the key feature is being able to access a 2/3 dark board via Karin and Pandora Awoken Pandora as I lack both Akechi Akechi and Zuoh Ult Zuoh. This allows me to easily burst any floor and I have consistently one shot the Light Kali since.


Skill Inheritance is Fantastic for players who are lacking key subs and still wish to clear high end content. It also allows me to be more creative with team building and active management as I need to carefully plan for the inherited active. Also, thanks Momtastic for your Penta Lucifer with the damage enhance skill.

P.S. other resources on Lucifer or Arena:

Happy Puzzling!

[Video] Awoken Lucifer VS Arena 1 Floors 17-21

Today I took a break from plus egg farming and revisited my old friend, Arena 1. I have cleared Arena numerous times when it was a technical dungeon and have a strong understanding of how each floor works and what kind of damage is required to successfully clear. I was also fortunate my friend visited today and I was able to record on Mantastic. With their help (and more powerful laptop) the audio came out sounding quite amazing for my standards. Perhaps if they visit more often I will be able to produce higher quality videos in the future. I only began recording on floor 17 after I had finished stalling for my actives as the previous 16 floors are more straight forward (and it was also at that time I got their laptop).


 All max-skilled and +297
A Lucifer
Awoken Archdemon Lucifer

Fire resistWater RedWood resist
Light reductionDark Reduction
A Pandora
Awoken Pandora

Fire resistFire resistFire resist
Fire resistFire resist
A Haku
Dark ReductionDark ReductionDark Reduction
Dark ReductionDark Reduction
A Loki
Awoken Loki

Fire resistWater RedWood resist
Light reductionDark Reduction
Yomi D
Yomi Dragon

Dark ReductionDark ReductionDark Reduction
A Lucifer
Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
Fire resistWater RedWood resist
Light reductionDark Reduction

Continue reading [Video] Awoken Lucifer VS Arena 1 Floors 17-21

Awoken Lucifer Team Building and Discussion Guide

Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
1.82x HP / 16.4x ATK / 1.82x RCV (God & Devil Dark row based team)
Arena 1 Strategy Guide

Awoken Archdemon Lucifer Awoken Archdemon Lucifer is one of the most powerful leaders in Puzzle and Dragons as he combines both burst and survivability along with flexible team building. Dark monsters have historically been the strongest colour as they have amazing synergy and a deep sub pool. Unlike Yomi Dragon Yomi Dragon or Awoken Pandora Awoken Pandora , Lucifer can use both God and Devil type monsters which grants him access to subs that would otherwise not fully benefit from the leader skill. Furthermore, you are able to control your damage through dark row Dark row activation as well as stacking actives to unleash some of the highest total burst damage in the game.


  • Ability to control your damage as this is becoming more relevant with specific absorption shields that require you to hit less damage
  • Bolstered health and recovery allow for easier stalling and removes the need to bring damage mitigation
  • Leaders have a combined 6 dark row Dark row , 2 skill lock resist Skill Lock Resist , and 6 skill boost Skill Boost awakenings
  • God Killer God Killer awakening is amazingly powerful as it allows your leaders to deal 3x damage to god type bosses
  • Spectacular burst damage potential
  • Team building is quite flexible as you can use God or Devil types

Continue reading Awoken Lucifer Team Building and Discussion Guide

Popular Leaders and Their Full Sub List with Inheritance Options

I am in the process of updating this list over the next week or two and work from the top down so somethings will still be outdated/missing in the meantime.


Due to the ever changing dynamic of team building through Skill Inheritance, team building has either become more flexible or more rigid. It becomes more flexible due to the fact that you can use almost any card as a sub and fill in the blanks via inheritance. However, this does eventually lead to a more rigid team building experience as you will end up using similar powerful bases and supplementing with appropriate assists.

As such, I have been trying to determine how I can have this list reflect both aspects of team building. Listing subs that fulfill specific roles is helpful, but may become misleading once you begin to acquire more cards to play around with. Thus, I will try my best to list higher tier subs along with other options and include a massive inheritance chart at the beginning you can use to fill in the gaps.

When deciding which leader and team you want to invest in, you ideally want to find a balance between a deep and diverse sub pool combined with a love for their playstyle that suits your personality and matching skills. Even leaders who are not popular in the meta are capable of clearing high end content provided you have a synergetic team and passion for their gameplay.

Furthermore, you should try to balance the subs/actives you bring to ensure a healthy mixture of quick orb changers, damage enhancing, and defensive utility. When trying to determine if you require a bind clearing sub, you must take into account how dangerous the bind is and whether you can stall through it or avoid it. If you are able to avoid the bind by bursting through the boss before they are able to attack, it may be best to do so as bind clearing subs tend to bring little to the party aside from their active. Lastly, leaders with higher multipliers are more reliant on consistency and survivability over offensive actives as the sheer strength of their leader skill can sweep most floors.

If you wish to read about how I approach tackling a dungeon and subsequently how I build my team, please read my previous article HERE.

Video commentary

—video goes here—

Popular leaders sorted by category

When trying to find a particular leader in this post, it is best to use the ctrl + F (search) feature. Otherwise, the leaders are colour sorted in no particular order. Due to the sheer size of this ever growing list, I may have trimmed out lesser leaders and simply put their names alongside other cards that are similar to them (eg. placing other rainbow leaders alongside Ra if similar).

I am not including the button farming coop teams.

Style Leader
Rainbow: 3265 Awoken DQXQ Sakuya 2982 3273 3272 Kali Lightning
3241 3384 2983 3385 Rukai Kuchiki
5 orbs, 1 enhanced:
3266 You Yu Awoken Yomi Ult Tsubaki
Tank teams:  3068 3305 3238 Awoken Pandora Awoken Archdemon Lucifer Raoh
I&I + Ryune
Saria + Thor
Sylvie + Awoken Freyja
Raoh + Freyr
Heart orbs
3242 3243 Typhon Gadius Xiang Mei
Multiple combos
of specific colour:
Z8 3069 3070
 Row Based: 3276 3263 dtron 3391 3235 Blue Sonia Xiu Min
 Speed farming: 3262 3266 3193
Colour Cross 3359 3264 2991 3202
Heart Cross:  Ult Sumire Ult Kaede Ronove Gremory Miru Beach Myr

If you feel I left out your favourite team, leave a reply in the comments below and I shall add in accordingly. For a list of 5×4 leads, feel free to check out my other guide HERE.

If you wish to read a more detailed analysis of all the REM pantheon monsters, please refer to my Master List Breakdown. If you are considering to purchase a Monster Point card, please read my Tier List HERE.

Skill Inheritance

Skill Inheritance has become a vital part of the Puzzle and Dragons meta as it allows you to utilize desirable active skills from cards that would not be ideal to run as subs. This also enables you to better customize your team to your liking and address any dangerous mechanic the dungeon can throw at you. I encourage you to read my revamped Skill Inheritance Guide to better understand all the changes that have been made and how to better utilize this mechanic.

Below is for the most part, a full overview of the various inheritance options you can use sorted by categories. For full board changers, you can utilize off-colour inherits provided they generate your desired element. However, if possible, you should try to use same attribute inherit and base to take advantage of the stat transfer feature.

Gravity Sakuya Awoken Hades Hathor Chibi Hera
3387 Indra Kush Valen 3071 Raphael dtron Isis Cursed Dragon

 Undine Sylph Genie Thanatos
Full board
Dark Kali Sherias Roots 3416 Lightning 3354 3394 3107 Kali Sherias
3103 3235 Red Sonia Blue Sonia Green Sonia Avalon Drake 3274 3284 Christmas Sonia

Tri-element with hearts:
Uevo Apoc Ryune Saria Sylvie UrdSkuld ult evo Verd mitsuaria-evo
3283 Cecil

Tri-element with no hearts:
Awoken Leilan Awoken Karin MeiMei Haku Zuoh 3277

Famiel Typhon Gadius Lumiel
True damage
/ poison
3239 Awoken Archdemon Lucifer rodin 3273 Cerebrus Rider Chibi Lilith Lumiel Famiel Sherias Roots 3274 Lightning 3162
Silk Carat Cameo Facet Sheen

Freyr I&I Thor Awoken Freyja Awoken Loki Nim Muse Delgado arcline
Creuse Awoken Yomi Izanagi Oku Nephthys Set Durga Lu Bu Kanna 3361
Delay 3386 2985 A Cao Cao 2918 A Sun Quan Zeta Hydra ForestBahn Wee Jas Green wee jas
Kenpachi Sagirinokami
Bind clearing Ame Amate Awoken Ceres Sakuya Metatron Green Odin Isis Fire Dragon Knight Water Dragon Knight
Earth Dragon Knight Shining Dragon Knight Shadow Dragon Knight Guan Yu Red Guan Yu Red Riding Hood Snow White Thumbelina Sleeping Beauty

Popular leaders and the sub list: Continue reading Popular Leaders and Their Full Sub List with Inheritance Options

I will miss you Arena 1 =(

Arena 1 will be removed this evening from its permanent slot as a technical dungeon and will be replaced by the even more ridiculous Arena 2. As such, I have been frantically trying to complete as many runs as possible before tonight’s maintenance and will hopefully have a Mantastic post ready by then that I have been working on for quite some time.

However, I just wanted to share my first 1-shot of the Kali boss through her 50% shield with my Awoken Lucifer Awoken Archdemon Lucifer team. It felt pretty amazing to hit over 30 million through a 50% damage reduction shield and I giggling for about 5 minutes after. The God Killer God Killer awakenings give my two leaders 3x the damage shown and you can somewhat see the 10 million hit in the image.

Kali 1 shot

For further reading on my arena strategy, feel free to read my pseudo guide HERE.

Happy Puzzling!

Awoken Lucifer vs Arena

This is by no means a full team building guide (one may come in the future for Awoken Archdemon Lucifer) and I simply wanted to showcase how I use Awoken Lucifer Awoken Archdemon Lucifer to clear Arena 1 with reasonable consistency.  Arena  is a gruelling 21 floors and requires a high end team along with careful planning and a little luck to clear successfully.  Furthermore, the floor spawns are drawn randomly from several fixed monsters and no two Arena runs will be the same. This also means it is possible to get horrible (or amazing) luck as challenging bosses may repeatedly spawn.

Arena DQ Hera
Such a scary pre-emptive

Awoken Archdemon Lucifer has the inherent advantage of producing a very durable team due to 1.82x HP/RCV along with 16.4x ATK to devil and god type monsters. This alleviates the need to bring any form of damage mitigation as you can survive the largest pre-emptive strike on floor 19 and the God Killer God Killer awakening helps burst through the final floors. However, to tackle Arena, Awoken Archdemon Lucifer teams require certain key subs/role fulfilment: Continue reading Awoken Lucifer vs Arena