Skill Inheritance: Impressions and Strategies


Skill Inheritance is finally going live in North America and is one of the most anticipated features to come to Puzzle and Dragons. The goal of this post is to help transfer my knowledge to you on how Skill Inheritance works, when to use it, and advanced strategies to get the most value from your actives. Skill inheritance (or transfer) will allow you to link two different monsters together as a means to have access to additional active skills.  The base monster can be used as normal, but your linked monster (assistant) cannot be sold or used on your teams. The base monster will still retain their normal active on their regular cooldown, but will also be able to use another monster’s active at a longer cooldown (base monster’s cooldown + assistant monster’s cooldown). Furthermore, if the second skill is charged, you cannot use the your base monster’s skill. Using a skill at any time will reset both skills and must wait again to use either. This restriction can be problematic if you select a high priority monster as your base.

The following chart illustrates which active you can use and on which turn when having Awoken Isis Isis as your base monster and Dark Kali Dark Kali as the assistant.

 1  2 3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
Isis Isis Isis Isis Isis Isis Isis Dark Kali

In this example, you will still have your regular bind clearing ability from Isis on a 3-turn cooldown, but have the option of waiting 10 turns for the board refresh (and making the bind clear unusable). This means that you can use Isis on turns 3-9, but be forced to use Dark Kali on turn 10 and above. Using an active at any time will immediately reset you back to the beginning of this cycle.

How to transfer skills

You can use any 5+ star REM (or collab REM) monster as the assistant onto a card of your choice (the base does not have to be an REM monster). In order to do so, you will require a new material called Tan. These Tan will be available through a special 50 stamina dungeon (or MP shop), but the colour you receive is random and will require you to run numerous times to acquire the correct combination. You can cancel the transfer at any time, but will not have your TAN or gold refunded.

Cuteness overload?

The required coloured Tans vary from monster to monster and are easily displayed as shown in the image below. Only monsters that qualify for assistance will have that new yellow star on their icon.


SI box
I wish my CHR order was that amazing

When ready to perform the transfer process, you simply hit the Skill Transfer / Remove button in the Monster Menu and select your base. Your base monster must have an active skill.

SI info

SI transfer


Skill inheritance places heavier emphasis on more duplicate monsters and having them skilled up. As such, I wish to explore what makes a monster a good candidate for skill inheritance by examining what makes a good leader and sub.

Leaders are largely dictated by their leader skill with awakenings and active skill having less importance. However, there are many powerful high end leaders who have weak active skills and could greatly benefit from skill inheritance. I consider these weaker due to their uses being more niche and by having one on each leader diminishing their value as it is rare you would need a second usage of their active. In no particular order:

  • Awoken Archdemon Lucifer Awoken Lucifer
  • Shiva Awoken Shiva
  • Awoken Lakshimi Awoken Lakshimi
  • Awoken Parv Awoken Parvati
  • Horus Awoken Horus
  • Bastet Awoken Bastet
  • Ra Awoken Ra
  • Awoken Anubis Awoken Anubis
  • AmateAwoken Amaterasu
  • Awoken Yomi Awoken Yomi
  • Sakuya Awoken Sakuya
  • Ra Dragon Ra Dragon
  • Shiva D Shiva Dragon
  • Neptune Dragon Neptune Dragon
  • dtron Dark Metatron

On the other hand, subs are selected for their actives, awakenings, and typing/colour. Skill inheritance will allow for more flexibility in team building as you can better customize your needs, but keep in mind that if your secondary skill is charged, you cannot use your base monster’s active. Instead of naming each sub, I will breakdown the various actives into their respective categories so you can pick and choose what is most valuable to your teams. If you wish to read about popular leaders and their full sub list, please refer to my previous post HERE. A detailed breakdown of every monster can be found in my Master List post.

Valuable Assistance Monsters

These monsters all qualify for assistance and can be used as you see fit:

Active Monster
Gravity Sakuya Awoken Hades Hathor Chibi Hera
Susano Indra Kush Valen Ganesha Raphael dtron Isis Cursed Dragon

 Undine Sylph Genie Thanatos
Full board
 Kali Dark Kali
Mori Motanari Ryune Saria Sylvie Famiel Awoken Leilan Awoken Karin MeiMei Haku
Typhon Gadius Urd Skuld ult evo Verd Ilm Apocalypse Red Sonia Blue Sonia
Green Sonia Zuoh Lumiel Avalon Drake
True damage
/ poison
 Neptune Awoken Archdemon Lucifer rodin Ra Cerebrus Rider Chibi Lilith
Freyr I&I Thor Awoken Freyja Awoken Loki Nim Muse Delgado arcline
Creuse Awoken Yomi Izanagi Oku Nephthys Set Durga Lu Bu Kanna
Silk Carat Cameo Facet Sheen 
Delay Awoken Oorochi Oku Cao Cao Sun Quan Zeta Hydra ForestBahn Wee Jas Green wee jas Kenpachi
Bind clearing Ame Amate Awoken Ceres Sakuya Metatron Green Odin Isis Fire Dragon Knight Water Dragon Knight
Earth Dragon Knight Shining Dragon Knight Shadow Dragon Knight Guan Yu Red Guan Yu Red Riding Hood Snow White Thumbelina
Sleeping Beauty

It becomes quite apparent that the depth of gravity actives eligible for skill inheritance is quite low and is unfortunate because most of the best actives in this category are farmable and cannot be used. I omitted mono-colour orb changers as the list would be far too long and you can use your judgement on whether more orb generation is needed.

Strong Base Monsters

As stated above, you will most likely wish to transfer a skill to those leaders, but you can also use this opportunity to improve some already strong subs. These subs generally have shorter cooldowns and the idea is to give them a more powerful active that takes longer to charge up. For example, the Venus Venus has a short 4 CD active that is reasonably powerful, but can use some improvements. You could potentially give her a dual board changer such as Ilm Ilm for your mono light row team as a means to unleash more burst damage. Other examples of strong base monsters with short cooldowns and favourable awakenings include, but not limited to: the Valkyries Red Valk Blue Valk GValk valkpad Dark Valk, Dark Metatron dtron, and Isis Isis.

You can use this logic to bring subs who have favourable awakenings, stats, and colour coverage without sacrificing too much for a desired active.

Inheritance Strategies

Delays, gravities, and damage enhancing abilities will rarely be used more than once per dungeon and should be placed on a monster whose base active is seldom used. Great candidates would be the leaders listed above. Actives that would either be used more than once or require quick access can be used on subs with less critical actives or those with very short base cooldowns. A great example is Awoken Isis Isis who is on a 3 turn timer and the bind clearing would not need to be used very often. In addition, you can use her active at any time to ensure you have the bind clearing ability ready in time.

Furthermore, skill boost Skill Boost awakenings will be more valuable as the inherited skill is simply an extension of the cooldown. Take our Isis / Dark Kali example, if you had 9 skill boosts, you can use Isis on turn one. On your second turn, you will be able to use Dark Kali as it will have been fully charged. This becomes more crucial when dealing with longer cooldowns and inherited skills.

Advanced Strategies

I go into more detail in my follow up post describing more advanced strategies HERE.

Board Changers / Enhancers

Many teams would love to bring more full board changers or enhancers to the party, but may be unable to do so due to their monster box containing the wrong colour cards or unideal awakenings. For example, Awoken Lucifer Awoken Archdemon Lucifer teams only want to run dark devil/gods, but with skill inheritance, you can now give your regular monsters with powerful board changers that did not come from dark based cards. For example, you can transfer Karin Awoken Karin or Meimei MeiMei as they generate dark orbs (and can be combo-ed with someone like Pandora Awoken Pandora for 2/3 dark orbs). Conversely, you can also gain assistance from Ronia Red Sonia or Cameo Cameo for more flexibility. The options are endless and you need to look what is casually sitting around in your monster box and dare I say it, think outside the box.

Making pseudo bind removals

Some teams may struggle with binds and your monster box may not allow you to bring an on colour/type sub to handle them. With Skill Inheritance, you can create bind clearing subs from an already bind immune monster. For example, Lu Bu Lu Bu is a fantastic dark/devil sub for Awoken Pandora Awoken Pandora teams who has ideal awakenings and bind immunity. You can then inherit a bind clear active such as Ame no Uzume Ame to counteract binds. Granted it will take 17 turns to do so, but you did not have to sacrifice a sub slot on something less ideal while retaining the chance to use his 3x devil nuke.

Avoiding skill delay mechanics

Newer dungeons are introducing the skill delay mechanic and skill inheritance is a way to counteract it. Because Skill Inheritance is simply an extension of an existing cooldown, you can use it as a shield for when the boss delays your skills. Using our Isis / Dark Kali example, if we are on turn 7 (thus still Isis) and have our skills delayed by 2, we can still use Isis as our cooldown timer will be on 5. Expanding upon this, we can even inherit the same active onto the same monster as a means to essentially be delay proof (and always having the correct skill). This may not be practical for everyday usage, but is something to consider or at least using an assist active that is very similar to your base.

What do I do with this/how do I choose what to inherit?

This is a horribly loaded question and is probably on the forefront of most player’s minds. Sadly, there is no perfect answer as skill inheritance will be used to fill the voids in your team when facing specific dungeons/mechanics. If you need a bind clearing active, you select a bind immune card, go to the list of bind removing actives, and inherit. If you need a board changer, same logic applies, but you can choose your least valuable active to use as a base. You need to systematically go through the list of assistance subs I provided above and find what you have at your disposal and determine if you need to bring those for that specific encounter.

Video Guide

PadRagnarok has created a comprehensive video guide that helps explain how Skill Inheritance works. I strongly encourage you to check him out as he provides another Fantastic point of view on how to maximize your potential:


Skill inheritance brings forth an entirely new way to play Puzzle and Dragons. We now have the option of creating our ideal subs at the cost of a longer cooldown. Our team building options are now endless and will give us a chance to finally utilize some of our pulls that have been collecting dust or sitting pretty in our monster box. What will you do?

Happy Puzzling!

120 thoughts on “Skill Inheritance: Impressions and Strategies”

  1. For gravity, chibi dq hera can be used…as for delay, zeta Hydra…which allows for a five turn delay crucial for Vishnu and the killer predra and py floors…now they just need to release chibi Zeus and the gravity problem is solved…or make farmable descended bosses available…


    1. Very good call on the Chibi DQ, will be adding her in shortly =)

      Zeta Hydra is already included, but the options are still slim. If only the Christmas Healer girls could qualify =(


      1. There are so many things possible but this can be summed up in one meme…

        Gungtroll: making troll rolls relevant since 9.0

        Of course after we sold our troll rolls for mp…but seriously, I’m going on a binge skill up session…skilling up the fairy tale girls…and hoping for more dragon knights come godfest…


        1. Yeah I liberally emptied my box of the trash monsters upon the initial release of the MP system. Skill inheritance is not a hard fast requirement, just a nice additional bonus, almost like latents. Perhaps they will become more important, but it shouldn’t be mandatory for the majority of the content.


      2. I forgot to add..chibi dq hera transferred to Halloween thoth and sopdet makes yomidra relevant again, allowing the team to tank dq hera’s 42k arena2 preemptive…t and s alone give 20% dark resist…sbr, and one tpa, meaning you could theoretically have up to 50% dark resist


        1. That’s a very interesting point! Granted T&S have a less than ideal active, but if using the transfer system, you are probably only using for the gravity any way (lowest cd would be 21 turns) and may be a suitable replacement for stratios. Yomi D will still need some way to deal with the predras, but at least you can passively handle the preemptives!


          1. Ra dupes will be the next coveted roll after Orochi dupes..planning on rolling more…just got my second dupe…


              1. I would like your advice on orochi…I know force is five turns but requires 20 CD while awoken requires a 15 CD for four turns of delay. I’ve already made my second max skilled awoken orochi for Isis, but have three more orochi to work with…think force would be good for one? Or should I continue to burn py for awoken orochi? I was thinking one should have force because water carnival will come soon and it’ll be easier to farm twintons…


                1. Awoken is the far better choice as you shave off an addition 5 turns. You must also keep in mind that you still have to add the base monster’s CD to Orochi and any time saved is priceless.


                  1. Well, I just max skilled my third…gotta work on my ra dupes but not until I get more shynpy…have Pollux too…saria dupes would be nice next gf…thanks!


      3. Wait, why don’t the Christmas healer girls qualify? The post says

        Obtained from Rare Egg Machine or Collab Rare Egg Machine

        Those girls were part of the Christmas collab rare egg machine and thusly, DO apply


        1. Normally collab monsters can qualify for skill inheritance; however, the Christmas healer girls do not because they are only 4 star rarity and you require 5+ as stated in the padx posting:

          “5-star rarity or higher (current form, not base form)”


  2. “High end leaders with weak actives”
    The thing is, I’m going to have to disagree with your list. Some of those leaders actually have very powerful actives, like Sakuya, Ra Dragon, and Amaterasu (especially). Sakuya does a wombo combo with a bind clear mixed with an active, (powerful). Ra Dragon’s active is actually heavily undermined (2 turn haste is powerful, time extend is extremely helpful). Amaterasu has the most incorrect on that list. Amaterasu is one of the few monsters that has a triple active (three actions at once) that is also powerful (4 turn bind clear (That’s impressive), Recover HP (surprisingly helpful), and haste (useful AF)). I may sound picky, but I truly believe that these leader’s skills are already powerful. Sure, they could benefit from skill inheritance, but not “greatly” benefit as much as the other leaders on that list.


    1. The main downside of those leaders is that you have two of their actives. The role of Ama and Sakuya is powerful when chosen as a sub for particular teams, but when used as dual leads, it loses value. Bind clearing is of less importance, especially when both your leads are bind immune and have the recover bind awakening. It is rare you will need an on demand 6 or 8 turn bind clear and as such, 1 usually goes to waste. Sakuya would find much greater value out of a board refresh and Ama with a light orb maker.

      Also, Ra Dragon’s active pales in comparison to most other leaders. 2 turns haste is nice, but it is not game breaking nor is the time extend truly needed on high end teams with ample time extend awakenings. This is the reason why Ra Dragon is never used as a sub, you just don’t need the active.


      1. Sure the active for Sakuya may not be often times used for both purposes at the same time, but I think that that’s the whole point of having a double or triple active. Having two purposes on a single active means that you can flex the subs on your team as you don’t have to bring an extra utility sub. It doesn’t matter whether or not you can use both the actives effect in one turn, but the flexibility of being able to use either is so important. On top of this, with both leaders, you can use some part of the active for one floor, and use the other for the next floor, easing the weight on the subs. In rebuttal, I do have to argue that having the leaders with the same active, actually increases the actives value, especially with double or triple actives. Also, based on your argument, you’re basically saying that every endgame leader is better off as a sub because you don’t need two of them, which I believe as false.


        1. I am not saying a dual/triple purpose active is not helpful, but rather having 2 Sakuya or Ama actives for their respective teams is weak. The bind clearing component is less valuable as both leaders are bind immune and have recover bind awakenings. Furthermore, ideal Sakuya teams run A Susano and that means you can always activate your multiplier as all your colours will remain unbound. I have used Sakuya extensively for 2+ years and cleared Ch10s etc with her and the active is underwhelming. Removing 1-2M hp is nice, but that is easily compensated with more combos/light TPA. Also, dealing 36% gravity is nice, but requires 2 actives. It is great when it works for the right situation, but in most cases it falls flat.

          When selecting subs, you have control over what you bring and as such, the actives selected will be more impactful as you would not bring a sub who did not contribute anything to the party. Thus Ama is an amazing bind clear sub as that is her dedicated role. Conversely, you do not choose the leader for the active, but the leader skill and team composition (aka subs) you run.


          1. OK I’m just going to say that we have different opinions cause 1. Having 2 Sakuya or Amaterasus in their respective teams is not weak but more powerful due to the variance of usage also in most situations you only need one Sakuya active so having two means more flexibility on how one runs a dungeon, and 2. Amaterasus active is made for her role, afterall, you need her for her own leader skill.


  3. One thing interesting is now Amaterasu users could choose to sacrifice Sandalphon altogether and simply link Sun Quan’s active to someone… HMMMMMMMMMMM.

    Additionally you can link Raphael’s active to someone on Amaterasu, you can link Light Zhuge Liang’s active to Sandalphon…. even more HMMMMMMs

    One thing popular in JP is making, max skilling, and keeping multiple Awoken Orochi. I’m just happy I have a use for ROdin’s active skill, even if it’s nigh-impossible to skill up. I can stick it on someone else!


    1. Ama could be a great candidate for the skill linking as her active is not as needed. The opportunity to drop Sandalphon for someone with a better set of awakenings/stats is very appealing. The possibilities are endless!

      I wish I had 1 Orochi to play around with, maybe one day XD


  4. This is actually a huge mistake. Obviously Gung Ho are trying to boost short term profits for a game that’s slowly dying in popularity, but the entire game is just going to be run by ridiculous systems. Not to mention the ease of putting Echidna’s actives on a full team with tons of TPAs.

    This is really just bad. Puzzle and Dragons is just going to die off.


    1. You cannot use Echidna as the inherited skill as she is not a REM monster. Also, with SI, you have to wait for a very long time to use the inherited skill as it is the base monster’s CD+inherited CD. SI will allow for more flexibility in team building, but is by no means going to kill off the game. Future dungeons will be stronger to compensate etc


  5. Can you explain something to me?

    For example, when I running Awoken Venus team or Awoken Thor (my new team ;)) if I got a flash bind I’m in trouble.
    Also, I need more heart makers on my light teams, since I have only Wukong.

    If I do that:
    Baal is the only one unbindable and max skilled ( 8 turns), I have Sleeping Beauty also max skilled (6 turns)
    If I link Baal to her, in how many turns I’ll be able to use her skill?

    I have 10 skill boost awoken in my Thor team,
    So, that means that I must use Baal orb change in less than 4 turns or he’s skill will be replaced by the girl skill?

    Or I missing something?

    but I have Isis, so I can link Baal (the only one unbindable in my team) to Isis.
    The question in my mind now is…


  6. Sorry.. press enter o my phone before finish the post haha
    Baal + Sleeping Beauty sounds better, but Isis is faster.


    1. That’s all right for getting excited =P

      Baal with sleeping Beauty skill will take 8+6 = 14 turns to use the bind clear. That also means from turns 8-13 you can use baal. Once you hit 14 you will no longer have access to the light orb change.

      If you link isis to baal, your window of opportunity to use Baal’s active is much shorter (turn 8-10 and once 11 it becomes Isis)

      Therefore, choose the cooldown that best suits the situation. You can always change as the taans are farmable


  7. OK, here we go Mantastic…haha

    Let’s say Awoken Venus (4 turns) hosting something like…Verche! (I know I can’t use verche).
    Just hypothetical…
    My team have 10 skill boost, so…what’s gonna happen when I just start the dungeon?


    1. You should have access to Verche’s skill and not Venus (I could be wrong as things get lost in translation). If this is the case, skill boosts will become quite relevant


  8. I have a Pandora team and am considering investing skill inheriting litlith’s poison or cauchemar delay and board change. Thoughts


    1. Well any farmable monster’s actives you are unable to inherit. Eg. putting Lilith’s skill onto Pandora is not allowed. Would have to be the other way around: using lilith as a sub and inheriting Pandora’s skill.

      Some food for thought for Pandora teams, you can inherit Meimei or Karin’s skills and wombo combo with Pandora’s active as you will create a 2/3 dark board. I am planning to do that with my Awoken Lucifer team


      1. I am going to do that as well. Imprint one of my Meimeis on Claire. I could do it on Lucifer but Claire is up faster. I could actually do it twice and run Pandora, Pandora, Loki, Claire/Meimei, Claire/Meimei plus Pandora friend.


        1. @Kasi, I am going to presume you do not own Zuoh (as he is a fantastic sub as he yields the same effect as meimei’s active with pandora). Just remember if your inherited skill is charged, you cannot use your base skill.


          1. No I lack any of the non Ronia devil board clears. No Haku, Zuoh, Cecil or Batman. The thing hurting my devil team is a way to deal with bad boards or guys like Beelzebub. I don’t have any of the single board changers that rat poison like Castor or Escha either. It’s why I’ve chosen to invest in Thoria/Da Qiao over Lucifer/Pandora.


            1. Hmm that is unfortunate, hopefully you do pull something that can act as a board changer (that at least spawns dark orbs) to transfer onto Lucifer.

              Are you planning on running Awoken DQXQ when she goes live?


              1. I have plenty of things that spawn dark orbs. They’re just not dark subs. My typical Lucifer team is him, two Pandoras, Loki and Claire. I have 3 Meimeis and three Karins. I have a Lumiel and 2 Ronias. So I have plenty of full board changers I can put on people that make dark. I just don’t have a sub that has the skill themselves and is dark main. I also have things that make dark like 2 Claires and 2 Persphones, but neither of those clear Poison/Jammers.

                Since I’m non IAP now I just need to get lucky for rolls. I’ve not though as my luck mostly sucks. It seems like I get one good monster every 3 months or so and dupes/crap otherwise. Even the 5 bucks for 10 stones and a REM roll just got me a second Mori. Sun Wukong was the good recent roll that got me into Thoria. I have 35 stones atm and am trying to save up more from doing coin/multiplayer/etc but still not sure what to spend on. This upcoming PCGF is okay for me but not great. I have over half the monsters in it and the number of non 6 stars I need from it is very low. Basically just Gadius, Uriel, Orochi (dupes are welcome), Akechi and Haku. Maybe Raphael for utility. And really Gadius and Uriel are only good if i get enough to go with my existing Uriel to warrant buying Xiang Mei. So I might just roll til not gold and then save for the next 4x.

                As for Da Qiao yeah most likely. Since that team and Saria share subs I’ve been able to double dip on maxing them. I currently have hypermaxed Saria, Da Qiao and Sun Wukong. Amaterasu is also very close. Next will be Ilm followed most likely by Susano. Then either Arthur or second Da Qiao. Plan on running Da Qiao, Sun Wukong, Arthur, Susano, Amaterasu as my Da Qiao team. Should have about 26-27k health and tons of healing/shields/utility. At that point I’ll think more about what monsters I want to inherit on to others. (past the obvious Claire/Meimei pairing)


                1. Might make sense to put second Claire onto Lucifer. That would give him a fairly quick heart breaker that works with my two Pandoras. My Lucifer and D/D Pandora are hypermaxed, my awoken Pandora just has a few eggs on her.


                  1. Your DQXQ team sounds solid as you cover a healthy mix of utility and offensive capabilities. A second DQXQ will be stronger than Arthur as you dont need the dark coverage and her raw stats, awakenings, and active are more powerful (heart generation is always amazing).

                    As to your Lucifer inheriting a skill, you are better off gaining Meimei or Karin’s active as he will not be very fast if you put Claire on and are better off waiting for the larger and more impactful active (Claire + Luci is 13 turns and that is not very good value for a single orb change). I am planning on putting Karin on my Lucifer (as I lack a meimei)

                    Hopefully the PCGF will help fill the voids in your monster box =)


                    1. I’m kinda torn between Arthur and second Da Qiao. From what people who’ve played with them said dark coverage is pretty important. I have Susano though so no reason to use Diza and there isn’t really many good subs out there that are useful and dark sub. Arthur just seems better than most (I don’t want to try defoud) since he basically acts as a heart breaker if used before Da Qiao. But I can just go for the pure power play and run two ADQXQs though. Basically I’ll put the team together and then see which sub works best for the last spot. If I got a dark sub board wipe before that, or heck even rolled a Dark Kali that might make me change my mind. I also suppose I could always buy Ragnarok Dragon as he would also be a great sub. (I’m still undecided on what to buy, don’t think I’m buying light guy as he’s basically Da Qiao who needs more orbs and has no healing.)


                    2. Yeah, all of my opinion are still theoretical and it all depends on what subs you bring. If you have the second ADQXQ, you will have another dark orb remover. However, everyone plays and matches differently so best to test . I may use my L/D Izanagi or Loki depending on what the dungeon calls for.

                      Ragnarok Dragon would be a pretty solid option as his board change combos well into DQXQ and his naturally large bulk will be greatly welcomed.


                    3. I do have Loki but not Izanagi. Although tbh I just don’t see what he really brings to that team. Is there many dungeons you need 200x damage? Defoud, R/D Cao Cao and Kagatsuchi might all see some play from time to time though since they are all sub dark and have useful actives.


                    4. Certain content may need it (also if your team is underdeveloped or missing many light rows). I still need to actually test these things out XD

                      Maybe only R/D cao cao is worthwhile from that list as he at least has a beneficial active for rainbow teams


                    5. Well Kagatsuchi might be useful for the armor break. Now Da Qiao should be able to blow most things apart, but Kagatsuchi will turn hearts into dark at which Da Qiao can then turn them into Light. (and the fire orbs he makes into hearts) so it could have some usage. But I agree probably limited.

                      Defoud though is good. Heartbreaker who also turns Jammers into Light on a 6 turn cd. Also has decent awakenings with his OEs. If I had a max skilled one I’d probably use him over Valk on my light teams.


                    6. I for some reason got mixed up about Defoud with someone else and that is a reasonable active, if he is skilled up XD

                      What DQXQ will need the most is utility, so even if it is a dark primary sub, it may be valuable. I know you discredited Diza, but her powerful shield and massive base HP may come in handy


                    7. The only reason I discredit Diza is because I have Susano who I consider superior. But not that much so since I have been farming her this week to get her max skilled. If I put Diza then I do cover dark and red. Green and blue are already covered which means I can put together a Da Qiao, Da Qiao, Sun Wukong, Amaterasu, Izanami team. Which might be better.

                      As for inheritance it arrived and I did three easy choices.

                      Shiva – Awoken Leilan
                      Lucifer – Ronia
                      Claire – Meimei

                      So question. Given that my main lead atm is Saria and one of her main subs is Da Qiao and they will need to coexist on Saria but not on ADQXQ who should I put on Saria and Da Qiao? Options include Sun Quan, a couple Hades, Metatron, Orochi, Ra, Neptune. I’m loathe to use Ra or Orochi since they’re the only ones I have but I could be convinced.


                    8. A 3 turn shield on only a 6-turn cooldown is fantastic value (even better with haste) and was one of my earlier +297s

                      Those are great choices for your inheritance and I will be doing something similar along with a post detailing various options along with some of my own choices

                      You do not need to do SI on those other cards as they do have useful actives. I would wait until you find a real need for them and inherit accordingly


  9. > Skill inheritance will allow you to link 2 different REM 5+ star monsters together as a means to share their active skills.

    If this page is meant to be permanent, I think there is a correction to make.


    1. This post was made 2+ months ago upon the initial announcement and will be updated accordingly when the NA version goes live and nothing is lost in translation =)


  10. So will you be updating guides with suggested inheritance? I currently run a Lkali/Lkali/Venus/Izanagi/Valk and Saku/Lkai/Lkali/ASusa/Verche.


    1. Suggesting Inheritance is challenging as you mainly use this mechanic to counter what your team is unable to do in a specific dungeon. I added in a little section: What do I do with this/how do I choose what to inherit?

      This is a horribly loaded question and is probably on the forefront of most player’s minds. Sadly, there is no perfect answer as skill inheritance will be used to fill the voids in your team when facing specific dungeons/mechanics. If you need a bind clearing active, you select a bind immune card, go to the list of bind removing actives, and inherit. If you need a board changer, same logic applies, but you can choose your least valuable active to use as a base. You need to systematically go through the list of assistance subs I provided above and find what you have at your disposal and determine if you need to bring those for that specific encounter.

      For your teams specifically, Your light kali team is missing a shield (or gravity) and can be used on Venus or Valkyrie depending on who you would use less. Your Lkali team is pretty close/same as mine

      Sakuya team can benefit from a damage enhance (i know you can do up to 100x, but the consistency isn’t there) on your leader (think thor or Loki) or some sort of heart generation as healing can be an issue.

      Hope this helps, but it’s really hard to make recommendations =(


      1. it helps a little yes, and I realize it is a loaded question. I just didn’t know if there were some ‘perfect’ always inheritable situations. My Kali team is yours, because I liked you post on it so much. Prior to that I ran LKali/Lkali/Yomi/Saku/Fuma. The loss of the fingers took a little getting used to. I am very excited for the LKali buff this update as well 🙂


        1. Then it is a very good team =P

          The nice thing about Kali is she is pretty much perfect as is and it is mainly inheriting niche actives as needed for specific encounters on your various subs.

          I am also quite excited for her huge dmg buff and will tinker around with her and see how much content she is capable of clearing now =D


          1. I’m hoping that Z8 becomes easier with her now. I would love to max skill one for my Panda team, but I struggle so badly with that dungeon.


  11. I feel like it’s weird how you can’t use skill 1 if you have both skill 1 and 2 available. That kinda puts a limit on things….unless I read their description wrong? Overall excited for this change, I wonder what new meta’s will come out of this!


    1. I think it was done as a means to prevent overpowering a dungeon. It also forces you to be careful when selecting specific transfers and using actives to prevent switching to the second skill if it is undesirable.

      Best example is having Isis as a base and requiring the bind clear for a specific encounter. You should pop her (or the transferred active) 3 turns before so your bind clear is ready


  12. Hey mantastic, I love your blog.. question,
    If i do a skill transfer on my leader, will my friends be able to see this and be able to use the inherited skill from my leader when they use my leader?



    1. Thanks for the encouragement =)

      Yes, if your leader has successfully inherited a skill, your friends would be able to see and use the second skill when it is fully charged


  13. Thank you for compiling this list! I don’t think LZL can clear binds though. He still enhances and heals 😦


    1. With 0 knowledge about your team, it is near impossible. However, a good rule would be a full board changer such as Haku. I am doing a follow up article that may address this question in better detail (I am still working through it myself) so check back in in a day or two =)


      1. My teams are a.yomi, diza, typhon, uuvo pandora, z8. I sometimes swap diza with a. Anubis, rcdkv or kakkab. Thanks!


        1. Skill Inheritance is mainly a way to address gaps in your team’s weakness and the main thing you are missing is either another orb changer or a real bind clear (not banking on typhon’s bind clear). You just need to adapt to the situation


          1. Got it. I guess I need another orb changer then since for bind clear I can always swap for aamir as sub.


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